Parliamentary Papers - 1858

Title Paper Number
Addenda to Immigration Agent's report for half year ending 30 June 1858 (Legislative Council) 11 of 1858
Amendments proposed by the member for Glamorgan upon the estimates for 1859 (House of Assembly) 25 of 1858
Births and Deaths (House of Assembly) 46 of 1858
Cemetery Petition from medical practitioners (House of Assembly) 32 of 1858
Charitable Institutions Report of Joint Committee with evidence (Legislative Council) 37 of 1858
Charitable Institutions report of joint committee (House of Assembly) 61 of 1858
Church of England Petition of the Bishop (House of Assembly) 2 of 1858
Claims against the Imperial Government Memorandum addressed to his Excellency by Ministers (House of Assembly) 4 of 1858
Correspondence between the Government and Mr. Tarleton with reference to an anticipated vacany in the Derwent District (Legislative Council) 15 of 1858
Crown Land Return (Legislative Council) 13 of 1858
Custom's Duties Return (Legislative Council) 7 of 1858
Debentures (House of Assembly) 67 of 1858
Debentures Statement showing the amount of the debentures issued and redeemed as well as the amount remaining outstanding up to 30 September 1858 (Legislative Council) 38 of 1858
Defences of the Colony Correspondence (House of Assembly) 64 of 1858
Despatch English Divorce Act (Legislative Council) 14 of 1858
Despatch Mr. Hampton and Mr. May (Legislative Council) 2 of 1858
Despatch from the Governor to the Secretary of State forwarding the report or the select Committee of the late Legislative Counsil on the Convict Department (Legislative Council) 17 of 1858
Distillation report from the select committee (House of Assembly) 71 of 1858
Electric Telegraph correspondence (House of Assembly) 65 of 1858
Electrical Telegraph (House of Assembly) 10 of 1858
Estimate of the probable revenue for 1859 (House of Assembly) 13 of 1858
Estimate of the probable revenue from the sale and rental of Crown Lands for 1859 (House of Assembly) 14 of 1858
Estimates of The Land Fund of the Government of Tasmania for the year 1859 (House of Assembly) 74 of 1858
Estimates of the General Expenditure of the Government of Tasmania for the year 1859 (House of Assembly) 72 of 1858
Estimates of the Local Expenditure of the Government of Tasmania for the year 1859 (House of Assembly) 73 of 1858
Fraudulent Accounts (House of Assembly) 20 of 1858
Gold Fields Petition (House of Assembly) 15 of 1858
His Excellency the Governor's intended visit to England minutes of Executive Council and Despatches (Legislative Council) 35 of 1858
Immigration Agent's report for half a year ending 30 June 1858 (Legislative Council) 5 of 1858
Insolvencies (House of Assembly) 48 of 1858
Land Fund Statement of receipts and expenditure during the quarter ending 30 September, 1858 (House of Assembly) 62 of 1858
Launceston Gas Company report of the select committee (House of Assembly) 63 of 1858
License Fee petition of holders of public-house license on the southern side of Tasmania (House of Assembly) 5 of 1858
License Fees copy of petition from the inhabitants of Hobart Town to his Excellency, praying that half the license fees derived from Public-Houses in Hobart Town be handed over to the corporation of Hobart Town (House of Assembly) 11 of 1858
Malt Return (Legislative Council) 12 of 1858
Memorandum Remission of Sentences to be earned by Convicts (Legislative Council) 41 of 1858
Mersey Nature and declared value of exports (House of Assembly) 66 of 1858
Military Sanatarium report of the board of Commissioners (House of Assembly) 1 of 1858
Mr. Edward Abbott feigned issue directed by the Chairman of the Caveat Board to be tried, together with the Chairman's Minute (House of Assembly) 60 of 1858
Mr. Kirwan (House of Assembly) 49 of 1858
Mr. Kirwan (House of Assembly) 56 of 1858
Mr. Kirwan addenda to precis of complaints , with decisions of Sir William Denison (House of Assembly) 51 of 1858
Mr. Kirwan precis of complaints, with decisions of his Excellency sir William Denison (House of Assembly) 50 of 1858
Northern Board Of Education report for the year 1857 (Legislative Council) 4 of 1858
Paupers (House of Assembly) 52 of 1858
Petition General Cemetery (House of Assembly) 45 of 1858
Petition Gold Fields (House of Assembly) 26 of 1858
Petition Hawking Abolition Bill (House of Assembly) 53 of 1858
Petition Launceston Corporation - Section 100 (House of Assembly) 21 of 1858
Petition License Fee (House of Assembly) 3 of 1858
Petition License Fee (House of Assembly) 29 of 1858
Petition Matrimonial Causes Bill (Legislative Council) 16 of 1858
Petition Matrimonial causes bill (House of Assembly) 58 of 1858
Petition Public Expenditure (House of Assembly) 22 of 1858
Petition Spring Bay (Legislative Council) 10 of 1858
Petition Spring Bay (House of Assembly) 16 of 1858
Petition cross roads act and rural municipalities act (House of Assembly) 34 of 1858
Petition from Deloraine in favour of State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 25 of 1858
Petition from Glamorgan in Favour of State Aid (Legislative Council) 38 of 1858
Petition from Horatio Nelson (House of Assembly) 33 of 1858
Petition from Inhabitants of Lauceston against Continuance of State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 21 of 1858
Petition from John Harrison registrar of the Diocese of Tasmania (Legislative Council) 20 of 1858
Petition from Ministers and Officers of the Weslyan Church Launceston against State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 30 of 1858
Petition from Ministers of Religion Launceston Matrimonial Cause Bill (Legislative Council) 32 of 1858
Petition from Morven in favour of State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 22 of 1858
Petition from Pastor and Deacons of the Independent Church Launceston against State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 29 of 1858
Petition from Ratepayers of Port Sorell District (Legislative Council) 23 of 1858
Petition from Residents in the District of Cullenswood against State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 26 of 1858
Petition from The Bishop of Tasmania in favour of the church of England Regulation Bill (Legislative Council) 1 of 1858
Petition from licensed Victuallers, River Mersey, &c. (House of Assembly) 57 of 1858
Petition from members of the Baptist Church Launceston against State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 24 of 1858
Petition from the Bishop of Tasmania and Clergymen against certain clauses in the Matrimonial Causes Bill (Legislative Council) 18 of 1858
Petition from the Huon reduction of license fee (House of Assembly) 19 of 1858
Petition from the Minister and Deacons of the Congregational Church Launceston against State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 31 of 1858
Petition raod to the Ringarooma River (House of Assembly) 18 of 1858
Petition the Franchise (House of Assembly) 59 of 1858
Petitionfrom the members of the Congregational Chapel New Town against State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 27 of 1858
Port of three-hut point, Huon River Exports (House of Assembly) 69 of 1858
Postage Stamps (House of Assembly) 7 of 1858
Postage Stamps Return (Legislative Council) 19 of 1858
Public-House Licences (House of Assembly) 6 of 1858
Railways Report of the Joint Committee appointed to report upon the desirability of bringing in a Bill for the Construction of Railways (Legislative Council) 36 of 1858
Railways report of joint committee (House of Assembly) 55 of 1858
Report of Inspector of Police (Legislative Council) 28 of 1858
Return moneys and fees received by the Registrar of the Supreme Court (Legislative Council) 39 of 1858
Return of Justices of the Peace and Coroners of the Territory appointed since april 21, 1858 (House of Assembly) 27 of 1858
Return of lands granted for sites for places of public worship, &c. (House of Assembly) 44 of 1858
Return of the gross amounts paid to the various road Districts by the Government from 1852 to 19 July 1858 (Legislative Council) 34 of 1858
Return travelling expenses of Police Magistrates and Inspector of Police (Legislative Council) 8 of 1858
Revenue and Expenditure for 1857 (House of Assembly) 12 of 1858
River Forth report of Surveyor-General as to Encroachment on Crown Reserve (Legislative Council) 9 of 1858
Robbery at Sandy Bay report from the select committee (House of Assembly) 70 of 1858
Southern Board Of Education report for the year 1857 (Legislative Council) 3 of 1858
Standing Rules and Orders Report of the select Committee with revised rules and orders (Legislative Council) 40 of 1858
State Aid (House of Assembly) 23 of 1858
State Aid Petition from Launceston (House of Assembly) 39 of 1858
State Aid Petition from Morven (House of Assembly) 31 of 1858
State Aid Petition from the Baptist Church, Launceston (House of Assembly) 37 of 1858
State Aid petition from Cullenswood (House of Assembly) 36 of 1858
State Aid petition from certain citizens of Hobart Town (House of Assembly) 43 of 1858
State Aid petition from the Wesleyan Church, Launceston (House of Assembly) 35 of 1858
State Aid petition from the congregational church at New Town (House of Assembly) 41 of 1858
State Aid petition from the congregational church, St. John's Church, Launceston (House of Assembly) 38 of 1858
State Aid petition from the incumbent and churchwardness of trinity church, Launceston (House of Assembly) 42 of 1858
State Aid petition of the Bishop of Hobart and Roman Cothalic Clergy (House of Assembly) 40 of 1858
Statistics for 1857 (House of Assembly) 30 of 1858
Steam Postal Communication (House of Assembly) 28 of 1858
Tasmanian University Petition (House of Assembly) 9 of 1858
Tasmanian University Petition from Masters of Schools in Launceston (House of Assembly) 8 of 1858
The House report of the select committee on accomodation (House of Assembly) 54 of 1858
The Queen's Orphan Schools (House of Assembly) 47 of 1858
Toll Gate, Launceston Petition (House of Assembly) 68 of 1858
Travelling expenses of the Law Officers (Legislative Council) 6 of 1858
Universities of Cambridge and Oxford examination of students not members of the universities (House of Assembly) 17 of 1858
University Petition (House of Assembly) 24 of 1858