2022 - 2023 Legislative Council Register of Members Interests

Last UpdatedMember NameEelectorate
17 October 2023Armitage, The Honourable Rosemary LoisLaunceston
17 October 2023Duigan, The Honourable Nicholas John HenryWindermere
17 October 2023Edmunds, The Honourable Luke MatthewPembroke
17 October 2023Farrell, The Honourable Craig MaxwellDerwent
17 October 2023Forrest, The Honourable Ruth JaneMurchison
17 October 2023Gaffney, The Honourable Michael VictorMersey
17 October 2023Harriss, The Honourable Dean AndrewHuon
17 October 2023Hiscutt, The Honourable Leonie AnneMontgomery
17 October 2023Howlett, The Honourable JaneProsser
17 October 2023Lovell, The Honourable Sarah ElizabethRumney
17 October 2023Palmer, The Honourable JoanneRosevears
17 October 2023Rattray, The Honourable Tania VereneMcIntyre
17 October 2023

Valentine, The Honourable Robert Henry Francis

Variation Return

17 October 2023Webb, The Honourable Megan ThereseNelson
17 October 2023Willie, The Honourable Joshua BartonElwick