History Resources - Members of Parliament
John Francis Gaha

Surname: GAHA
Given Names: John Francis
Title and Honours: Dr
Qualifications: MB, ChB, BAO, DPH, LM, MRCS, LRCP
Date and Place of Birth: 14 April 1894 - Narrabri, NSW
Date of Death: 18 March 1966 - Hobart, Tasmania
House of Assembly: 6 May 1950
Electorate: Denison
Party: ALP
Positions Held:
Date of Departure: 2 May 1964
Reason for Departure: Retired
Legislative Council: 2 May 1933
Electorate: Hobart
Party: ALP
Positions Held:
Date of Departure: 10 July 1943
Reason for Departure: Resigned to contest federal seat of Denison. Successful.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 420