Parliament of Tasmania - Annual list of Bills

Last updated: 8 April 2021

Bills introduced into Parliament - 2004

Bills details
Aboriginal Land Council Elections (10 of 2004)
Aboriginal Lands Amendment (69 of 2004)
Acts Enumeration (Pro-forma) (1 of 2004)
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemical (Control of Use) Amendment (Ban 1080) (58 of 2004)
Anti-Discrimination (Remove Age Limit) Amendment) (49 of 2004)
Archives Amendment (53 of 2004)
Australian Crime Commission (Tasmania) (12 of 2004)
Ban on Canal Estate Development (21 of 2004)
Bell Bay Power Station (34 of 2004)
Building Amendment (Doubts Removal) (72 of 2004)
Building and Constrution Industry Training Fund Amendment (70 of 2004)
Chemical Trespass (60 of 2004)
Civil Liability Amendment (8 of 2004)
Civil Liability Amendment (Proportionate Liability) (66 of 2004)
Consolidated Fund A (29 of 2004)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation (Supplementary Appropriation for 2003-2004) (30 of 2004)
Constitution Amendment (Membership of State Parliament) (18 of 2004)
Conveyancing (39 of 2004)
Criminal Code Amendment (Stalking) (27 of 2004)
Crown Lands (Shack Sites) Amendment (23 of 2004)
Duties Amendment (First Home Owners Concession) (32 of 2004)
Electoral (63 of 2004)
Electoral (Consequential Amendments) (64 of 2004)
Electricity Ombudsman Amendment (15 of 2004)
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Amendment (Hearings) (7 of 2004)
Family Violence (87 of 2004)
Forest Practices Administrative Reform (Transitional and Consequential) (74 of 2004)
Forest Practices Amendment (Administrative Reform) (73 of 2004)
Freedom of Information (Release Provisions Expanded) (26 of 2004)
Freedom of Information Amendment ( Repeal of Special Forestry Exemption) (13 of 2004)
Gaming Control Amendment (38 of 2004)
Gas Amendment (78 of 2004)
Genetically Modified Organisms Control (9 of 2004)
Government Business Enterprises (Remove Age Limit) (50 of 2004)
Government Business Enterprises Amendment (42 of 2004)
Government Business Enterprises Amendment (Repeal of Ageist Provisions) (51 of 2004)
Governor of Tasmania Amendment (47 of 2004)
Health Complaints Amendment (61 of 2004)
Homes Amendment (68 of 2004)
Jim Bacon Foundation (90 of 2004)
Juries Amendment (83 of 2004)
Justice and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (55 of 2004)
Legal Profession Amendment (11 of 2004)
Limitation Amendment (80 of 2004)
Liquor and Accommodation Amendment (36 of 2004)
Liquor and Accommodation Amendment (Fees) (59 of 2004)
Local Government (Highways) Amendment (84 of 2004)
Long Service Leave (State Employees) Amendment (79 of 2004)
Medical Practitioners Registration Amendment (17 of 2004)
Mental Health Amendment (Community Treatment Orders) (92 of 2004)
National Trust of Australia (Tasmania) Amendment (88 of 2004)
Optometrists Registration Amendment (6 of 2004)
Partition (pro forma) (2 of 2004)
Personal Information Protection (52 of 2004)
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment (22 of 2004)
Pharmacists Registration Amendment (41 of 2004)
Police Offences Amendment (19 of 2004)
Police Offences Amendment (No. 2) (82 of 2004)
Pollution of Waters by Oil and Noxious Substances Amendment (37 of 2004)
Prepaid Funerals (5 of 2004)
Public Health Amendment (56 of 2004)
Public Health Amendment (Extension of Smoke Free Areas) (24 of 2004)
Public Health Amendment (Smoke Free Indoor Workplace Areas) (48 of 2004)
Public Interest Disclosures Amendment (31 of 2004)
Public Sector Superannuation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) (62 of 2004)
Public Sector Superannuation (Misecellaneous Amendments) (4 of 2004)
Racing Regulation (75 of 2004)
Racing Regulation (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) (77 of 2004)
Racing Regulation Amendment (Tote Tasmania) (40 of 2004)
Referendum Procedures (65 of 2004)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement and Rescission (85 of 2004)
Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal Amendment (86 of 2004)
Retirement Benefits Amendment (Early Release of Benefits) (46 of 2004)
Roman Catholic Church Property Amendment (91 of 2004)
Shop Trading Hours Amendment (Boxing Day and Easter Sunday) Bill 2004 (89 of 2004)
Sullivans Cove Waterfront Authority (67 of 2004)
Supreme Court Civil Procedure Amendment (3 of 2004)
Taxation and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (45 of 2004)
Teachers Registration Amendment (20 of 2004)
Telecommunications (Interception) Tasmania Amendment (43 of 2004)
Tote Tasmania (Racing Regulation) (76 of 2004)
Traffic Amendment (Authorised Officers) (16 of 2004)
Traffic Amendment (Notice of Demand) (35 of 2004)
University of Tasmania Amendment (71 of 2004)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) (54 of 2004)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Offence Detection Devices) (33 of 2004)
Vocational Education and Training Amendment (Tasmanian Learning and Skills Authority) (57 of 2004)
Water Legislation Amendment (14 of 2004)
Wellington Park Amendment (44 of 2004)
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (28 of 2004)
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Miscellaneous) (81 of 2004)


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The bills available on this site are distributed by the Parliament of Tasmania for information purposes only. Reference should be made to authorised versions of bills for official purposes.