Hon Ivan Dean MLC (Deputy Chair) Hon Kerry Finch, MLC Hon Adriana Taylor, MLC Hon Rob Valentine, MLC (Chair)
Inquiry Secretary Ms Natasha Exel Phone: (03) 6212 2245 Fax: (03) 6212 2345tht@parliament.tas.gov.au
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Monday 20 April 2015Monday 27 April 2015Tuesday 19 May - Friday 22 May 2015Wednesday 17 June 2015Thursday 18 June 2015Thursday 2 July 2015Friday 2 October 2015
Monday 20 April 2015Monday 27 April 2015Tuesday 19 May 2015Wednesday 20 May 2015Thursday 21 May 2015, LauncestonThursday 21 May 2015, Burnie Friday 22 May 2015 Wednesday 17 June 2015Thursday 18 June 2015Thursday 2 July 2015 31 August 2015, Ballarat1 September 2015, Melbourne2 September 2015, Adelaide 3 September 2015, Burra 2 October 2015
1. Robert Harrison2. Sherrie-lee Evans3. Burnie Tourism Association4. West Coast Heritage Ltd 5. Richard Warner6. Professional Historians Association (Tas) 7. Mary Ramsay 8. Glenorchy City Council9. Lindsay Dawe 10. Eaglehawk Neck Action Community Taskforce 11. CONFIDENTIAL - not published12. Northern Midlands Council 13. Kickstart Arts 14. Peter Pearce 15. Shene 16. Edwina Mulholland17. Margaret and Henry Reynolds 18. Derwent Valley Council 19. CONFIDENTIAL - not published20. Lindsay Brinsdon 21. Break O'Day Council 22. Local Government Association of Tasmania 23. National Trust Tasmania 24. Ansons Bay Progress Association25. George Town and District Historical Society26. Friends of Frascati Community Garden 27. Michael Wadsley 28. Southern Midlands Council29. Richmond & Coal River Valley Promotions Inc.30. John White31. Australian Institute of Architects, Tasmanian Chapter32. Centre for Heritage at Oatlands 33. Cultural Heritage Practitioners Tasmania 34. Colin Trevena 35. CONFIDENTIAL - not published36. Hobart City Council37. Heritage Protection Society (Tasmania) Inc.38. Friends of Willow Court39. Robert Vincent 40. City of Launceston 41. South Hobart Progress Association42. Elizabeth Springer43. International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS)44. Sealasash 45. CONFIDENTIAL - not published46. Peter Tucker and Graeme Corney 47. Gary Hooper and James Parker 48. Tasmanian Heritage Council49. Dianne Snowden and Chris Tassell50. Friends of the Orphan Schools51. Port Arthur Historic Management Authority52. Anne McConnell 53. Jenny Bicanic 54. Battery Point and Sullivans Cove Community Association55. Government of Tasmania56. Hobart First Settlers Association Inc.57. Margaret Long58. Peter Paulsen
Media release 28 November 2014Media release 13 February 2015Media release 13 April 2015Media release 14 May 2015Media release 30 September 2015
Final report
Government ressponse to Final Report
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