Historical Committees 1997 - 2013

Historical Content
While we continue to update historical content, you can continue to browse the old Parliament of Tasmania website if you are unable to find what you are looking for. Please note that past Parliamentary Standing Committee of Public Accounts Committee (PAC) reports are available on the PAC webpages:  see here


Legislative Council Select Committee - Rural Road Speed Limits
Legislative Council - Estimates Committees 2013


House of Assembly - Child Protection
House of Assembly - Estimates Committees 2012
House of Assembly - Government Businesses Scrutiny Committees 2012

Legislative Council - Estimates Committees 2012
Legislative Council - Government Businesses Scrutiny Committees 2012
Legislative Council Select Committee - Tasmanian Forestry Agreement Bill 2012


House of Assembly - Government Business Scrutiny Committees 2011
House of Assembly - Estimates Committees 2011

Legislative Council - Estimates Committees 2011
Legislative Council - Government Businesses Scrutiny Committees 2011
Legislative Council Select Committee - Public Sector Executive Appointments
Legislative Council - Surrogacy Bill 2011 


Legislative Council Select Committee - Tourism in Tasmania
Legislative Council Select Committee - Island Transport Services

Legislative Council Select Committee - Road Safety
Legislative Council - Estimates Committees 2010
Legislative Council - Government Businesses Scrutiny Committees 2010

Joint Standing Committee - Community Development

House of Assembly - Estimates Committees 2010
House of Assembly - Government Businesses Scrutiny Committees 2010


House of Assembly - Estimates Committees 2009

Legislative Council Select Committee - Accreditation of Building Practitioners and Administration of the Building Act 2000
Legislative Council - Estimates Committees 2009
Legislative Council - Government Businesses Scrutiny Committees 2009
Legislative Council Select Committee - Management of Tamar and Esk Rivers
Legislative Council Select Committee - Mental Health Legislative Measures
Legislative Council Select Committee - Mining Industry Regulation
Legislative Council Select Committee - Public Hospital  System

Joint Select Committee - Select Committee on Ethical Conduct
Joint Standing Committee - Working Arrangements of the Parliament


House of Assembly Select Committee - Work Choices Legislation

Legislative Council Select Committee - Housing Affordability in Tasmania
Legislative Council Select Committee - Organ Donation
Legislative Council Select Committee -  Surrogacy
Joint Select Committee - Gene Technology in Primary Industries
Legislative Council - Estimates Committees 2008
Legislative Council - Government Businesses Enterprise Committees 2008


Joint Standing Committee on Environment, Resources and Development


Legislative Council - Government Business Enterprise Scrutiny Committees 2006



Legislative Council Select Committee - Clyde River Water

Joint Select Committee - Community Development - Inquiry into Amendments to the  Relationships (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2003


Joint Select Committee on International Students
Joint Select Committee on Community Development - Inquiry into Ambulance Services in Tasmania


Legislative Council Select Committee - Bass Strait Air Transport
Legislative Council Select Committee - Impact of Gaming Machines


Legislative Council Select Committee - Government Business Enterprises and Government Corporations

Joint Select Committee on Gene Technology

Legal Recognition of Significant Personal Relationships - Report


Legislative Council Select Committee - Post School Options for Young Adults with Disabilities
Legislative Council Select Committee - Aboriginal Lands.
Legislative Council Select Committee - Industrial Relations.


Joint Select Committee - Adoption & Related Services 1950-1988
Legislative Council Select Committee - Correctional and Sentencing in Tasmania.
House of Assembly Standing Committee on Community Development - Inquiry into the need for legislative regulation and reform of the sex industry in Tasmania

Public Works Committee - Don College Multi Purpose Facility


Joint Select Committee - Workers Compensation Schemes
House of Assembly Standing Committee on Community Development - Inquiry into the need for legislation on voluntary euthanasia
Legislative Council Select Committee - Registration of Overseas-trained medical practitioners


Joint Select Committee - Public Sector Superannuation in Tasmania
House of Assembly Select Committee - Grocery Markets and Prices