History Resources - Members of Parliament
Christopher O'Reilly

Surname: O'REILLY
Given Names: Christopher
Title and Honours: Mr
Date and Place of Birth: 1835 - Ireland
Date of Death: 11 January 1910 - Longford, Tasmania
House of Assembly: (1) 28 September 1871 (2) 29 March 1906
Electorate: (1) Kingborough (2) Ringarooma
Positions Held: Minister Several terms
Date of Departure: (1) December 1882 (2) 30 April 1909
Reason for Departure: (2) Resigned.
Legislative Council: 4 May 1909
Electorate: South Esk
Party: Independent
Positions Held: Minister
Date of Departure: 11 January 1910
Reason for Departure: Died in office.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 132