Parliament of Tasmania - Education Resources
House of Assembly Education Office
School excursions to Parliament House are most welcome
To ensure the best possible excursion outcomes, teachers need to read the information regarding excursion planning.
MoreLearn at Parliament
An excursion to Parliament House allows students to see firsthand the work of the Parliament of Tasmania, giving authenticity and inherent value to Civics and Citizenship Education.
MoreDigital technologies open Parliament to schools across Tasmania
The parliamentary broadcast service and Hansard allow students to watch and read the work of Parliament.
MoreUnderstand Parliament
The Australian Curriculum identifies Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) as a learning area for students. Included in the HASS curriculum is the subject of Civics and Citizenship.
MoreProbing deeper into Parliament
Understanding the Parliament of Tasmania gives Legal Studies students insight into the political and legal structures which are the foundation of Tasmanian society.
MorePassing legislation is one of the core functions of the Parliament
In a democracy, the law-making process is open and transparent.
MoreParliament and the past
Examining Bills previously debated by the Parliament of Tasmania gives students insight into Tasmanian parliamentary history.