Parliament of Tasmania - HAEO - Current Bills
House of Assembly Education Office
Current Bills
Follow the passage of a Bill through the Houses of Parliament
It is important that Tasmanians know and understand the laws that apply to them. This includes proposals for new or amended Tasmanian laws (Bills). Like society, laws are not static, they evolve over time. The Parliament of Tasmania aims to provide access to the Bills currently before Parliament to ensure everyone is up-to-date with laws.
Statute Law
Under the Westminster parliamentary system, a Bill must pass through a series of steps before it can become an Act of Parliament. Each Bill must pass a three reading process in the House of Assembly and the Legislative Council before receiving Royal Assent from the Governor of Tasmania. Like the contents of the Bill itself, the progress of a Bill is open to the public.
The Tasmanian Legislation website provides free public access to Tasmanian legislation, including shortcuts to recently passed or amended legislation. The website is maintained by the Office of Parliamentary Counsel.
Subordinate Legislation
Subordinate legislation (also known as delegated legislation) is legislation made not directly in an Act of Parliament but under the authority of an Act of the Parliament. In essence, the Parliament delegates limited power to the Executive Government to make certain regulations. Subordinate legislation is necessary and often justified for its capacity to adjust administrative or technical details with undue delay. This is particularly useful for matters likely to change frequently.
However, Parliament not the Executive Government is the supreme legislative authority. As such, the Joint Standing Committee on Subordinate Legislation scrutinises delegated legislation on behalf of the Parliament.
Local Governments and by-laws
The Local Government Act 1993 gives Tasmanian local governments, limited powers to make by-laws for their municipality. Under the responsibility of the Tasmanian Government, the Local Government Division of the Department of Premier and Cabinet has more details on local government legislation.
For more information contact the House of Assembly Education Office.