History Resources - Members of Parliament
Issac Sherwin

Surname: SHERWIN
Given Names: Issac
Title and Honours: Mr
Date and Place of Birth:24 April 1804 - Burslem, Staffordshire, England
Date of Death: 27 June 1869 - Launceston, Tasmania
House of Assembly: 9 July 1860
Electorate: Selby
Positions Held:
Date of Departure: 26 October 1866
Reason for Departure: Defeated.
Legislative Council: 30 November 1866
Electorate: Tamar
Positions Held:
Date of Departure: 27 June 1869
Reason for Departure: Died in office.
Elected by recount on resignation of J. Hays.
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 56