History Resources - Members of Parliament
George Crosby Gilmore

Surname: GILMORE
Given Names: George Crosby
Title and Honours: Mr
Qualifications: BA, LLM (Cambridge)
Date and Place of Birth: 7 December 1860 - Launceston, Tasmania
Date of Death: 15 January 1937 - Hobart, Tasmania
House of Assembly: (1) 19 December 1893 (2) 2 April 1903
Electorate: (1) George Town (2) Waratah
Party: Liberal, Democrat, Nationalist
Positions Held: Minister
Date of Departure: (1) March 1900 (2) March 1906
Reason for Departure: (1) (2) Resigned to contest West Hobart. Unsuccessful.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 238