History Resources - Members of Parliament
Andrew Inglis Clark

Surname: CLARK
Given Names: Andrew Inglis
Title and Honours: Mr
Qualifications: Engineer, Lawyer
Date and Place of Birth:24 February 1848 - Hobart, Tasmania
Date of Death: 14 November 1907 - Hobart, Tasmania
House of Assembly: (1) 26 July 1878 (2) 4 March 1887 (3) 20 January 1897
Electorate: (1) Norfolk Plains (2) South Hobart (3) Hobart
Party: Independent
Positions Held: Opposition Leader 1897-98; Attorney-General March 1887 - August 1892; April 1894 - October 1897
Date of Departure (1) 29 May 1882 (2) 20 January 1897 (3) 17 June 1898
Reason for Departure: (1) Defeated. (2) Seat abolished. (3) Resigned.
Appointed senior judge of Tasmanian Supreme Court 1 May 1901. Played major role in Federation movement.
Formulated the current Tasmanian electoral system in concert with Thomas Hare.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 171