History Resources - Officers of the Parliament of Tasmania from 1856
Suzanne Deidre Napier

Surname: NAPIER
Given Names: Suzanne Deidre
Title and Honours: Mrs, Hon (16 October 1998)
Qualifications: MA (Leeds); BA (Tas); DipPhysEd.
Date and Place of Birth: 1 January 1948, Latrobe, Tasmania
Date of Death: 5 August 2010
House of Assembly: 1 February 1992
Electorate: Bass
Party: Liberal
Positions Held: Minister 1995-98; Deputy Premier 1996-98; Opposition Leader 1999-2001
Date of Departure: 20 March 2010
Reason for Departure: Retired for Health Reasons.
Inaugural Speech (14 April 1992)
Daughter of Harry Braid MLC. Granted the right to use the title 'Honourable' for life on 16 October 1998.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 690