Parliament of Tasmania - Annual list of Bills

Last updated: 8 April 2021

Bills introduced into Parliament - 2010

Bills details
Acts Enumeration Amendment (pro-forma) (1 of 2010)
Agricultural ansd Veterinary Chemicals (Control Of Use) Amendment (Ban 1080) (20 of 2010)
Animal Welfare (Ban Battery Hens) Amendment (56 of 2010)
Audit Amendment (7 of 2010)
Australian Consumer Law (Tasmania) (37 of 2010)
Australian Consumer Law (Tasmania) (Consequential Amendments) (38 of 2010)
Chemical Trespass (36 of 2010)
Commercial Arbitration (50 of 2010)
Commercial Arbitration (Consequential Amendments) (51 of 2010)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2010 (17 of 2010)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation Bill (No.1) 2010 (16 of 2010)
Crown Lands (Shack Sites) Amendment (26 of 2010)
Dangerous Goods (Road and Rail Transport) (9 of 2010)
Education and Training (Consequential and Rescissions) (41 of 2010)
Education and Training (Tasmanian Academy) Amendment (39 of 2010)
Education and Training (Tasmanian Polytechnic) Amendment (40 of 2010)
Education and Training (Transitional Provisions) (42 of 2010)
Electoral Amendment (Legislative Council Ballot Papers) Bill 2010 (70 of 2010)
Electricity Price Cap (Implementing Labor's Broken Election Promise) (44 of 2010)
Electricity Supply Industry Amendment (60 of 2010)
Electricity Supply Industry Expert Panel (46 of 2010)
Electronic Transactions Amendment (29 of 2010)
Evidence Amendment (32 of 2010)
Financial Integrity and Transparency (54 of 2010)
Financial Management and Audit Amendment (10 of 2010)
Gaming Control Amendment (5 of 2010)
Gaming Control Amendment (No. 2) (28 of 2010)
Health Practioner Regulation National Law (Tasmania) (Consequential Amendments) (4 of 2010)
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Tasmania) (3 of 2010)
Health Practitioners Tribunal (18 of 2010)
Heavy Vehicle Road Transport Amendment (24 of 2010)
Intestacy (19 of 2010)
Irrigation Clauses Amendment (23 of 2010)
Justice and Related Legislation (Further Miscellaneous Amendments) Amendment (58 of 2010)
Land Tax Amendment (12 of 2010)
Legislation Repeal (8 of 2010)
Litter Amendment (49 of 2010)
National Broadband Network (Tasmania) (67 of 2010)
North-West Regional Hospital (Radiation Oncology Services) (31 of 2010)
Optometry (11 of 2010)
Partition Bill Pro Forma (2 of 2010)
Perinatal Registry Amendment (33 of 2010)
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) (22 of 2010)
Personal Property Securities (National Uniform Legislation) Implementation (69 of 2010)
Pharmacists Registration Amendment (57 of 2010)
Poisons Amendment (Midwives) (53 of 2010)
Police Offences Amendment (Laser Pointers) (15 of 2010)
Police Offences Amendment (Miscellaneous) (61 of 2010)
Public Health Amendment (62 of 2010)
Relationships Amendment (Recognition of Registered Relationships) (21 of 2010)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement (47 of 2010)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement (No. 2) (52 of 2010)
Residential Tenancy Amendment (45 of 2010)
Roads and Jetties Amendment (30 of 2010)
Same-sex Mariage (Dissolution and Annulment) (63 of 2010)
Same-sex Marriage (65 of 2010)
Same-sex marriage (Celebrant and Registration) (64 of 2010)
Secondary Colleges (Restoration) (6 of 2010)
Statutory Holidays Amendment (55 of 2010)
Subordinate Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2010 (35 of 2010)
Taxation and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (13 of 2010)
Telecommunications (Interception) Tasmania Amendment (14 of 2010)
Trade Measurement (Repeal) (27 of 2010)
Trustee Companies Amendment (59 of 2010)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (25 of 2010)
Vehicle and Traffic and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) (43 of 2010)
Whales Protection (State Sanctuary) Amendment (66 of 2010)
Workplace Health and Safety Amendment (Mine Safety) (48 of 2010)


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