History Resources - Members of Parliament
John Raymond Orchard

Surname: ORCHARD
Given Names: John Raymond
Title and Honours: Mr
Qualifications: BA (1929); MA (1942)
Date and Place of Birth:29 March 1906 - Launceston, Tasmania
Date of Death: 20 June 1995
House of Assembly: 21 August 1948
Electorate: Bass
Party: Liberal
Positions Held:
Date of Departure: 25 March 1954
Reason for Departure: Resigned to contest Cornwall. (LC). Successful.
Legislative Council: (1) 8 May 1954 (2) 29 January 1966
Electorate: (1) Cornwall (2) Launceston
Party: Liberal
Positions Held:
Date of Departure: (1) 16 December 1961 (2) 21 December 1968
Reason for Departure: (1) Resigned. (2) Forced to vacate seat. Defeated.
Subject of Constitution (Disqualification Removal) Act 1968; Published Autobiography Not to Yield 1982. Condolence motion in HA 29 June 1995.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 499