Parliament of Tasmania - Annual list of Bills

Last updated: 8 April 2021

Bills introduced into Parliament - 2017

Bills details
Aboriginal Relics (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2017 (11 of 2017)
Aboriginal Relics Amendment Bill 2017 (10 of 2017)
Australian Crime Commission Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2017 (44 of 2017)
Cable Car (Kunanyi/Mount Wellington) Facilitation Bill 2017 (50 of 2017)
Children, Young Persons and Their Families Amendment Amendment Bill 2017 (24 of 2017)
Civil Digital Communications Bill 2017 (62 of 2017)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation (Supplementary Appropriation for 2016-17) Bill 2017 (13 of 2017)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation Bill (No. 1) (31 of 2017)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation Bill (No. 2) (32 of 2017)
Corrections Amendment (Prisoner Remission) Bill 2017 (63 of 2017)
Court Security Bill 2017 (9 of 2017)
Criminal Code Amendment (Dangerous Driving) Bill 2017 (43 of 2017)
Criminal Code Amendment (Sexual Assault) Bill 2017 (22 of 2017)
Cultural and Creative Industries Bill 2017 (21 of 2017)
Dog Control Amendment Bill 2017 (60 of 2017)
Education Amendment Bill 2017 (46 of 2017)
Electricity Supply Industry Amendment (Pricing) Bill 2017 (26 of 2017)
Evidence and Related Legislation Amendment Bill 2017 (45 of 2017)
Expungement of Historical Offences (17 of 2017)
Family Violence Amendment Bill 2017 (51 of 2017)
Financial Management (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2017 (1 of 2017)
Finfish Farming Environmental Regulation Bill 2017 (47 of 2017)
Fire Service (Extension of Regulations) Bill 2017 (37 of 2017)
Forestry (Unlocking Production Forests) Bill 2017 (6 of 2017)
Glenorchy City Council (Dismissal of Councillors) Bill 2017 (61 of 2017)
Government House Land Amendment Bill (4 of 2017)
Health and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2017 (56 of 2017)
Integrity Commission Amendment Bill 2017 (28 of 2017)
Land Tax Amendment Bill 2017 (58 of 2017)
Land Use Planning and Approvals Amendment (Transitional Provisions) Bill (40 of 2017)
Legislative Council Electoral Boundaries Amendment Bill (No.2) 2017 (19 of 2017)
Legislative Council Electoral Boundaries Amendment Bill 2017 (3 of 2017)
Limitation Amendment Bill 2017 (57 of 2017)
Living Marine Resources Amendment Bill 2017 (14 of 2017)
Local Government Amendment (Rates) Bill 2017 (7 of 2017)
Local Government Amendment (Targeted Review) Bill 2017 (49 of 2017)
Mineral Resources Development Amendment Bill 2017 (38 of 2017)
Natural Resources Management Amendment Bill 2017 (48 of 2017)
Neighbourhood Disputes About Plants Bill 2017 (8 of 2017)
Okehampton Bay Finfish Removal Bill 2017 (65 of 2017)
Parliamentary (Disclosure of Interests) Amendment Bill 2017 (30 of 2017)
Payroll Tax rebate (Apprentices, Trainees and Youth Employees) Bill 2017 (33 of 2017)
Poisons (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2017 (15 of 2017)
Police Powers and Related Legislation (Evasion) Bill 2017 (20 of 2017)
Public Health Amendment (Healthy Tasmania) Bill 2017 (35 of 2017)
Pulp Mill Assessment Repeal Bill 2017 (52 of 2017)
Removal of Fortifications Bill 2017 (16 of 2017)
Road Safety (Alcohol and Drugs) Amendment Bill 2017 (29 of 2017)
Sentencing Amendment (Assaults on Off-duty Police) Bill 2017 (53 of 2017)
Sentencing Amendment (Mandatory Sentencing for Serious Sexual Offences Against Children) Bill 2017 (27 of 2017)
Sentencing Amendment (Phasing Out of Suspended Sentences) Bill 2017 (55 of 2017)
Sentencing Amendment (Sentences of Imprisonment) Bill 2017 (54 of 2017)
Statutory Appointments (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2017 (39 of 2017)
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Bill 2017 (18 of 2017)
Tasmanian Public Finance Corporation Amendment (Mersey Community Hospital) Bill 2017 (34 of 2017)
Taxation and Grants Legislation (Housing Construction Amendments) Bill 2017 (36 of 2017)
Taxation and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2017 (12 of 2017)
Terrorism (Restrictions on Bail and Parole) Bill 2017 (68 of 2017)
Threatened Species Protection Amendment Bill 2017 (67 of 2017)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Offensive Advertising) Bill 2017 (2 of 2017)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment (Probationary Licences) Bill 2017 (5 of 2017)
Water and Sewerage Tasmania (Consequential and Transitional Provisions) Bill 2017 (42 of 2017)
Water and Sewerage Tasmania Bill 2017 (41 of 2017)
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Presumption of Cause of Disease) Bill 2017 (64 of 2017)


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The bills available on this site are distributed by the Parliament of Tasmania for information purposes only. Reference should be made to authorised versions of bills for official purposes.