History Resources - Members of Parliament
Joanna Claire Siejka

Surname: SIEJKA
Given Names: Joanna Claire
Title and Honours:Bachelor of Arts, Media and Communications, Masters in Social Impact and Investment, Graduate Diploma in Counselling
Date and Place of Birth: 11 September 1979 - Hobart, Tasmania
Date of Death:
Legislative Council: 7 November 2017
Electorate: Pembroke
Party: Labor
Positions Held:
Date of Departure: 2 August 2022
Reason for Departure: Resigned
Inaugural Speech (22 November 2017)Comments:
By-Election to replace Dr Vanessa Goodwin.
Scholarship Winner: Centre for Social Impact Scholarship for Graduate Certificate in Social Impact, 2015
Scholarship Winner: Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts Scholarship for the Tasmanian Leaders Program 2013
Telstra Business Women’s Award Finalist in categories of ‘Young Business Woman’ & ‘Community and Government’, 201
House of Assembly Long Room Picture: 784