Tasmanian Electoral Commission

Legislative Council Sessional Committee Government Administration B

Tasmanian Electoral Commission


Hon Rosemary Armitage, MLC (Chair)
Hon  Ivan Dean MLC (Deputy Chair)
Hon  Kerry Finch, MLC
Hon Greg Hall, MLC  
Hon  Tania Rattray, MLC
Hon  Adriana Taylor, MLC
Hon Rob Valentine, MLC


Inquiry SecretaryMs Natasha Exel
Phone (03) 6212 2245
Fax: (03) 6212 2345


Current Reference:

Terms of ReferenceAdvertisement


How to make a SubmissionWitness Information


Public Hearings:

Hearings timetable April 2015                         Hearings timetable May 2015Hearings timetable June 2015
Hearings timetable September 2015

Media Releases:

27 March 201514 April 2015
1 June 2015
22 September 2015
22 April 2016



1. Central Coast Council
2. Multicultural Council of Tasmania Inc.
3. The Mercury
4. George Chandler
5. Linda Luther
6. Hobart City Council
7. Break O'Day Council
8. Basil Fitch
9. Local Government Association of Tasmania
10. Brighton Council
11. Tasmanian Electoral Commission
12. Nick Ball
13. Virginia Landon-Lane
14. Frank Nott
15. John Packham
16. Stuart Godfrey
17. Andrew Hingston
18. ALP Tasmanian Branch
19. Edmund Pickering
20. Alex McKeown
21. Bill Harvey
22. Liberal Party Tasmanian Division
23. Tasmanian Constitution Society
24. Peter Jones
25. Dorset Council
26. Peter Lawler
27. Albert Van Zetten
28.Sophia Avery, K. Aksel Waechter and Assad Taoum
29. Pirate Party Tasmania
30. Don Wing
31. Maxine Eyles
32. Tasmanian Greens
33. Mary Joy Walter


16 April 20155 May 2015
1 June 2015
24 September 2015


Final report