Parliament of Tasmania - HAEO - Regional Access
House of Assembly Education Office
Regional Access
Members and the role of their statewide Electorate Offices
Many students are surprised to learn that the majority of a Member’s work is conducted outside Parliament House. To assist Members with their work, all Members of the Parliament of Tasmania have an electorate office, located in a town within their electorate. Electorate offices act as a base for Members to meet with constituents. It enables a Member to be an active participant in their community, developing a deep understanding of community concerns and celebrations, ensuring they can authentically represent their electorate within the Parliament of Tasmania.
Like all Tasmanians, students can contact their local Members through their electorate offices. This could be as simple as students or class leaders writing a letter to their local Member, raising youth concerns about an issue or highlighting a school celebration. Members enjoy attending school assemblies to present awards but often appreciate an invitation to a class, to talk about the work of a Member of Parliament.
Please note: Teachers should be mindful that most schools have a policy on incursions including inviting guest speakers into school.
The Parliament of Tasmania website lists the electorate offices of all House of Assembly Members and Legislative Council Members.