Parliamentary Papers - 1868

Title Paper Number
Accounts Between Imperial and Colonial Governments (Legislative Council) 68 of 1868
Benevolent Society Hobart Town Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 7 of 1868
Benevolent Society Launceston Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 8 of 1868
Benevolent Society, Hobart Town report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 8 of 1868
Benevolent Society, Launceston report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 9 of 1868
Board of Education Mr. Stephens' Report and Correspondence Connected Therewith (Legislative Council) 71 of 1868
Board of Education Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 12 of 1868
Board of Education correspondence with inspector of schools on his report (House of Assembly) 73 of 1868
Board of Education report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 13 of 1868
Board of Immigration Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 10 of 1868
Board of Immigration report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 11 of 1868
Boards of Works Amounts Appropriated from the Land Fund 1867 (Legislative Council) 69 of 1868
Boards of Works amounts appropriated from the Land Fund for 1867 (House of Assembly) 85 of 1868
Brickfields Invalid Depot Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 4 of 1868
Brickfields Invalid Depot report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 4 of 1868
Bridgewater Bridge Bill No. 36 Petition against transfer from Commisioners to Government (Legislative Council) 73 of 1868
Bridgewater Bridge Income and Expenditure from 1 January,  1866, to 30 June, 1868 (House of Assembly) 65 of 1868
Californian Thistle petition from Clarence (House of Assembly) 79 of 1868
Campbell Town Hospital Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 6 of 1868
Campbell Town Hospital report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 7 of 1868
Cash Accounts General and Land Revenues 1867 (Legislative Council) 27 of 1868
Colonial Manufactures report of Select Committee (House of Assembly) 88 of 1868
Commutation of State Aid Bill petition from the Bishop, Clergy, and Laity of the Church of England (House of Assembly) 50 of 1868
Commutation of State Aid Bill petition of Messrs. Valentine and Isaac Richardson (House of Assembly) 51 of 1868
Compulsory Education Petiton from Chairman and Secretary of Benevolent Society Hobart Town (Legislative Council) 59 of 1868
Council of Education Tasmanian Scholarships, 1867 (House of Assembly) 32 of 1868
Council of Education degree of associate of arts, 1867 (House of Assembly) 33 of 1868
Crown Lands Quantities and Descriptions of in Thirteen Survey Districts (Legislative Council) 30 of 1868
Crown Lands Return Showing the Instalments Falling Due From 1868 to 1876 (Legislative Council) 29 of 1868
Crown Lands quantities and descriptions of in Thirteen Survey Districts (House of Assembly) 30 of 1868
Crown Lands return of lands surveyed during Two Years ending First of July, 1867 (House of Assembly) 35 of 1868
Crown Lands return of the districts from which the 13,733 Acres of land were sold (Paper No. 35) (House of Assembly) 71 of 1868
Crown Lands return showing the instalments falling due from 1868 to 1876 (House of Assembly) 36 of 1868
Crown Lands returns ordered by the House 22 November, 1866, respecting operations under Waste Lands Acts of this Colony (House of Assembly) 34 of 1868
Cusotms' Duties petition from Hobart Town (House of Assembly) 76 of 1868
Custom's Duties Comparative Return for 1867 and First Half of 1868 (Legislative Council) 19 of 1868
Customs and Stamp Duties Petitions 1. From Mr. W. Hart 2. From Chamber of Commerce Launceston (Legislative Council) 56 of 1868
Customs and Stamp Duties petition from Launceston (House of Assembly) 70 of 1868
Customs' Duties Bill Petition from Mayor of Hobart Town Against Passing (Legislative Council) 55 of 1868
Customs' Duties Comparative Return of Receipts in Years 1864-7 and Half-Year to June 1868 (Legislative Council) 76 of 1868
Customs' Duties comparative return for 1867 and first half of 1868 (House of Assembly) 20 of 1868
Customs' Duties compared with former Tariff (House of Assembly) 64 of 1868
Customs' Duties petition from Hobart Town (House of Assembly) 75 of 1868
Customs' Duties petition from Launceston Chamber of Commerce (House of Assembly) 74 of 1868
Customs' Duties received for tobacco, tea, and sugar, 1849-1867 (House of Assembly) 72 of 1868
Customs' Receipts comparative return in detail for 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867 and the half-year ending 30th June, 1868 (House of Assembly) 102 of 1868
David Andrews report of the Select Committee to enquire into his case (House of Assembly) 94 of 1868
Debentures Correspondence with the Banks and Crown Agents (Legislative Council) 28 of 1868
Debentures Statement of Debentures Authorised and Issued (Legislative Council) 18 of 1868
Debentures statement of debentures sold from August 18, 1867, to July 28, 1868 (House of Assembly) 18 of 1868
Degree of Associate of Arts Examiners Reports 1867 (Legislative Council) 35 of 1868
Despatch presentation of books from Her Majesty the Queen (House of Assembly) 41 of 1868
Disposal of Prisoners Convicted of Minor Offences in Municipalities Memorial of the Justices Launceston to the Governor (Legislative Council) 47 of 1868
District Surveyors (House of Assembly) 100 of 1868
Duty on Imported Stock Petition from Bothwell (Legislative Council) 49 of 1868
Duty on Imported Stock petition from Bothwell (House of Assembly) 69 of 1868
Education petition from Benevolent Society (House of Assembly) 67 of 1868
Electors Numbers on the Rolls, 1858 and 1867 (House of Assembly) 104 of 1868
Estimated Revenue for 1869 (Legislative Council) 77 of 1868
Estimated Revenue for 1869 (House of Assembly) 106 of 1868
Estimates of the Probable Expenditure of the Colonial Government of Tasmania for the Year 1869 (Legislative Council) 51 of 1868
Estimates of the probable expenditure of the Colonial Government of Tasmania for the year 1869 (House of Assembly) 58 of 1868
Exhibitions to Superior Schools (House of Assembly) 14 of 1868
Exhibitions to Superior Schools Ninth Report (Legislative Council) 13 of 1868
Exhibitions to Superior Schools Reports of Examiners for 1867 (Legislative Council) 34 of 1868
Finance Statements of Revenue and Expenditure 1867 (Legislative Council) 17 of 1868
Finance Surplus or Deficiency General Revenue 1867 (Legislative Council) 48 of 1868
Finance: Statements of Revenue and Expenditure, 1867 (House of Assembly) 17 of 1868
Franklin Island deed of gift (House of Assembly) 87 of 1868
General Hospital Hobart Town Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 2 of 1868
General Hospital Launceston Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 3 of 1868
General Hospital, Hobart Town report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 2 of 1868
General Hospital, Launceston report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 3 of 1868
General Revenue Cash Account , 1867 (House of Assembly) 37 of 1868
General Revenue account current showing the receipts and expenditure on account of the year 1867 (House of Assembly) 56 of 1868
Glebes and Lands held by different religious denominations in Tasmania (House of Assembly) 83 of 1868
Governors Royal instructions as to Absence from their Governments (Legislative Council) 70 of 1868
Governors royal instructions as to absence from their Governments (House of Assembly) 97 of 1868
Great Lake Police District Memorandum (House of Assembly) 46 of 1868
Hospital at Oatlands petition (House of Assembly) 105 of 1868
Hospital for Insane New Norfolk Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 15 of 1868
Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 6 of 1868
Huon Road report of Select Committee (House of Assembly) 90 of 1868
Immigration Agent Correspondence and List of Applicants (Legislative Council) 75 of 1868
Imported Sheep and Cattle petition from Bothwell against protective duty (House of Assembly) 62 of 1868
Intercolonial Free Trade Bill Disallowance Despatch from the Secretary of State No. 1 of Janurary 5, 1868 (Legislative Council) 39 of 1868
Intercolonial Free Trade Bill: Disallowance despatch from the Secretary of State, No. 1, of January 5, 1868 (House of Assembly) 53 of 1868
Irrigation and Drainage of Land report from the Select Committee (House of Assembly) 60 of 1868
John Andrews complaint of improper treatment of His Son in the Launceston Hospital (House of Assembly) 45 of 1868
Land Fund Cash Account, 1867 (House of Assembly) 38 of 1868
Launceston and Western Railway Correspondence (Legislative Council) 16 of 1868
Launceston and Western Railway correspondence (House of Assembly) 16 of 1868
Law of Treasonable Offences Circular Despatch from the Secretary of State of December 11, 1867 (Legislative Council) 38 of 1868
Law of Treasonable Offenses circular despatch from the secretary of state of December 11, 1867 (House of Assembly) 52 of 1868
Licences return of, issued to Hawkers, Carriers, Tanners, and fellmongers during 1867 (House of Assembly) 68 of 1868
Lieut-Colonel Fulton Correspondence Respecting Grant of Land Under Act 31 Vict. No. 26 (Legislative Council) 41 of 1868
Lieut. -Colonel Fulton correspondence respecting Grant of Land under Act 31 Vict. No. 26 (House of Assembly) 54 of 1868
Local Expenditure of One-Fourth of Land Fund Petition from Kentish Plains and Barrington (Legislative Council) 63 of 1868
Local Expenditure of one-fourth of Land Fund petition from Kentish Plains and Barrington (House of Assembly) 77 of 1868
Main Line Railway Report of Royal Commission (Legislative Council) 60 of 1868
Main Line Railway report of royal commission (House of Assembly) 55 of 1868
Marine Board Hobart Town Accounts 1867 (Legislative Council) 43 of 1868
Marine Board Hobart Town Bye-Law No. 8 (Legislative Council) 42 of 1868
Marine Board Launceston Accounts 1867 (Legislative Council) 32 of 1868
Market Act petition from Clarence (House of Assembly) 80 of 1868
Memorandum of the various loans of the Government of Tasmania (House of Assembly) 19 of 1868
Messengers return (House of Assembly) 66 of 1868
Minerals on the North Coast letter from Mr. Allport to the Hon. Colonial Secretary (House of Assembly) 95 of 1868
Money Orders return showing the number and amount issued from 1 May, 1865, to 31 December, 1867 (House of Assembly) 43 of 1868
Mr. J. W. Graves Report of the Select Committee upon his Claim to Compensation for Improvements on Satellite Island (House of Assembly) 84 of 1868
Mr. Shaw letter of board of immigration (House of Assembly) 103 of 1868
National Railway Petition Against From Glamorgan (Legislative Council) 52 of 1868
National Railway Petition for Initiation (Legislative Council) 36 of 1868
National Railway Policy petition from Colonists of Tasmania (House of Assembly) 39 of 1868
National Railway Policy petition from citizens of Hobart Town and Colonists of Tasmania (House of Assembly) 28 of 1868
National Railway petition against, from Glamorgan (House of Assembly) 59 of 1868
Orders in Council Superannuations (House of Assembly) 25 of 1868
P·aper No. 94 has been placed next to No. 45, with which it is connected, being the Report of the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the Case of David Andrews on the complaint of his Father, John Andrews. (House of Assembly) 94A of 1868
Paper issued to Government Departments in 1867 (House of Assembly) 48 of 1868
Parliamentary Library Report of the Commission (Legislative Council) 44 of 1868
Parliamentary Library report of the Commission (House of Assembly) 96 of 1868
Pembroke and Glamorgan petition for a bridge (House of Assembly) 92 of 1868
Police Municipal Inspector's Report for Year to 30 June 1868 (Legislative Council) 25 of 1868
Police Territorial Inspector's Report for Year to 30 June 1868 (Legislative Council) 24 of 1868
Police, Municipal Inspector's report for year to 30 June, 1868 (House of Assembly) 27 of 1868
Police, Territorial Inspector's report for year to 30 June, 1868 (House of Assembly) 26 of 1868
Post Office Money Orders  Statement showing the Number and Amount issued and paid, and the Commission collected at the respective Money Order Offices, during the Years 1866 and 1867 (House of Assembly) 44 of 1868
Postal Communication Accounts between the Imperial and Colonial Governments (Legislative Council) 21 of 1868
Postal Communication accounts between the imperial and Colonial Governments (House of Assembly) 22 of 1868
Printing return of payments during November and December, 1866 (House of Assembly) 78 of 1868
Property Valluation Act Amendment Bill Petition of Mr. John Gibson (Legislative Council) 50 of 1868
Property Valuation Act Amendment Bill Petition Against Passing (Legislative Council) 37 of 1868
Property Valuation Act Amendment Bill petition against passing (House of Assembly) 42 of 1868
Public Works Loan Statement of Proceeds of sale under Act 29 Vict. No. 2 (Legislative Council) 20 of 1868
Public Works Loan statement of proceeds of sale, under Act 29 Vict. No. 2 (House of Assembly) 21 of 1868
Public Works Under Various Loans Acts Report of Director (Legislative Council) 22 of 1868
Public Works under Loans Acts Appendix to Return, Parliamentary Paper No. 23 of 28th July, 1868 Details of Expenditure from 20th August, 1867, to 27th July, 1868 (House of Assembly) 82 of 1868
Public works under various loans acts : report of director (House of Assembly) 23 of 1868
Queen's Asylum for Destitute Children Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 5 of 1868
Queen's Asylum for Destitute Children report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 5 of 1868
Ragged Schools Hobart Town Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 9 of 1868
Ragged Schools, Hobart Town report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 10 of 1868
Railway Loans report from the Select Committee (House of Assembly) 91 of 1868
Recorder of Titles returns of transactions under the real property act, 1866-1868 (House of Assembly) 63 of 1868
Rev. E. Freeman claim for house allowance (House of Assembly) 47 of 1868
Rev. E. Freeman report from Select Committee on his claim for house rent (House of Assembly) 93 of 1868
Road from Swansea to Campbell Town Memorial to the Governor in Council (Legislative Council) 46 of 1868
Royal Society of Tasmania Report for 1867 (Legislative Council) 14 of 1868
Royal Society of Tasmania report for 1867 (House of Assembly) 15 of 1868
Scale of Precedence Despatches (House of Assembly) 31 of 1868
Scale of Precedence Despatches (Legislative Council) 31 of 1868
Select Committee on Agricultural and Pastoral Depression Progress Report and Evidence (Legislative Council) 72 of 1868
Small Debts Act petition from Clarence (House of Assembly) 81 of 1868
State Aid Communication Bill Petition in favour from Bishop Clergy and Lay Representatives of Church of England (Legislative Council) 54 of 1868
State Aid Communication Bill Petition of Rev. C. Simon and Rev. John Service (Legislative Council) 67 of 1868
State Aid Communication Bill Petitions (Legislative Council) 64 of 1868
State Aid Communication Bill petition from Tasmanian protestant Alliance against (House of Assembly) 61 of 1868
State Aid Commutation Bill Letter from the very Ref. The Vicar-General (Legislative Council) 40 of 1868
State Aid Commutation Bill Petition Against Passing from Protestant Alliance (Legislative Council) 53 of 1868
State Aid Commutation Bill Petition against from Independents Tamar-Street Launceston (Legislative Council) 57 of 1868
State Aid Commutation Bill Petition against from Ministers of Various Denominations (Legislative Council) 62 of 1868
State Aid Commutation Bill Petition in favor from Clergy Church of England (Legislative Council) 61 of 1868
State Aid Commutation Bill Petitions Against Passing 1. From Baptists Launceston 2. From Baptists Perth (Legislative Council) 58 of 1868
State Aid Commutation Bill letter from very Rev. W. J. Dunne (House of Assembly) 49 of 1868
Statistics of Tasmania for 1867 (House of Assembly) 1 of 1868
Statistics of Tasmania for 1867 (Legislative Council) 1 of 1868
Submarine Cable Contract with Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company (Legislative Council) 23 of 1868
Submarine Cable contract with telegraph construction and maintenance company (House of Assembly) 24 of 1868
Succession Duties Act petition to his Excellency the Governor for its repeal (House of Assembly) 29 of 1868
Succession Duties Uncollected (House of Assembly) 57 of 1868
Succession Duty Uncollected (Legislative Council) 45 of 1868
Supplementary Estimates 1866-7-8 (Legislative Council) 65 of 1868
Supplementary Estimates, 1866 -7-8 (House of Assembly) 101 of 1868
Tasmanian Council of Education Report for 1867-8 (Legislative Council) 11 of 1868
Tasmanian Council of Education report for 1867-8 (House of Assembly) 12 of 1868
Tasmanian Scholarships Examiners Report (Legislative Council) 33 of 1868
Tax on Imported Stock Petition from Green Ponds (Legislative Council) 66 of 1868
The Duke of Edinburgh Despatch in reply to addresses on attempted assassination (Legislative Council) 26 of 1868
The Duke of Edinburgh despatch in reply to addresses on attempted assassination (House of Assembly) 40 of 1868
Waste Lands Committee progress report (House of Assembly) 86 of 1868
Waste Lands report from the Select Committee (House of Assembly) 89 of 1868
Water Rates Launceston Petition in favor of Bill to Alter Charger for Water Supply (Legislative Council) 74 of 1868
Water Rates, Launceston petition in favor of bill to alter charges for water supply (House of Assembly) 98 of 1868