History Resources - Members of Parliament
Walter Angus Bethune
Surname: BETHUNE
Given Names: Walter Angus
Title and Honours: Sir (1979), Honourable
Date and Place of Birth:10 September 1908 - Sheffield, Tasmania
Date of Death:22 August 2004
House of Assembly: 23 November 1946.
Electorate: Wilmot (Lyons)
Party: Liberal
Positions Held: Opposition Leader 1960-69. Premier & Treasurer 26 May 1969 to 3 May 1972
Date of Departure: 30 June 1975
Reason for Departure: Resigned.
Granted the right to use the title 'Honourable' for life on 24 July 1975. State funeral 27 August 2004.
Condolence motion in HA 24 August 2004; LC 12 October 2004.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 480