Parliament of Tasmania - Annual list of Bills

Last updated: 8 April 2021

Bills introduced into Parliament - 2002

Bills details
Acts Enumeration (No.2) (pro forma) (50 of 2002)
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical (Control of Use) Amendment (No. 2) (65 of 2002)
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Amendment (Ban 1080) (78 of 2002)
Anglican Church of Australia Constitution Amendment (No. 2) (52 of 2002)
Civil Aviation (Carriers' Liability) Amendment (No. 2) (59 of 2002)
Civil Liability (75 of 2002)
Constitution Amendment (69 of 2002)
Constitution Amendment (membership of State Parliament (96 of 2002)
Criminal Code Amendment (Concealing Crimes) (No. 2) (101 of 2002)
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Amendment (88 of 2002)
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Amendment (Fee Liability) (No. 2) (58 of 2002)
Evidence Amendment (74 of 2002)
Fair Trading Amendment (Unconscionable Conduct) (60 of 2002)
Food (102 of 2002)
Forestry Amendment (83 of 2002)
Gaming Control Amendment (Foreign Games Permit) (No.2) (53 of 2002)
Gas Infrastructure (Miscellaneous Amendments) (87 of 2002)
Gas Pipelines Planning and Safety (Miscellaneous Amendments) (93 of 2002)
Government Business Enterprises Amendment (84 of 2002)
Inland Fisheries Amendment (89 of 2002)
Joint Standing Committee on Financial Operations (64 of 2002)
Justice (Amendment of Custody Legislation) (70 of 2002)
Justice (Delegated Legislation) (82 of 2002)
Justices of the Peace (Validation) (73 of 2002)
Land Valuers Amendment (No. 2) (54 of 2002)
Living Marine Resources Management (Validation of Documents) (91 of 2002)
Local Government (Highways) Amendment (92 of 2002)
Local Government Amendment (Separate Rates) (71 of 2002)
Mining (Strategic Prospectivity Zones) Amendment (72 of 2002)
Motor Accidents (Liabilities and Compensation) Amendment (Terrorism) (63 of 2002)
National Parks and Reserves Management (97 of 2002)
National Parks and Wildlife Separation (Consequential Amendments) (99 of 2002)
Natural Resource Management (No. 2) (68 of 2002)
Nature Conservation (98 of 2002)
Partition (No 2) (pro forma) (51 of 2002)
Passenger Transport (Transitional Regulations Validations (No. 2) (57 of 2002)
Passenger Transport Amendment (No. 2) (56 of 2002)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement (80 of 2002)
Retirement Benefits (Parliamentary Superannuation Trustee Arrangements and Miscellaneous Amendments) (95 of 2002)
Roads and Jetties Amendment (86 of 2002)
Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens (67 of 2002)
Surveyors (No. 2) (55 of 2002)
Taxation Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments and Repeal) (90 of 2002)
Taxi and Luxury Hire Car Industries Amendment (94 of 2002)
Terrorism (Commonwealth Powers) (104 of 2002)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Compulsory Carriage of Driver Licence) (62 of 2002)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) (76 of 2002)
Vocational Education and Training Amendment (81 of 2002)
Water Management Amendment (85 of 2002)
Water Management Amendment (Transfer of Water Allocations) (77 of 2002)
Wellington Park Amendment (66 of 2002)
Workplace Health and Safety Amendment (79 of 2002)
Youth Justice Amendment (61 of 2002)


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The bills available on this site are distributed by the Parliament of Tasmania for information purposes only. Reference should be made to authorised versions of bills for official purposes.