History Resources - Members of Parliament
Thomas John (John) Cleary
Surname: CLEARY
Given Names: Thomas John (John)
Title and Honours: Mr, Honourable
Qualifications: DipPharm
Date and Place of Birth: 29 June 1947 - Launceston, Tasmania
Date of Death:
House of Assembly: (1) 28 July 1979 (2) 14 November 1988
Electorate: Franklin
Party: Liberal
Positions Held: Minister 1983-86; 1992-96
Date of Departure (1) 8 February 1986 (2) 29 August 1998
Reason for Departure: (1) Defeated. (2) Retired.
Inaugural Speech (12 September 1979)
After retirement was administrator of the Tiwi Islands at the time they were excised from Australian refugee status (2003). Granted the right to use the title 'Honourable' for life on 18 March 1991.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 626