The Australasian Study of Parliament Group (ASPG) is a politically non-partisan body which was established in 1978 to encourage and stimulate research, writing, teaching and discussion about parliamentary institutions, particularly those in Australasia and the South Pacific. The ASPG has Chapters in all States and Territories of Australia and in New Zealand. Its membership consists of parliamentarians, parliamentary officers, academics, teachers journalists students and other interested individuals.
Australasian Parliamentary Review, (successor of Legislative Studies) is the ASPG’s official journal and is published twice a year. The ASPG also holds an Annual Conference hosted by the Australian and New Zealand parliaments on a rotational basis. Conference papers are delivered on parliamentary related themes and selected papers are published in Australasian Parliamentary Review.
For further information contact the Tasmanian Secretary/Treasurer:
Fiona Murphy
ASPG TAS Chapter
Parliament House
Hobart, Tasmania 7000