Parliament of Tasmania - Annual list of Bills

Last updated: 8 April 2021

Bills introduced into Parliament - 2019

Bills details
Alcohol and Drug Dependency Repeal Bill 2019 (40 of 2019)
Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2019 (21 of 2019)
Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2019 (22 of 2019)
Biosecurity Bill 2019 (15 of 2019)
Burial and Cremation Bill 2019 (42 of 2019)
Cat Management Amendment Bill 2019 (55 of 2019)
Civil Liability Amendment Act 2019 (30 of 2019)
Consolidated Fund Appropriation (Supplementary Appropriation for 2018-19) Bill 2019 (9 of 2019)
Criminal Code Amendment (Bullying) Bill 2019 (5 of 2019)
Disability Services Amendment Bill 2019 (10 of 2019)
Disposal of Uncollected Goods Bill 2019 (16 of 2019)
Dog Control Amendment Bill 2019 (43 of 2019)
Duties Amendment Bill 2019 (56 of 2019)
Electoral Amendment Bill 2019 (3 of 2019)
First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2019 (24 of 2019)
Fruit and Nut Industry (Research, Development and Extension Trust Fund) Repeal Bill 2019 (6 of 2019)
Gaming Control Amendment (Wagering) Bill 2019 (51 of 2019)
Genetically Modified Organisms Control Amendment Bill 2019 (33 of 2019)
Government Procurement Review (International Free Trade Agreements) Bill 2019 (23 of 2019)
Greater Hobart Bill 2019 (11 of 2019)
Health Miscellaneous Amendments Bill 2019 (12 of 2019)
Historic Cultural Heritage Amendment Bill 2019 (31 of 2019)
Inland Fisheries Amendment (Royalties) Bill 2019 (46 of 2019)
Justice Legislation (Mandatory Sentencing) Bill 2019 (57 of 2019)
Justice Legislation Amendment (Organisational Liability for Child Abuse) Bill 2019 (36 of 2019)
Justice Legislation Miscellaneous Amendments (39 of 2019)
Legal Profession Amendment (Validation) Bill 2019 (34 of 2019)
Local Government (Highways) Amendment Bill 2019 (17 of 2019)
Long Service Leave (State Employees) Amendment Bill 2019 (47 of 2019)
Magistrates Court (Criminal and General Division) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2019 (28 of 2019)
Magistrates Court (Criminal and General Division) Bill 2019 (27 of 2019)
Marine-related Incidents (MARPOL Implementation) (37 of 2019)
Mines Work Health and Safety (Supplementary Requirements) Amendment Bill 2019 (48 of 2019)
Motor Accidents (Liabilities and Compensation) Amendment Bill (4 of 2019)
Neighbourhood Disputes About Plants Amendment Bill 2019 (35 of 2019)
Place Names Bill 2019 (38 of 2019)
Poisons Amendment Bill 2019 (45 of 2019)
Police Legislation Miscellaneous Amendments Bill 2019 (44 of 2019)
Police Offences Amendment (Repeal of Begging) Bill 2019 (49 of 2019)
Property Agents and Land Transactions Amendment Bill 2019 (53 of 2019)
Public Sector Superannuation Reform Amendment Bill 2019 (41 of 2019)
Public Works Committee Amendment Bill 2019 (32 of 2019)
Restraint Orders Bill 2019 (29 of 2019)
Right to Information Amendment (Applications for Review) Bill 2019 (14 of 2019)
Right to Information Amendment Bill 2019 (8 of 2019)
Roads and Jetties Amendment (Validation) Bill 2019 (25 of 2019)
Roads and Jetties Amendment (Works in Highways) Bill 2019 (26 of 2019)
Sentencing Amendment (Assault of Certain Frontline Workers) Bill 2019 (18 of 2019)
State Service Amendment (Validation) Bill 2019 (52 of 2019)
Teachers Registration Amendment Bill 2019 (50 of 2019)
Vehicle and Traffic Amendment Bill 2019 (19 of 2019)
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment (Presumption as to Cause of Disease) Bill 2019 (7 of 2019)
Workers Rehabilitation and Compensation Amendment Bill 2019 (20 of 2019)
Workplace (Protection from Protesters) Repeal Bill (58 of 2019)
Workplaces (Protection from Protestors) Amendment Bill 2019 (54 of 2019)


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