History Resources - Members of Parliament
James Alexander Bacon

Surname: BACON
Given Names: James Alexander
Title and Honours: Mr
Date and Place of Birth: 15 May 1950 - Melbourne, Victoria
Date of Death: 20 June 2004 - Hobart, Tasmania
House of Assembly: 24 February 1996
Electorate: Denison
Party: ALP
Positions Held: Opposition Leader 1997-98; Premier 14 September 1998 - 21 March 2004
Date of Departure: 21 March 2004
Reason for Departure: Ill health (lung cancer).
Highest vote ever in Denison - 21,391 (35.3%) in 2002. Attended school in Victoria with former Vic Premier Jeff Kennett. Diagnosed with lung cancer on Friday 13 February 2004 after many years as a smoker. Became staunch anti-smoking advocate although continuing himself.
Appreciation motion in HA 20 April 2004; LC 18 May 2004.
Condolence motion in LC 22 June 2004; HA 24 August 2004.
State Funeral 24 June 2004 at Federation Concert Hall.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 700