Parliamentary Papers - 1860

Title Paper Number
A Return of the Number of Acres of Crown Land Occupied on the 30th June 1860 Under the Unsettled Lands Act (Legislative Council) 21 of 1860
A report if the exploration of the Western Country by Mr. Gould (Legislative Council) 6 of 1860
Artillery despatch from His Grace the Duke of Newcastle to His Excellency the Governor (Legislative Council) 1 of 1860
Australian Mail Service Despatch, 27 June, 1860 (House of Assembly) 45 of 1860
Church Statistics. -1859 (House of Assembly) 16 of 1860
Church of Rome (House of Assembly) 47 of 1860
Claims of the Colony on the Imperial Government Memorandum (House of Assembly) 15 of 1860
Committee of Officers on Convict Expenditure (Legislative Council) 46 of 1860
Convictions, 1850-1859 (House of Assembly) 107 of 1860
Correspondence Between the Honorable the Colonial Secretary and the Bishop of Tasmania relative to the Petition to the Queen of certain Clergymen of the Church of England against the Bill for the Aboltion upon certain Terms of State Aid to Religion (Legislative Council) 10 of 1860
Correspondence relative to the site and accomodation of the Hospital for the insane New Norfolk (Legislative Council) 12 of 1860
Council of Education Exhibitions (House of Assembly) 77 of 1860
Criminal Statistics (House of Assembly) 51 of 1860
Cross and Bye Roads Bill Correspondence (House of Assembly) 24 of 1860
Crown Lands (House of Assembly) 36 of 1860
DEBENTURES (House of Assembly) 109 of 1860
Defence of the Colony Report fro the Joint Committee (Legislative Council) 50 of 1860
Defences of Tasmania Despatches No. 27 of 26 October 1859 with an Encloser No. 32 of 11 November 1859 from His Grace the Duke of Newcastle (Legislative Council) 22 of 1860
Defences of the Colony Report of the Joint Committee (House of Assembly) 110 of 1860
Deloraine Railway Report of the Select Committee (Legislative Council) 42 of 1860
Deloraine Railway report of the select committee (House of Assembly) 99 of 1860
Despatch from His Grace the Duke of Newcastle to His Excellency the Governor Transmitting an order of the Queen in council confirming the act entitled an act to amend the Constitution of the Legislative Council (Legislative Council) 3 of 1860
Despatches of His Excellency the Governor transmitting for the Royal Assent the Bill to abolish State Aid to religion and the bill to amend the constitution of the Legislative Council together with the reports of the Attorney-General thereon (Legislative Council) 4 of 1860
Devon Crown Lands (House of Assembly) 78 of 1860
Education Grammar Schools of England (House of Assembly) 71 of 1860
Education Memorial Addressed by the President of the Horton College to his Excellency the Governor (House of Assembly) 49 of 1860
Education Mr. Quick's reply to the queries of the education commisioners (House of Assembly) 88 of 1860
Education Petition No. 21 (House of Assembly) 67 of 1860
Education in America (House of Assembly) 52 of 1860
Education report of commissioners appointed bu his Excellency the Governor to inquire into the state of Superior and General education in Tasmania (House of Assembly) 28 of 1860
Estimates of the Land fund of the Government of Tasmania for the year 1861 (House of Assembly) 75 of 1860
Estimates of the Local Expenditure of the Government of Tasmania for the year 1861 (House of Assembly) 74 of 1860
Estimates of the Probable Expenditure chargeable on the General Revenue of the Colonial Government of Tasmania for the year 1861 (House of Assembly) 73 of 1860
Examination of the District Between Chudleigh and Launceston Mr. Ghould's Letter (Legislative Council) 16 of 1860
Expense of Military Defences in the Colonies Report of the Committee of the House if Commons (Legislative Council) 23 of 1860
Exploration of North-Westerm Country Mr. R. C. Gunn's report (Legislative Council) 14 of 1860
Exploration of the Nothern Country Mr. Gunn's Report (House of Assembly) 11 of 1860
Exploration of the Western Country Mr. Gould's Report (House of Assembly) 4 of 1860
Exports and Customs' Duties returns to an order of the House (House of Assembly) 21 of 1860
Finance General Revenue 1. Receipts and Expenditure from 1 January to 31 December , 1859. 2. Ditto ditto on account of the Year 1858. 3. Account Current, 1857. 4. Account Current, 1858 (House of Assembly) 12 of 1860
Finance General Revenue 1. Receipts and Expenditure from January to 31 December 1859 2. Ditto ditto on account of the Year 1858 3. Account Current 1857 4. Account Current, 1858 Land Fund 1. Receipts and Expenditure for Quarter eneded 30 September 1859 2. Ditto ditto ditto 31 December 1859 3. Ditto ditto from 1 January to 31 December 1859 4. Ditto ditto for Quarter ended 31 March 1860 5. Ditto ditto ditto 30 June 1860 (Legislative Council) 5 of 1860
Finance Land Fund 1. Receipts and Expenditure for Quarter ended 30 September, 1859. 2. Ditto ditto ditto 31 December, 1859. 3. Ditto ditto ditto from 1 January to 31 December, 1859. 4 Ditto ditto for Quarter ended 31 March, 1860. 5. Ditto ditto ditto 30 June, 1860 (House of Assembly) 13 of 1860
Finance comparative statement, general revenue, 1859 (House of Assembly) 64 of 1860
Finance comparative statement, land fund, 1859 (House of Assembly) 63 of 1860
Foreign Seamen  Act exctract from a despatch (No. 15, March 1st, 1860) from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle (House of Assembly) 2 of 1860
General Hospital Estimated Expenditure for 1860 (Legislative Council) 51 of 1860
General Hospital report of the board of management (House of Assembly) 79 of 1860
Geology Survey expenditure, 1860; Estimate, 1861 (House of Assembly) 92 of 1860
Glamorgan Correspondence between the Hornorable the Attorney-General and Mr. Graham Warden of the Municipality of Glamorgan with reference to the appoinment of a Commissioner of the Court of Requests in the District of Glamorgan (Legislative Council) 15 of 1860
Hobart Town Benevolent Society Letter of Executive Committee to Colonial Secretary on the Subject of a Refuge (Legislative Council) 47 of 1860
Hobart Town Water Bill Mr. C. Degraves Petition (No. 3) (House of Assembly) 23 of 1860
Hobart Town water Bill petition No. 6 (House of Assembly) 33 of 1860
Hospital for the Insane New Norfolk letter from the President of the Commission to the colonial sevretary with reference to Bishop Wilson's communication respectin the hospital (Legislative Council) 13 of 1860
Hospital for the Insane letter from the Director of public works (House of Assembly) 17 of 1860
Hospital for the insane New Norfolk annual report of the commissioners for the year 1859 (Legislative Council) 11 of 1860
Huon Crown Lands (House of Assembly) 69 of 1860
Huon District Crown Lands. Mr. Tully's report (House of Assembly) 100 of 1860
Huon Exploration (House of Assembly) 70 of 1860
Immigration Agent's Report for the half year ending 30 June, 1860 (House of Assembly) 19 of 1860
Immigration Agent's Report for the half year ending 31 December, 1859 (House of Assembly) 18 of 1860
Immigration report of the select committee (House of Assembly) 90 of 1860
Imperial Buildings (House of Assembly) 93 of 1860
Inquest Depositions (House of Assembly) 46 of 1860
Intended Appropriation of sum reserved for his Excellency's establishment (House of Assembly) 25 of 1860
Irrigation major cotton's reports with estimates (Legislative Council) 9 of 1860
Irrigation report of the select committee (House of Assembly) 91 of 1860
Justices of the peace (House of Assembly) 35 of 1860
Lands in the vicinity of the Pattersonia, Piper's, and Ringarooma Rivers Report of the Surveyor-General (House of Assembly) 8 of 1860
Launceston Corporation Act Amendment Bill Petition (Legislative Council) 41 of 1860
Legislative Council Constitution Amendment Act Despatch of His Excellency the Governor No. 102 of the 10th October 1859 transmitting a Petition to the Queen praying Her Majesty not to confirm the Act to amend the Constitution of the Legislative Council (Legislative Council) 17 of 1860
Legislative Council Constitution Amendment Act Petition to the Queen and letter to the Duke of Argyle (Legislative Council) 27 of 1860
Legislative Council Constitution Amendment Bill Report if the Select Committee appointed to search the Journals of the House of Assembly to ascertain the result of the Bill (Legislative Council) 33 of 1860
Liabilities of the Land Fund to the General Revenue Account (Legislative Council) 43 of 1860
Liabilities of the land fund to the General Revenue account (House of Assembly) 101 of 1860
Mail Contracts (House of Assembly) 29 of 1860
Mail Service Despatch (No. 36, May 18, 1860) from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, with enclosures (House of Assembly) 6 of 1860
Marriage Law Despatch (No. 12, February 15, 1860) From his Grace the Duke of Newcastle (House of Assembly) 1 of 1860
Marriage Laws Amendment Act despatch from His Grace the Duke of Newcastle to His Excellency the Governor (Legislative Council) 2 of 1860
Matrimonial Causes Bill Petition (Legislative Council) 34 of 1860
Matrimonial Causes Bill Petition (Legislative Council) 35 of 1860
Matrimonial Causes Bill Petition (Legislative Council) 36 of 1860
Matrimonial Causes Bill Petition (Legislative Council) 37 of 1860
Matrimonial Causes Bill Petition (Legislative Council) 38 of 1860
Military Defenses (Colonies) copy of report of the committee on expense of military defences in the colonies (House of Assembly) 48 of 1860
Mr. Hampton Despatch from Lord Grey relative to a seat in the Legislature (House of Assembly) 30 of 1860
Mr. Justice Horne correspondence (House of Assembly) 103 of 1860
Mr. Kirwan. Petitrion (Legislative Council) 40 of 1860
Nautical Survey Communication from the Hydrographer at the admiralty (House of Assembly) 111 of 1860
New Contract For the conveyance of mails Between Melbourne and Point De Galle correspondence with the Government of Victoria (House of Assembly) 10 of 1860
Northern Board of Education third report for the Year 1859 (Legislative Council) 8 of 1860
Orphan Schools Report of the Commission (Legislative Council) 26 of 1860
POLICE third annual report of the inspector of police, made under the provisions of the 21st VICT. No. 13 (House of Assembly) 102 of 1860
Paupers (House of Assembly) 40 of 1860
Petition (No. 9) payment of rates on unoccupied houses (House of Assembly) 41 of 1860
Petition No. 11 Baptist Church, Launceston, against additional grants for ecclesiastical purposes (House of Assembly) 54 of 1860
Petition No. 12 Chalmers' free church, Launceston , against additional grants for ecclesiastical purposes (House of Assembly) 55 of 1860
Petition No. 13 St. John's Square, Launceston, congregational church, against additional grants for ecclesiastical purposes (House of Assembly) 56 of 1860
Petition No. 14 from Launceston against additional grants for ecclesiastical purposes (House of Assembly) 57 of 1860
Petition No. 15 Westbury.-for the cessation of state aid to religious purposes (House of Assembly) 58 of 1860
Petition No. 17 congregational church, Tamar-Street, Launceston against additional grants for ecclesiastical purposes (House of Assembly) 60 of 1860
Petition No. 18 against altering the arrangements of the existing tariff (House of Assembly) 61 of 1860
Petition No. 22 Mr. A. H. Swift (House of Assembly) 68 of 1860
Petition No. 24 Kangaroo (House of Assembly) 72 of 1860
Petition No. 25 Mr. Kirwan (House of Assembly) 83 of 1860
Petition No. 31 Sandhill Toll-Gate (House of Assembly) 95 of 1860
Petition No. 32 The Tariff (House of Assembly) 96 of 1860
Petition No. 33 The Tariff (House of Assembly) 97 of 1860
Petition No. 35 Licensed Victuallers (House of Assembly) 104 of 1860
Petition, No. 10 Longford-for the abolition of all grants for religous purposes (House of Assembly) 53 of 1860
Petition, No. 16 Deloraine.- for the abolition of all grants to religious purposes (House of Assembly) 59 of 1860
Petition, No. 19 Wesleyan Church, Launceston  - Against additional grant for ecclesiastical purposes (House of Assembly) 62 of 1860
Police Cases (House of Assembly) 44 of 1860
Police Cases. - 1859 (House of Assembly) 50 of 1860
Police Regulations (House of Assembly) 5 of 1860
Police Third Annual Report if the Inspectir of Polive Made Under the Provisions of the 21st Vict No. 13 (Legislative Council) 44 of 1860
Port Arthur ages of prisoners, paupers, invalids, and lunatics (House of Assembly) 94 of 1860
Port Arthur. - Tickets-Of-Leave report of the select committee (House of Assembly) 98 of 1860
Port Sorell Rural Municipality correspondence and petitions (House of Assembly) 27 of 1860
Private Schools (House of Assembly) 82 of 1860
Public Works from 1850 to 1860 (House of Assembly) 26 of 1860
Public Worship petition No. 8 (House of Assembly) 31 of 1860
Report of an exploration of the Huon District (House of Assembly) 43 of 1860
Report of the committee of priveleges (House of Assembly) 81 of 1860
Report of the select committee on the introduction of salmon (House of Assembly) 87 of 1860
Report on the waste lands between the Mersey and Leven (House of Assembly) 84 of 1860
Return of Immigrants (House of Assembly) 20 of 1860
Richmond - Rural Municipality (House of Assembly) 42 of 1860
Roads Between the Mersey and Leven Mr. Gunn's Report (House of Assembly) 7 of 1860
Salmon report of Mr. Black on the introduction of salmon (House of Assembly) 38 of 1860
Sandhill Toll-Gate Petition (Legislative Council) 32 of 1860
Southern Board of Education Report for the Year 1859 (Legislative Council) 20 of 1860
Southern Board of Education Report for the year 1859 (House of Assembly) 76 of 1860
St. John's New Town Correspondence and Documents Relative to the occupation of the Parsonage House (Legislative Council) 24 of 1860
St. Mary's Hospital Declaration of Trust (House of Assembly) 66 of 1860
St. Mary's Hospital Letter from the Colonial Secretary in Reply to a Communication From the Trustees (Legislative Council) 48 of 1860
St. Mary's Hospital correspondence (House of Assembly) 39 of 1860
St. May's Hospital Bill Report from Select Committee (Legislative Council) 53 of 1860
Standing Orders Report of Select Committee (Legislative Council) 19 of 1860
State Aid Abolition Bill Despatch (No. 16, March 10, 1860) From his Grace the Duke of Newcastle (House of Assembly) 3 of 1860
State Aid Abolition Bill despatch No. 16 March 10 1860 from His Grace the Duke of Newcastle (Legislative Council) 7 of 1860
State Aid Petition-Congregational Church Launceston (Legislative Council) 30 of 1860
State Aid Petition-Wesleyan Church Launceston (Legislative Council) 29 of 1860
Statistics for 1859 (House of Assembly) 14 of 1860
Statistics for 1859 (Legislative Council) 25 of 1860
Submarine Cable report of the Superintendent, &c. (House of Assembly) 65 of 1860
Superior Education The Report of the Commission (Legislative Council) 18 of 1860
Supplementary Estimates for 1859 General Revenue (House of Assembly) 85 of 1860
Supplementary Estimates for 1859 Land Fund (House of Assembly) 86 of 1860
Tasman's Peninsula Report from the Joint Committee of both Houses of Parliament together with the Proceedings of the Committee and Minutes of Evidence (Legislative Council) 45 of 1860
Tasman's Peninsula report of the joint committee (House of Assembly) 105 of 1860
Telegraphic Communication with India and Europe Communication from the Government of Victoria (House of Assembly) 9 of 1860
Terms upon which convicts and paupers have been made chargeable respectively upon imperial and colonial funds (Legislative Council) 31 of 1860
The Gaol at Launceston report of the select committee (House of Assembly) 89 of 1860
The Queen's orphan schools Memorandum from board of management (House of Assembly) 80 of 1860
The Tariff Petition (Legislative Council) 28 of 1860
The Tariff Petition (Legislative Council) 39 of 1860
The Tariff Petition (Legislative Council) 49 of 1860
The Tariff Petition (No. 2) (House of Assembly) 22 of 1860
Town Hall Bill Petition (Legislative Council) 52 of 1860
Town Hall Bill petition No. 7 (House of Assembly) 34 of 1860
Upper Derwent petition No. 4 (House of Assembly) 32 of 1860
Upper Derwent report of the select committee (House of Assembly) 106 of 1860
Volunteers (House of Assembly) 37 of 1860
Volunteers correspondence (House of Assembly) 108 of 1860