Parliament of Tasmania - Annual list of Bills

Last updated: 9 September 2022

Bills introduced into Parliament - 2021

Bills details
Alcohol and Drug Dependency Repeal Bill 2021 (40 of 2021)
Appropriation Bill (No. 1) 2021 (36 of 2021)
Appropriation Bill (No. 2) 2021 (37 of 2021)
Cable Car (kunanyi/Mount Wellington) Facilitation Repeal Bill 2021 (17 of 2021)
Cat Management Amendment (Mandatory Confinement) Bill 2021 (24 of 2021)
Children, Young Persons and Their Families Amendment Bill 2021 (28 of 2021)
Children, Young Persons and Their Families Amendment Bill 2021 (3 of 2021)
Climate Change (State Action) Amendment Bill 2021 (63 of 2021)
Container Refund Scheme Bill 2021 (54 of 2021)
Criminal Code Amendment (Judge Alone Trials) Bill 2021 (50 of 2021)
Criminal Code Amendment (Misconduct in Public Office) Bill 2021 (19 of 2021)
Defamation Amendment Bill 2021 (34 of 2021)
Education Legislation Amendments (Education Regulation) Bill 2021 (53 of 2021)
Electoral Amendment (Integrity of Elections) Bill 2021 (61 of 2021)
Electoral Amendment (Voting Age) Bill 2021 (38 of 2021)
Environmental Management and Pollution Control Amendment (EPA Independence) Bill 2021 (25 of 2021)
Food Amendment Bill 2021 (27 of 2021)
Forest Management Amendment (Minimum Sawlog Quota Repeal) Bill 2021 (44 of 2021)
Gaming Control Amendment (Future Gaming Market) Bill 2021 (45 of 2021)
Guardianship and Administration Amendment (Advance Care Directives) (4 of 2021)
Guardianship and Administration Amendment (Advance Care Directives) Bill 2021 (14 of 2021)
House of Assembly Restoration Bill 2021 (20 of 2021)
Housing Land Supply Amendment Bill 2021 (9 of 2021)
Housing Land Supply Amendment Bill 2021 (51 of 2021)
Integrity Commission (Members of Parliament) Bill 2021 (21 of 2021)
Justice and Related Legislation (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2021 (60 of 2021)
Justice Miscellaneous (Commissions of Inquiry) Bill 2021 (6 of 2021)
Justice Miscellaneous (Increasing Judicial Retirement Age) Bill 2021 (15 of 2021)
Justices (Validation) Bill 2021 (52 of 2021)
Land (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 2021 (43 of 2021)
Land Use Planning and Approvals Amendment (Tasmanian Planning Scheme Modification) Bill 2021 (8 of 2021)
Land Use Planning and Approvals Amendment (Tasmanian Planning Scheme Modification) Bill 2021 (13 of 2021)
Land Use Planning and Approvals Amendment (Wellington Park Management Trust Veto) Bill 2021 (18 of 2021)
Living Marine Miscellaneous Amendments (Digital Processes) Bill 2021 (26 of 2021)
Living Marine Miscellaneous Amendments (Digital Processes) Bill 2021 (5 of 2021)
Living Marine Resources Management Amendment (Aquaculture Research) BIll 2021 (58 of 2021)
Mutual Recognition (Tasmania) Amendment Bill 2021 (42 of 2021)
Nature Conservation Amendment (Brushy Creek Conservation Area) Bill 2021 (41 of 2021)
OPCAT Implementation Bill 2021 (49 of 2021)
Poisons Amendment Bill 2021 (35 of 2021)
Public Interest Disclosures (Members of Parliament) Bill 2021 (22 of 2021)
Repeal of Regulations Postponement Bill 2021 (59 of 2021)
Residential Tenancy (Rent Control) Amendment (7 of 2021)
Residential Tenancy (Rental Market Reform) Amendment Bill 2021 (30 of 2021)
Right to Information Amendment (Public Protected Areas) Bill 2021 (31 of 2021)
Right To Information Amendment Bill 2021 (29 of 2021)
Safe Climate Bill 2021 (16 of 2021)
Stadiums Tasmania Bill 2021 (48 of 2021)
Supply Bill (No. 1) 2021 (10 of 2021)
Supply Bill (No. 2) 2021 (11 of 2021)
Supply Bill (No. 3) 2021 (32 of 2021)
Supply Bill (No. 4) 2021 (33 of 2021)
Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021 (47 of 2021)
Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Amendment (Exhibition of Amended Applications) Bill 2021 (62 of 2021)
Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Amendment Bill 2021 (46 of 2021)
TasTAFE (Skills and Training Business) Bill 2021 (56 of 2021)
Traffic Amendment (Personal Mobility Devices) Bill 2021 (57 of 2021)
Treasury Miscellaneous (Cost of Living and Affordable Housing Support) Bill 2021 (12 of 2021)
Validation Bill 2021 (39 of 2021)
Waste and Resource Recovery Bill 2021 (55 of 2021)
Wildlife (Protection of Native Duck Species) Bill 2021 (23 of 2021)


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The bills available on this site are distributed by the Parliament of Tasmania for information purposes only. Reference should be made to authorised versions of bills for official purposes.