Parliament of Tasmania - Annual list of Bills

Last updated: 8 April 2021

Bills introduced into Parliament - 2005

Bills details
Aboriginal Lands Amendment. (39 of 2005)
Administration and Probate Amendment (91 of 2005)
Animal Welfare (Sale and Ownership of Leg Traps) Amendment (41 of 2005)
Associations Incorporation (43 of 2005)
Child Care Amendment (68 of 2005)
Civil Liability Amendment (56 of 2005)
Community Protection (Offender Reporting) (86 of 2005)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation (23 of 2005)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation (Supplementary Appropriation for 2004-2005) (31 of 2005)
Coroners Amendment (62 of 2005)
Criminal Code Amendment (Child Exploitation) (37 of 2005)
Criminal Injuries Compensation Amendment (17 of 2005)
Dangerous Goods Amendment (65 of 2005)
Dangerous Goods and Substances (transitional and Consequential Provisions) (66 of 2005)
Dangerous Substances (Safe Handling) (64 of 2005)
Daylight Saving Amendment (50 of 2005)
Defamation (67 of 2005)
Directions For Medical Treatment Bill 2005 (42 of 2005)
Duties Amendment (10 of 2005)
Electricity Supply Industry (Miscellaneous Amendments) (90 of 2005)
Family Violence Amendment (80 of 2005)
Fire Service Amendment (34 of 2005)
Fire Service Amendment (No. 2) (85 of 2005)
Fixed Term Parliament (30 of 2005)
Forest Practices Amendment (18 of 2005)
Forest Practices Amendment (Threatened Native Vegetation Communities) (92 of 2005)
Gaming Control Amendment (Betting Exchange) (78 of 2005)
Gaming Control Amendment (Miscellaneous Amendments) (38 of 2005)
Gas Amendment (82 of 2005)
Government Business Enterprises Amendment (73 of 2005)
Health Service Establishments (53 of 2005)
Industrial Relations Amendment (Fair Conditions) (71 of 2005)
Inland Fisheries Amendment (55 of 2005)
Justice and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (3 of 2005)
Land Titles Amendment (26 of 2005)
Land Use Planning and Approvals Amendment (77 of 2005)
Legislation Repeal (54 of 2005)
Living Marine Resources Management Amendment (9 of 2005)
Local Government (Consequential Amendments) (2 of 2005)
Local Government Amendment (1 of 2005)
Marine and Safety Authority Amendment (84 of 2005)
Mental Health Amendment (15 of 2005)
Mental Health Amendment (Secure Mental Health Unit) (69 of 2005)
Misuse of Drugs Amendment (52 of 2005)
Monetary Penalties Enforcement (76 of 2005)
Nature Conservation Amendment (Threatened Native Vegetation Communities) (93 of 2005)
Occupational Licensing (29 of 2005)
Ombudsman Amendment (24 of 2005)
Parliamentary Privilege Amendment (7 of 2005)
Perinatal Registry Amendment (27 of 2005)
Personal Information Protection Amendment (49 of 2005)
Pharmacists Registration Amendment (89 of 2005)
Plant Quarantine Amendment (35 of 2005)
Police Powers (Public Safety) (88 of 2005)
Prisoners (Interstate Transfer)Amendment) (16 of 2005)
Professional Standards (5 of 2005)
Property Agents and Land Transactions (45 of 2005)
Protection of Public Participation (14 of 2005)
Public Sector Superannuation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (79 of 2005)
Radiation Protection (51 of 2005)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement (60 of 2005)
Residential Tenancy Amendment (83 of 2005)
Retirement Benefits (State Fire Commission Superannuation Scheme) (33 of 2005)
Revenue Measures (32 of 2005)
Road Safety (Alcohol and Drugs) (No.2) (28 of 2005)
Road Safety (Alcohol and Drugs)Amendment (12 of 2005)
Same-Sex Marriage (20 of 2005)
Same-Sex Marriage (Celebrant and Registration) (21 of 2005)
Same-Sex Marriage (Dissolution and Annulment) (19 of 2005)
Security and Investigations Agents Amendment (Crowd Controllers) (75 of 2005)
Security-Sensitive Dangerous Substances (40 of 2005)
Sex Industry Offences Bill 2005 (63 of 2005)
Sex Industry Regulation (36 of 2005)
Standard Time Amendment (Co-ordinated Universal Time) (44 of 2005)
State Policies and Projects Amendments (8 of 2005)
Statutory Officers (Age for Retirement) (6 of 2005)
Sullivans Cove Waterfront Authority Amendment (61 of 2005)
Tasmanian Bill of Rights (70 of 2005)
Tasmanian Community Fund (47 of 2005)
Tasmanian Early Years Foundation (72 of 2005)
Tasmanian Ports Corporation (48 of 2005)
Taxation Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (74 of 2005)
Terrorism (Preventative Detention) (87 of 2005)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Heavy Vehicle Charges) (13 of 2005)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Motor Cycle Safety Levy) (46 of 2005)
Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (11 of 2005)
Water Legislation Amendment (25 of 2005)
Youth Participation in Education and Training (Guaranteeing Futures) (4 of 2005)


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