Parliamentary Papers - 1887

Title Paper Number
Acting Agent-General Copies of Telegrams and Correspondence RE Appointment of Sir Arthur Blyth 146 of 1887
Agent-General and Chairman Main Line Railway Company: Withdrawal of Moneys Deposited in Consilidated Bank, London, In Joint Names Of. 88 of 1887
Apsley Railway Construction 126 of 1887
Barristers and Attorneys Act Amendment Bill 1887 No. 33 151 of 1887
Bill to Amend the Law Relating to Friendsly Societies 124 of 1887
Board of Enquiry on Defences Return of Expenses Paid to Members of the Board 111 of 1887
Boarding out Destitute Children 21 of 1887
Boys' Home Industrial School Report for 1886 13 of 1887
Californian Thistle Act 43 of 1887
Camp of Excercise, Newnham, 1887: Report by Commandant 53 of 1887
Campbell Town Hospital Report for 1886 5 of 1887
Case of Mr. Lucadou Wells: Correspondece 121 of 1887
Cattle and Sheep Importations 1882-1887 84 of 1887
Central Board of Health Correspondence on the Subject of the Proposed Abolition of the Central Board 125 of 1887
Central Board of Health Report for 1886 with Appendices and Diagrams 78 of 1887
Charitable Aid in Hobart and Suburbs Report for 1886 23 of 1887
Codlin Moth Inspector's Report for 1886 32 of 1887
Colonial Auditor and Curator of Intestate Estates Correspondence 119 of 1887
Colonial Commissions for Imperial Army 39 of 1887
Comparative Customs Duties of the Australasian Colonies for the year 1887 131 of 1887
Consolidated Revenue Estimated Ways and Means, 1886, 1887 to 30 June and 1887-8 69 of 1887
Consolidated Revenue Fund Account Current and Assets and Liabilities 71 of 1887
Consolidated Revenue for Years 1885, 1886, Half-Year Ended June 30, 1887, and Year 1887-8 Explanatory Statement 68 of 1887
Contagious Diseases Hospital Cascades Report for 1886 7 of 1887
Contagious Diseases Hospital Launceston Report to 31st October 1887 148 of 1887
Corporal J. G. Blundell's Case 130 of 1887
Crown Lands Office Annual Report 1887 104 of 1887
Customs Duties 1885 and 1886 47 of 1887
Debentures Redeemed Under 50 Vict. No. 7 92 of 1887
Debentures and Treasury Bills Sold 72 of 1887
Defences of the Colony Report of Board of Enquiry 89 of 1887
Derwent Valley Railway 82 of 1887
Derwent Valley Railway Return Giving Certain Estimates 91 of 1887
Diversion of Water, River Meander Petitions 143 of 1887
Dividend Tax 74 of 1887
Division of the Kingborough Electoral District 93 of 1887
Dr. Smart Correspondence Relative to his Relinquishment of the Office of Chairman of Official Visitors to the New Norfolk Asylum 94 of 1887
Dr. Turnley's Pension 152 of 1887
Dredge Agnew Progress Report of the Operations on the River Mersey 106 of 1887
Education Department Report for 1886 87 of 1887
Electoral Act Petition from Cabmen of Hobart for Amendment Of 83 of 1887
Electoral Districts Legislative Council 123 of 1887
Electric Telegraph Department 48 of 1887
Estimates of Expenditure for the Year 1887-8 132 of 1887
Estimates of Expenditure for the Year 1887-8 134 of 1887
Expenditure of Loan £1,000,000 Borrowed Under 49 Vict. No. 54. 141 of 1887
Finance 1886 75 of 1887
Fingal Railway 110 of 1887
Fingal Railway Return Showing Receipts and Working Expenses since Opening of Line to 30th June 1887 109 of 1887
Fire Brigade Board Hobart 33 of 1887
Fire Brigade Board Launceston 34 of 1887
Flinders' Island: Report by Mr. Jon Brown 62 of 1887
Formby and Torquay 118 of 1887
General Hospital Hobart Report for 1886 3 of 1887
General Hospital Launceston Report for 1886 4 of 1887
Girls' Training School Reformation Hobart Report for 1886 15 of 1887
Government Analyst 29 of 1887
Government Railways return of Narrow Gauge Rolling Stock 140 of 1887
Governor's Commission 1 of 1887
Grants in Aid to Municipalities Territorial Police Expenditure 99 of 1887
Hobart Benevolent Society 19 of 1887
Hobart General Hospital Report of Special Committee 105 of 1887
Hon. N. J. Brown Correspondence RE Resignation of His Seat in the Federal Council 150 of 1887
Hospital for Insane Cascades Report for 1886 9 of 1887
Hospital for the Insane New Norfolk Report for 1886 8 of 1887
Improvement of the Queen's Domain Correspondence and Report of Mr. Superintendent Abbott Royal Society Gardens 120 of 1887
Inspector of Machinery 30 of 1887
Inspector of Sheep Report for Year Ending 30th June 1887 85 of 1887
Inspector of Surveys 108 of 1887
Instalments on Crown Lands 70 of 1887
Invalid Depot Launceston Report for 1886 11 of 1887
King's Island 63 of 1887
Latrobe Gas Company Bill 90 of 1887
Launceston Benevolent Society 20 of 1887
Launceston Electric Light Bill No. 16 Petition Against Passing 144 of 1887
Launceston Industrial School for Girls Report for 1886 12 of 1887
Launceston Mechanics' Institute 28 of 1887
Library of Parliament 103 of 1887
Life Assurance Companies Abstract of Comparative Returns 129 of 1887
Loans of the Government 73 of 1887
Main Line Railway 64 of 1887
Main Line Railway 137 of 1887
Main Line Railway Award of Arbitrators as to use of Third Rail between Launceston and Evandale Junction 153 of 1887
Main Line Railway Treasury Correspondence 46 of 1887
Marine Boards Accounts 1886 50 of 1887
Meander River Delorain: Petition that Certain Water Rights be not Leased 139 of 1887
Meteorological Department 44 of 1887
Mineral Lessees, Mount Cameron District 149 of 1887
Mount Bischoff Provident Hospital Report for 1886 6 of 1887
Mr. Hepburn's Case: Report of Select Committee with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidece 113 of 1887
Mr. James Taylor's Claim Ferry-Boat "Kangaroo" 133 of 1887
Mrs. Wilson Late Lady Superintendent General Hospital 145 of 1887
Municipal Police Inspector's Report for the Year 1886 27 of 1887
Municipalities Grants in Aid 1886 52 of 1887
New Town Charitable Institution Report for 1886 10 of 1887
New Town Government Farm 35 of 1887
Officer of Health for New Town Sandy Bay and Wellington Hamlets 25 of 1887
Officeres Employed in the Railway Construction Department 122 of 1887
Official Visits Paid by Chairman of Official Visitors to Hospitals for Insane and by the Health Officer to the Poor of Hobart 107 of 1887
Orders in Council under Superannuation Act 67 of 1887
Ouse to Mount Lyell and Macquarie Harbour Report by Deputy-Surveyor General 58 of 1887
Out-Door Relief 22 of 1887
Outbreak of Smallpox at Launceston 136 of 1887
Overflow of Sewage upon Mr. Castray's Property in Byron-Street Hobart 37 of 1887
Penal Establishments, Hobart and Launceston 116 of 1887
Police Regulation Bill No. 35 Petition against Passing into Law 138 of 1887
Post Office Returns Including Money Order and Savings Banks 49 of 1887
Proposed Expenditure on Publick Works: How to be Provided 142 of 1887
Public Debts Sinking Fund to June 30, 1887 51 of 1887
Public Libraries Statement showing the Appropriation of the Grant in Aid 41 of 1887
Public Works 76 of 1887
Public Works Officials (Temporary Staff) Return of all Officers Employed, not Specially Provided for on the Estimates from 1 January 1884 to 30 June 1886 80 of 1887
Public Works Report of the Engineer-in-Chief (including Reports of Engineer of Roads and Architect) 55 of 1887
Public or State Schools in Hobart and Launceston 112 of 1887
Public-House on Esplanade at Strahan Correspondence 127 of 1887
Rabbits Destruction Bill 1886 No. 3 Correspondence as to Amendments 66 of 1887
Rabbits' Destruction Act 38 of 1887
Ragged Schools Association 17 of 1887
Railway Surveys, Plans and Estimates Progress Report 100 of 1887
Real Estates Duties Department 45 of 1887
Recorder of Titles Report for Year Ending 30th June 1887 79 of 1887
Reimposition of Duty on Live Stock and Carcass Meat Petitions 115 of 1887
Report of the Secretary of Mines for 1886-7 57 of 1887
Road Trusts Assessments and Contributions 1882-1886 65 of 1887
Royal Society of Tasmania 97 of 1887
Salmon Regulations 42 of 1887
Sanitary Condition of Avoca Report to the Central Board of Health by Alfred Mault 114 of 1887
Sanitary Condition of Part of Glebe Town 36 of 1887
Saw-Mill Reservations Report by Conservation of Forests G. S. Perrin, F.L.S. 60 of 1887
Search of Fishigg-Boats Petition from Fishing-Boat: Owners and Fishermen Hobart 128 of 1887
St. Joseph's Orphanage and Industrial School 16 of 1887
St. Luke's Ragged School 18 of 1887
State Reserve at Mount Wellington 61 of 1887
State School Exhibitions Report of Examiners 102 of 1887
Statistics of Tasmania for 1886 2 of 1887
Superintendent and Inspector of Fisheries Report for 1886-7 31 of 1887
Supreme Court Bill 1886: Sepatch from Secretary of State Notifying Royal Assent To 77 of 1887
Tasmanian Council of Education 40 of 1887
Tasmanian Council of Education 101 of 1887
Tasmanian Defence Force Report by Commandant 54 of 1887
Tasmanian Government Railways 96 of 1887
Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens 98 of 1887
Tasmanian Public Library Report for 1886 86 of 1887
Tasmanian Railways Report by Engineer-in-Chief 56 of 1887
Tasmanian Trustees Association Bill 135 of 1887
Taxation Petitions 117 of 1887
Technical Education Petitions in Favour Of 81 of 1887
Territorial Police 26 of 1887
The Perpetual Trustees Company Bill 95 of 1887
The Presbyterian Glebe Formby 147 of 1887
Training School for Boys Cascades Report for 1886 14 of 1887
Vaccination Report for 1886 24 of 1887
Woods and Forest of Tasmania: Report of the Conservaroe of Forests 1886-7 59 of 1887