History Resources - Officers of the Parliament of Tasmania from 1856
Herbert Nicholls

Given Names: Herbert
Title and Honours: Kt (1916); KCMG (1927)
Qualifications: LLB (Tas 1896)
Date and Place of Birth: 11 August 1868 - Ballarat, Victoria
Date of Death: 11 November 1940 - Hobart, Tasmania
House of Assembly: (1) 15 May 1900 (by-election) (2) 2 April 1903
Electorate: (1) Hobart (2) Central Hobart
Positions Held: Minister
Date of Departure: (1) April 1903 (2) January 1909
Reason for Departure: (1) Transferred seat. (2) Seat abolished.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 266