Parliament of Tasmania - Annual list of Bills

Last updated: 8 April 2021

Bills introduced into Parliament - 2011

Bills details
Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Amendment Bill (48 of 2011)
Animal Welfare Amendment Bill (55 of 2011)
ANZAC Day Observance Amendment Bill (79 of 2011)
Asbestos-Related Diseases (Occupational Exposure) Compensation (Consequential Amendments) Bill (39 of 2011)
Asbestos-Related Diseases (Occupational Exposure) Compensation Bill (38 of 2011)
Associations Incorporation Amendment Bill (51 of 2011)
Audit Amendment Bill (69 of 2011)
Business Names (Commonwealth Powers) (43 of 2011)
Business Names Registration (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill (78 of 2011)
Canal Estates (Prohibition) (15 of 2011)
Charter of Budget Responsibility Amendment Bill (44 of 2011)
Children, Young Persons and Their Families Amendment Bill (26 of 2011)
Climate Change (State Action) Interim Targets Amendment. (82 of 2011)
Community Protection (Offender Reporting) Amendment (18 of 2011)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation (Supplementary Appropriation for 2010-2011) (17 of 2011)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation Bill (No. 1) (31 of 2011)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation Bill (No. 2) (32 of 2011)
Constitution Amendment (Legislative Council Proceedings) Bill 2011 (19 of 2011)
Constitution Amendment (Membership of State Parliament) Bill (21 of 2011)
Crown Lands (Validation of Fees) Bill (68 of 2011)
Disability Services (20 of 2011)
Education (Retention of Schools) Bill (42 of 2011)
Education and Care Services National Law (Application) (Consequential Amendments) (66 of 2011)
Education and Care Services National Law (Application) Bill (65 of 2011)
Electricity Supply Industry (Lower Power Prices for all Tasmanians) (16 of 2011)
Electricity Supply Industry Restructuring (Savings and Transitional Provisions) Amendment Bill (29 of 2011)
Explosives Bill (61 of 2011)
Financial Management and Audit (Quarterly Reporting) Amendment Bill 2011 (49 of 2011)
Fire Service Amendment (5 of 2011)
Fire Service Amendment (Bushfire-Prone Areas) Bill (36 of 2011)
Fruit and Nut Industry (Research, Development and Extension Trust Fund) Bill 2011 (53 of 2011)
Growing the Tasmanian Economy (Planning Reform) (9 of 2011)
Health Service Establishments Amendment (2 of 2011)
Integrity Commission Amendment Bill (77 of 2011)
Irrigation Company (Consequential Amendments) Bill (23 of 2011)
Irrigation Company Bill (22 of 2011)
Local Government Amendment Bill (24 of 2011)
Local Government Amendment Bill (76 of 2011)
Long Service Leave Amendment Bill 2011 (54 of 2011)
Marine Farming Planning Amendment Bill (75 of 2011)
Medical Radiation Science Professionals Registration (Repeal) Bill (45 of 2011)
Mental Health Amendment Bill (57 of 2011)
Mines Work Health and Safety (Supplementary Requirements) Bill (62 of 2011)
Monetary Penalties Enforcement (Miscellaeous Amendments) (12 of 2011)
Motor Vehicle Traders (4 of 2011)
Motor Vehicle Traders Amendment Bill (52 of 2011)
Occupational Licensing National Law (1 of 2011)
Parliamentary Salaries, Superannuation and Allowances Amendment Bill (41 of 2011)
Passenger Transport Amendment (Accreditation Status and Validation of Actions). (71 of 2011)
Passenger Transport and Related Legislation (Consequential Amendments). (72 of 2011)
Passenger Transport Services (70 of 2011)
Penalty Units and Other Penalties Amendment (74 of 2011)
Primary Produce Safety Bill (46 of 2011)
Public Health Amendment Bill (56 of 2011)
Pulp Mill Assessment Repeal (6 of 2011)
Racing Regulation Amendment (Race Fields) (3 of 2011)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement Bill (25 of 2011)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement Bill (No. 2) (63 of 2011)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement Bill (No. 3) (80 of 2011)
Residential Tenancy Amendment Bill (47 of 2011)
Right to Information Amendment (13 of 2011)
Sale of Tote Tasmania Repeal Bill (28 of 2011)
State Service Amendment (Performance). (33 of 2011)
State Service Amendment (Redeployment). (34 of 2011)
Sullivans Cove Waterfront Authority (Repeal). (35 of 2011)
Supporting Local Business and Jobs (Local Benefits Test) (10 of 2011)
Supporting Local Business and Jobs (Reducing Red Tape) (11 of 2011)
Surrogacy (7 of 2011)
Surrogacy (Consequential Amendments) (8 of 2011)
Tasmanian Health Organisations Bill (58 of 2011)
Taxation and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill (27 of 2011)
Taxation and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill (No. 2) (67 of 2011)
Taxation Concessions and Rebates Bill (40 of 2011)
Taxi and Luxury Hire Car Industries Amendment (73 of 2011)
Veterinary Surgeons Amendment Bill (50 of 2011)
Vexatious Proceedings (14 of 2011)
Vocational Education and Training (Commonwealth Powers) Bill (64 of 2011)
Water and Sewerage Industry Amendment Bill (37 of 2011)
Wesley Vale Pulp And Paper Industry (Repeal) Bill (81 of 2011)
Work Health and Safety (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill (60 of 2011)
Work Health and Safety Bill (59 of 2011)
Workplace Health and Safety Amendment (Right to Work Without Hindrance) Bill (30 of 2011)


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