Parliament of Tasmania - HAEO - Book a Visit

House of Assembly Education Office

Book a visit to Parliament House.

How to book an education visit to Parliament

  1. Read the planning notes on excursions to Parliament House.

  2. Select from the programs on offer outlined on the visit page.

  3. Check the Parliament’s sitting schedule remembering school programs are subject to the sitting calendar.

  4. Submit an enquiry through the House of Assembly Education Office booking enquiry form (link below).

  5. Check if eligible for the Tasmanian Regional School Travel Rebate - currently available until June 30 2024.

The HAEO will be in contact to confirm the booking via email and with a subsequent postal confirmation.

All programs are free of charge but bookings are essential.

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Booking FAQs

What if the school has more than one class?

For a visit to the Parliament: On non-sitting days, the House of Assembly Education Office is able to host one or sometimes two classes per day (subject to conditions). Schools are most welcome to make bookings across different days to accommodate multiple classes.

For an online program: The live online lessons are best delivered to one class at a time but schools are most welcome to book more than one lesson. Subject to availability, online programs are available most days.

On sitting days, the House of Assembly Education Office can host one class at a time.

How can a school apply for the Tasmanian Regional School Travel Rebate?

Eligible schools can apply for the Tasmanian Regional School Travel Rebate at the time of booking. A school’s place in the program is registered when the booking is confirmed. Teachers must submit the completed Tasmanian Regional School Travel Rebate Application Form to an Education Officer on arrival at Parliament House. The rebate is paid into the nominated school bank account after the school visit to Parliament House. This scheme is currently available until June 30 2024.

Will students be able to meet Members of Parliament?

On occasions, Members of Parliament may welcome a school from their electorate to Parliament House. This is a simple but highly effective way for students to connect with their elected representatives. However given the enormous workload of parliamentarians, these meetings are always subject to a Member’s availability.

How to change a pre-existing booking?

Please contact the House of Assembly Education office to make alterations to a booked visit on or (03) 6212 2275.

The HAEO understands excursion planning can go awry and changes may need to be made to a booking. The more notice that can be given the more likely changes can be accommodated and the visit can be rescheduled to a time that suits.

For more information contact the House of Assembly Education Office.