Parliamentary Papers - 1884

Title Paper Number
A Universal Prime Meridian: papers relative to a proposed international conference to consider the establishment of 62 of 1884
Administrator of Charitable Grants: report for 1883 10 of 1884
Advertising: moneys expended since 30 June, 1883, to 30 June, 1884 148 of 1884
Alleged Cancer in Cattle: report by Archibald Park, M.R.C.V.S. 37 of 1884
Analysis of Articles of Food and Drink: report by Government Analyst 172 of 1884
Annexation of Eastern New Guinea: despatch and papers relative to 65 of 1884
Arrears of Rents for Pastorial Leases: report of deputy Surveyor-General 106 of 1884
Bangor Slate Quarry Association's Tramway Bill: report of Select Committee, with minutes of meetings and evidence 134 of 1884
Benevolent Society, Hobart: report for 1883 14 of 1884
Benevolent Society, Launceston: report for 1883 15 of 1884
Board of Education Exhibitions: report, 1883-4 35 of 1884
Board of Education: report for 1883 123 of 1884
Board of Immigration: Report for 1883 135 of 1884
Boarded-Out Children: regulations 42 of 1884
Boarded-Out Children: report for 1883 11 of 1884
Boys' Home: report for 1883 16 of 1884
Brown's Arrest: correspondence 152 of 1884
Calcutta International Exhibition: report 39 of 1884
Californian Thistle Act: report of Chief Inspector 124 of 1884
Campania Road Deviation: return 143 of 1884
Campbell Town Hospital: report for 1883 4 of 1884
Carbonaceous and Associated Mineral Deposits Near Beaconsfield: report by Mr. G. Thureau, F.G.S. 96 of 1884
Cattle Quarantine Laws: petition from stock-owners for amendment of 154 of 1884
Charitable Aid in Hobart and Suburbs: report for 1883 12 of 1884
Chief Inspector of Sheep: report for 1883 110 of 1884
Codlin Mith bill, [No. 18]: petitions 127 of 1884
Consolidated Revenue Fund: account current, and assets and liabilities 80 of 1884
Consolidated Revenue: estimated revenue for the years 1884 and 1885 77 of 1884
Constitution and Electoral Acts: petitions from New Norfolk, Richmond, and Jerusalem for amendment of 112 of 1884
Constitutional and Electoral Acts: petitions for amendment 138 of 1884
Constitutional and Electoral Acts: petitions for amendment 129 of 1884
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Cascades: report for 1883 8 of 1884
Council of Education Exhibitions: report for 1883 34 of 1884
Council of Education: report for 1883-84 31 of 1884
Crown Lands Statistics 88 of 1884
Customs Duties on Live Stock and Meat: petitions 126 of 1884
Customs Duties, 1882 and 1883 48 of 1884
Death of His Royal Highness Prince Leopold, Duke of Albany: despatches and telegrams relative to 66 of 1884
Debentures Sold 81 of 1884
Defences Force: Reorganization Report 105 of 1884
Degree of Associate of Arts: report for 1883 33 of 1884
Derwent Valley Railway Route: petition 169 of 1884
Derwent Valley Railway: petition against alteration in route 186 of 1884
Derwent Valley Railway: petition in favour of route as surveyed 175 of 1884
Direct Steam Service: correspondence 43 of 1884
Double and Single Buffers for Railway Carriages: correspondence 133 of 1884
Education: petition for payment by results 83 of 1884
Education: petition to the Governor in Council from the Bishop of Hobart 98 of 1884
Estimates of Expenditure for the year 1885 181 of 1884
Finance, 1883 52 of 1884
Fire Brigade Act, 1883: regulations 41 of 1884
Fisheries of Tasmania: report by W. Saville Kent, F.L.S., F.Z.S. 78 of 1884
Gaol Discipline: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 177 of 1884
Gaol and Penal Establishment, Hobart: report for 1883 24 of 1884
Gaol and Penal Establishment, Launceston: report for 1883 25 of 1884
General Hospital, Hobart: report for 1883 2 of 1884
General Hospital, Launceston: report for 1883 3 of 1884
Girls' Training School Reformatory, Hobart: report for 1883 95 of 1884
Government Analyst: report for 1883 28 of 1884
Health Officer: report foe 1883 29 of 1884
His Excellency the Deputy Governor (Mr. Justice Dobson): commision of 170 of 1884
Hobart Ragged Schools: report of Chief Inspector of Schools for 1883 19 of 1884
Hobart Tramway Company Bill: report of Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 150 of 1884
Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk: correspondence relative to private fees 146 of 1884
Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk: removal of James Milner and Hugh Cameron to New Town 182 of 1884
Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk: report for 1883 6 of 1884
Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk: report on, by Doctors Manning, Dick, and Paterson 38 of 1884
Hospital for the Insane, Cascades: report for 1883 7 of 1884
Immigration: returns 94 of 1884
Industrial School for Girls, Hobart: report for 1883 17 of 1884
Instalments upon Crown Lands 79 of 1884
Invalid Depot, Launceston: report for 1883 13 of 1884
Invalided Immigrants 156 of 1884
Justices of the Peace: returns 142 of 1884
Land Certificates to Immigrants: correspondence 157 of 1884
Land For Recreation Purposes: notice of intention to vest in Municipal Council of Longford 144 of 1884
Land for Native Born and Others: petitions for Greater Facilities of acquiring 128 of 1884
Land for Native Born and Others: petitions for greater facilities of acquiring 136 of 1884
Land for Recreation Purposes: Notice of intention to vest in Municipal Council of Ross 145 of 1884
Lands and Works Department,- Crown Lands Branch: report by the Deputy Surveyor-General 71 of 1884
Lands and Works Department: return of employees 163 of 1884
Lands' Titles Office: papers and correspondence relative to 69 of 1884
Launceston Industrial School for Girls: report for 1883 18 of 1884
Launceston and Scottsdale Railway: petition in favour of route surveyed by Mr. W. P. Hales 85 of 1884
Launceston and Scottsdale Railway: petition in regard to route 84 of 1884
Launceston and Western Railway Company (Limited): petition for repayment of £50,000 alleged to be due 72 of 1884
Launceston and Western Railway: report for 1883 56 of 1884
Library Accomodation: special report of Joint Committee 161 of 1884
Library of Parliament: report of librarian 115 of 1884
Licensing Amendment Bill: petitions from licensed Victuallers and others against Certain Clauses 92 of 1884
Licensing Bill, 1884, [No. 6]: petitions 131 of 1884
Life Assurance Companies: abstract of Comparative Returns 168 of 1884
Loans of the Government 82 of 1884
Local Forces in Tasmania: Commandant's Report 102 of 1884
Local Option : petition from Tasmanian Temperance Alliance 91 of 1884
Main Line Railway: Treasury Correspondence 46 of 1884
Marine Board Amendment Bill, 1884, (No. 50): petition in Favour of 185 of 1884
Marine Board Amendment Bill: petition in favour of 174 of 1884
Marine Boards: Accounts, 1883 61 of 1884
Marine Survey of the Coast of Tasmania: correspondence 40 of 1884
Meat Tax: petitions Against Repeal of 140 of 1884
Memorial of Tasmanian Scholars, Inviting the attention of the Council to certain consideration in connection with the Scheme of Examination for the Tasmanian Scholarships for 1883 93 of 1884
Mersey Bar: report of Captain Stanley, R. N. 90 of 1884
Mersey and Deloraine Railway: compensation for Land, &c. 109 of 1884
Meteorological Observer: report for 1883 44 of 1884
Mining Districts: return of Amounts received from Mining Districts during the Years 1881, 1882, and 1883, and of Amounts expended on Roads, Bridges, &c. in those Districts for the same period 57 of 1884
Mount Bischoff Provident Hospital report for 1883 5 of 1884
Mount Cleveland and Corinna Gold Fields: reports by Mr. G. Thureau, F.G.S. 104 of 1884
Mr. E. Shoobridge petition from electors of New Norfolk, praying that leave of absence be refused 73 of 1884
Mr. H. J. Hull's Case: letters and papers 167 of 1884
Mr. H. J. Hull's Retirement: report from Select Committee of the Legislative Council, with minutes of proceedings 184 of 1884
Mr. R. G. Fitzsimons' Case: petition to his Excellency the Governor 164 of 1884
Municipal Police: Inspector's Report 111 of 1884
Municipal Voting: petitions for alterations in existing system 137 of 1884
Municipalities: Grants in Aid, 1883 120 of 1884
Native Tigers: petition 165 of 1884
New Public Buildings, Franklin Square: memorandum 74 of 1884
New Town Charitable Institutions: report for 1883 9 of 1884
New Town Coal Deposits: report by F. W. Krause, F.G.S. 59 of 1884
New Town Government Farm: report for 1883 22 of 1884
Orders in Council Under Superannuation Act 87 of 1884
Petitions for Private Bills: 1. From the BangorSlate Quarry Association 2. From the Van Diemen's Land Company 3. From the Hobart Tramway Company 100 of 1884
Pine Road Settlers' Claims: report of the Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 176 of 1884
Police Regulations 122 of 1884
Post Office Returns 50 of 1884
Post Office Savings Bank: report for 1883 49 of 1884
Prisoners Transferred to Hobart 179 of 1884
Proposed Railway Through Green Ponds and Bagdad: petition and papers 160 of 1884
Protection of Females: petitions 166 of 1884
Protection of Females: petitions 173 of 1884
Public Debts Sinking Fund: Commissioners' report to 30th June, 1884 108 of 1884
Public Libraries: Statement showing the appropriation of the Grant in Aid for the year 1883 149 of 1884
Public Works: Memorandum of Proposed Expenditure 113 of 1884
Public Works: report of the Engineer-in-Chief 58 of 1884
Quarantine (Cattle) Regulations: petition 147 of 1884
Quarantine (Cattle) Regulations: petition 159 of 1884
Quarantine Station: petition from Residents of Bruni Island 139 of 1884
Quartz Reefs at Lefroy: petitions to the Governor from miners at Lefroy and residents of Launceston 153 of 1884
R. Fitzsimons' Pension Claim: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 171 of 1884
Railways. - Parliamentary Surveys: report of the Engineer-in-Chief 107 of 1884
Real Estates Duties Department: Correspondence 119 of 1884
Real Estates Duties Department: report for 1883 47 of 1884
Recorder of Titles: report for the year ending June 30, 1884 117 of 1884
Report of Inspector of Mines for 1883 60 of 1884
Report of Select Committee on Mr. H. J. Hull's Retirement: letter from the Colonial Auditor 183 of 1884
Road Trusts: Assessments and Contributions, 1879-1883 125 of 1884
Royal Society of Tasmania: report for 1883 26 of 1884
Salmon Commissioners: report to 30th June, 1884 68 of 1884
Scale of Voting for Road Trustees, &c.: petitions 130 of 1884
Scottsdale Railway: petition for alteration of proposed route 101 of 1884
St. Joseph's Orphanage, Hobart: report for 1883 21 of 1884
St. Luke's Ragged School: report for 1883 20 of 1884
Stanniferous Deposits at Ringarooma: report by Mr. G. Thureau, F.G.S. 99 of 1884
Statistics for 1883 1 of 1884
Streets, Hobart and Launceston: Moneys Voted by Parliament in Aid of 155 of 1884
Tasmania Public Library: report for 1883 27 of 1884
Tasmanian 4 Per Cent. Loan, 1884, £800,000 45 of 1884
Tasmanian Engineer Corps: report for 1883 103 of 1884
Tasmanian Local Forces: returns 97 of 1884
Tasmanian Main Line Railway Company: estimated amount of duty on goods imported for use 76 of 1884
Tasmanian Main Line Railway: correspondence 178 of 1884
Tasmanian Main Line Railway: report of Engineer-in-Chief 116 of 1884
Tasmanian Scholarships: examiners' report for 1883 32 of 1884
Taylor's Land Claim: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 132 of 1884
Telegraph Report, 1883 51 of 1884
Territorial Police: Inspector's Report 121 of 1884
The Diseased Animals Importation Prevention Act: proclamation and regulations made under 86 of 1884
The Fire Brigades Act: regulations under 63 of 1884
The Gold Fields Regulation Amendment Act, 1883: regulations under 55 of 1884
The Governor's Salary Act, 1883. despatches from the Secretary of State transmitting copies of an order of Her Majesty in Council 67 of 1884
The Mineral Lands Act, 1884: regulations under 54 of 1884
The Mines Office, and the Mining Industry: report of the Secretary of Mines 70 of 1884
The Rabbits Destruction Act: report of the Chief Inspector 114 of 1884
The Waste Lands Acts, 1870-81: regulations under 53 of 1884
Torpedo Corps Material, &c. Progress Report from the Select Committee, with minutes of the Proceedings, and evidence 162 of 1884
Transportation to New Caledonia of French Recidivistes: telegram and correspondence 64 of 1884
Treasurer's Balances 75 of 1884
Tubercolosis in Rabbits: report by Archibald Park, M.R.C.V.S. 36 of 1884
Vaccination: report for 1883 23 of 1884
Van Diemen's Land Company's Railway Bill: report of Select Committee 118 of 1884
Warath and Penguin Mining Districts: report by G. Thureau, ESQ., F.G.S. 180 of 1884
Water Supply to North-Eastern Tin Mining Districts: report of the Inspector of Mines on the proposed scheme 151 of 1884
Western Mining Districts: report by Mr. G. Thureau, F.G.S. 89 of 1884
Wilmot Track Contractors' Claim: report of Select Committee 141 of 1884
Women and Children Employment Bill, (No. 5): petitions 158 of 1884
for paper No. 30, see page 7 of Paper No. 36 30 of 1884