History Resources - Members of Parliament
James Gray

Surname: GRAY
Given Names: James
Title and Honours: Mr
Date and Place of Birth: 1820 - Ballybay, County Monaghan, Ireland
Date of Death: 21 January 1889 - Hobart, Tasmania
House of Assembly: : (1) 31 August 1872 (2) 30 May 1882
Electorate: (1) West Hobart (2) Sorell
Party: Independent
Positions Held:
Date of Departure: (1) April 1877 (2) January 1889
Reason for Departure:
Convict transported for subornation to perjury 1843: arrived in Tasmania 1844; ticket-of-leave 1847; free certificate 1853.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 156