History Resources - Members of Parliament
Bolton Stafford Bird

Surname: BIRD
Given Names: Bolton Stafford
Title and Honours: Mr, CMG
Date and Place of Birth:30 January 1840 - Hazlerigg, Northumberland, England
Date of Death:15 December 1924 - Lunawanna, Tasmania
House of Assembly: (1) 27 May 1882 (2) 30 July 1904
Electorate: (1) Franklin (2) South Hobart
Party: Revenue Tariffs
Positions Held: Treasurer 1887-92; Speaker 1894-97; Opposition Leader 1892-94; 1898-99; Chair Committees 1919-21
Date of Departure: (1) 2 April 1903 (2) 30 April 1909
Reason for Departure: (1) Defeated. (2) Seat abolished.
Legislative Council: 4 May 1909
Electorate: Huon
Party: Independent
Positions Held: Chair Committees 1919-21
Date of Departure: 6 May 1924
Reason for Departure: Retired.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: Q