The Parliament of Tasmania from 1856
Ministers - House of Assembly - 2006 to 2014
BACON, Scott ALPTourism13-May-2011CR31-March-2014CG
   Veterans Affairs 13-May-2011CR31-March-2014CG
   Veterans Affairs 23-July-2012CR31-March-2014CG
BARTLETT, David John ALPAttorney-General 24-JAN-2011 CR13-May-2011RP
  Justice 24-JAN-2011 CR13-May-2011RP
   Premier 26-MAY-2008CR 24-JAN-2011 RP
   Innovation, Science and Technology 21-APR-2010NG 24-JAN-2011 CR
   Deputy Premier 14-APR-2008CR26-MAY-2008CR
   Planning and Workplace Relations APR-2008CR17-SEP-2008CR
   Planning and Workplace Relations 24 NOV-2008 CR27-NOV-2008CR
   Education and Skills FEB-2008CR13-APR-2010NG
   Economic Development and Tourism 12 SEP-2008 CR17-SEP-2008CR
COX, James GlennisterALP Police and Emergency Management 12-FEB-2008CR13-APR-2010RE
   Local Government 12-FEB-2008CR13-APR-2010RE
   Sport and Recreation 22-MAR-2004NG 05-APR-2006 NG
  Employment02-FEB-2004NG 11-APR-2005 NG
  Racing21-MAR-2006NG 05-APR-2006 NG
GIDDINGS, Larissa TahirehALPPremier 24-JAN-2011 CR31-March-2014CG
   Community Development 17-JAN-2014CR31-March-2014CG
   Climate Change 17-JAN-2014CR31-March-2014CG
   Aboriginal Affairs 17-JAN-2014CR31-March-2014CG
   Deputy Premier 26-MAY-2008CR 24-JAN-2011 CR
  Attorney-General17-SEP-2008CR 24-JAN-2011 CR
  Justice17-SEP-2008CR 24-JAN-2011 CR
   Economic Development 21-APR-2010NG06-DEC-2010CR
   Health and Human Services 05-APR-2006NG17-SEP-2008CR
   Economic Development 22-MAR-2004NG 05-APR-2006 NG
   The Arts 22-MAR-2004NG 05-APR-2006 NG
GREEN, Bryan AlexanderALP Deputy Premier 24-JAN-2011 CR31-March-2014CG
   Primary Industries and Water 21-APR-2010NG31-March-2014CG
   Energy and Resources 21-APR-2010NG31-March-2014CG
   Local Governemnt 21-APR-2010NG31-March-2014CG
   Veterans' Affairs 21-APR-2010NG13-May-2011CR
   Deputy Premier 05-APR-2006NG15-JUL-2006RP
   Economic Development and Resources 05-APR-2006NG15-JUL-2006RP
   Sport and Recreation 05-APR-2006NG15-JUL-2006RP
   Infrastructure, Energy and Resources 02-FEB-2004NG 05-APR-2006 NG
KONS, StevenALP Deputy Premier 27-OCT-2006CR09-MAR-2008 RP
   Infrastructure, Resources, Planning and Workplace Relations 12-FEB-2008CR09-APR-2008RP
   Justice and Workplace Relations 05-APR-2006NG12-FEB-2008CR
   Primary Industries and Water 02-FEB-2004NG 05-APR-2006 NG
LENNON, Paul AnthonyALPPremier05-APR-2006NG26-May-2008RH
   Infrastructure, Resources, Planning and Workplace Relations 09 APR-2008 CR14-APR-2008CR
   Local Government and Community Development 05-APR-2006NG29-OCT-2006CR
   Economic Development and Resources 15-July-2006AM12-FEB-2008CR
   Sport and Recreation 15-July-2006AM29-OCT-2006CR
   Racing, Sport and Recreation 09-AUG-2002NG05-APR-2006NG
LLEWELLYN, David EdwardALPPlanning27-NOV-2008CR13-APR-2010DE
   Primary Industries and Water 17-SEP-2008CR13-APR-2010DE
   Energy and Resources 14-APR-2008CR13-APR-2010DE
   Corrections and Consumer Protection 17-SEP-2008CR27-NOV-2008CR
   Primary Industries, Water and Energy 12-FEB-2008CR17-SEP-2008CR
   Primary Industries and Water 05-APR-2006NG12-FEB-2008CR
   Police and Emergency Management 05-APR-2006NG12-FEB-2008CR
   Deputy Premier 22-MAR-2004NG05-APR-2006NG
   Health and Human Services 09-AUG-2002NG05-APR-2006NG
   Police and Public Safety 15-FEB-1999NG05-APR-2006NG
McKIM, NickGreens Education and Skills 13-May-2011CR17-JAN-2014CR
   Sustainable Transport 13-May-2011CR17-JAN-2014CR
   Corrections and Consumer Protection 21-APR-2010NG17-JAN-2014CR
   Sustainable Transport and Alternative Energy. 21-APR-2010NG13-MAY-2011CR
   Aboriginal Affairs 06-DEC-2010CR13-May-2011CR
   Human Services 21-APR-2010NG06-DEC-2010CR
   Community Development 21-APR-2010NG06-DEC-2010CR
   Climate Change 21-APR-2010NG13-MAY-2011CR
O'BYRNE DavidALP Science, Innovation and Technology 24-JAN-2011 CR31-March-2014CG
   Economic Development. 6-DEC-2010CR31-March-2014CG
   Workplace Relations 21-APR-2010NG31-March-2014CG
   Police and Emergency Management 13-May-2011NG31-March-2014CG
   Environment, Parks and Heritage 21-APR-2010NG6-DEC-2010CR
   Sport and Recreation 21-APR-2010NG6-DEC-2010CR
O'BYRNE,  MichelleALPHealth21-APR-2010NG31-March-2014CG
   Sport and Recreation 13-May-2011CR31-March-2014CG
   Environment, Parks, Heritage and the Arts Nov-2009CR13-APR-2010NG
   Tourism and the Arts 01-JUL-2009CR13-APR-2008CR
   Sport and Recreation FEB-2008CR13-APR-2010NG
   Assisting rhe Premier on Social Inclusion FEB-2008CR17-SEP-2008CR
   Environment Parks and Heritage 01-JUL-2009CR13-APRl-2010NG
   Community Development 30-OCT-2006CRFEB-2008CR
   Assisting the Premier on Local Government 30-OCT-2006CRFEB-2008CR
O'CONNOR, CassyGreens Human Services 6-DEC-2010CR17-JAN-2014CR
   Community Development 6-DEC-2010CR17-JAN-2014CR
   Climate Change 13-May-2011CR17-JAN-2014CR
   Aboriginal Affairs 13-May-2011CR17-JAN-2014CR
   Secretary to Cabinet 21-APR-2010CR06-DEC-2010CR
SINGH, Lisa  Correctional and Comsumer Protection 27-NOV-2008CR13-April-2010DE
   Workplace Relations 27-NOV-2008CR13-April-2010DE
   Assisting the Premier on Climate Change 23-APR-2009CR13-April-2010DE
STURGES, Graeme Lindsay ALPInfrastructure26-May-2008CR13-April-2010DE
   Vetran Affairs 22-APR-2008CR13-April-2010DE
   Secretary to Cabinet 14-APR-2008CR26-MAY-2008CR
WIGHTMAN, Brian Neal ALPAttorney-General13-May-2011CR31-March-2014CG
   Environment, Parks and  Heritage 06-DEC-2010CR31-March-2014CG
   Education and Skills 17-JAN-2014CR31-March-2014CG
   Sport and Recreation 06-DEC-2010CR13-MAY-2011CG
WHITE, RebeccaALP Human Services 17-JAN-2014CR31-March-2014CG
WRIEDT, Paula Catherine ALP Economic Development and Tourism 12-FEB-2008CR12-SEP-2008GWC
   Tourism and the Environment 05-APR-2006NG12-FEB-2008CR
   Women Tasmania 9-AUG-2002NG05-APR-2006NG
NG New government following an election.
CG Change of government following an election.
RE Retired at election.
DE Defeated at election.
RH Retired due to ill health.
CR Cabinet reshuffle.
RH Resigned from the House of Assembly
RP Resigned position.
ML Maternity leave.
RD Resume Duties after an absence.
SM Special minister.
AM Acting minister.
GWC Governor withdrew Commission

Ministers - House of Assembly - 2014 to date

Ministers - House of Assembly - 2006 to 1989

Ministers - House of Assembly - 1989 to 1950

Ministers - House of Assembly - 1950 to 1856