Parliamentary Papers - 1869

Title Paper Number
Area and Valuation of the Several Districts in Tasmania for the Years 1858 and 1868 (Legislative Council) 43 of 1869
Area and Valuation of the Several Districts in Tasmania for the years 1858 and 1868 (House of Assembly) 41 of 1869
Attempted Assassination of Prince Alfred Despatch in reply to adddress of Condolence (House of Assembly) 30 of 1869
Attepempted Assassination of Prince Alfred Despatch in Reply to Address of Condolence (Legislative Council) 30 of 1869
Balfe v. Davies privilege case Report of Select Committee (House of Assembly) 93 of 1869
Benevolent Society Hobart Town Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 9 of 1869
Benevolent Society Launceston Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 10 of 1869
Benevolent Society Launceston Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 10 of 1869
Benevolent Society Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 9 of 1869
Board of Education Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 14 of 1869
Board of Education Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 14 of 1869
Board of Immigration Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 12 of 1869
Boards of Works and Road Trusts Amounts Apporiated or Expended (Legislative Council) 44 of 1869
Boards of Works and Road Trusts amounts Appropriated or Expended (House of Assembly) 42 of 1869
Bothwell Municipality Correspondence Relating to Alteration of Boundary (Legislative Council) 63 of 1869
Brickfields Invalid Depot Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 4 of 1869
Brickfields Invalid Depot Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 4 of 1869
Bridge over Brown's River, (Kingston) petition (House of Assembly) 121 of 1869
Bridges over the Kermandie petition (House of Assembly) 103 of 1869
Burial Ground Orford Correspondence between Mr. Charles Meredith and the Commissioner of Crown Lands (House of Assembly) 34 of 1869
Campbell Town Hospital Report for 1868-69 (House of Assembly) 8 of 1869
Campbell Town Hospital Report for 1868-69 (Legislative Council) 8 of 1869
Captain Gilmore correspondence (House of Assembly) 111 of 1869
Captain Gilmore's Claim report from the select committee (House of Assembly) 130 of 1869
Carriage Duties Amount Received 1864-8 (Legislative Council) 50 of 1869
Carriage Licences Return showing the amounts received for the years 1864, 1865, 1866 and 1867 (House of Assembly) 52 of 1869
Cascade Invalid Depot Report of Superintendent for 1868 (House of Assembly) 17 of 1869
Cascade Invalid Depot Report of Superintendent for 1868 (Legislative Council) 17 of 1869
Circular Head Petition for Bridge (House of Assembly) 63 of 1869
Clarence Municipal Accounts report of select Committee (House of Assembly) 128 of 1869
Clarence Municipality Accounts petition of Richard Strachan (House of Assembly) 97 of 1869
Coal South of Oatlands Mr. Gould's Report (House of Assembly) 18 of 1869
Coal South of Oatlands Mr. Gould's Report (Legislative Council) 18 of 1869
Colonial Attorneys Relief Act Extension to Tasmania Despatch No. 16 of 8 February 1869 (Legislative Council) 49 of 1869
Colonial Attorneys Relief Act Extension to Tasmania Despatch No. 16 of 8 February 1869 (House of Assembly) 51 of 1869
Contract for repair of old Commisariat store report of the select committee ; with evidence (House of Assembly) 118 of 1869
Control of Strees in Townships (Legislative Council) 66 of 1869
Control of Streets in Townships petition from Deloraine (House of Assembly) 75 of 1869
Convict Estimates Despatch (House of Assembly) 31 of 1869
Convicts at Port Arthur return showing their ages, period of sentence, and Unexpired Term of Sentence, and distinguishing Imperial from Colonial Convicts (House of Assembly) 68 of 1869
Correspondence Respecting Scale of Charges (Legislative Council) 51 of 1869
Council of Education Report for 1868-9 (Legislative Council) 13 of 1869
Crown Lands Return of Instalments Payable (Legislative Council) 59 of 1869
Crown Lands Return of Instalments Payable (House of Assembly) 60 of 1869
Customs Duties collected at the sub-ports in the district of Devon, 1863 to 30th June, 1869 (House of Assembly) 72 of 1869
Customs' Duties Amounts Collected in 1866, 1867, 1868 (House of Assembly) 35 of 1869
Customs' Duties Amounts Collected in 1866, 1867, 1868 (Legislative Council) 37 of 1869
Customs' Duties Comparative Return for Half-Years ended 30th June 1867, 1868, 1869 (House of Assembly) 36 of 1869
Customs' Duties Comparative Return for Half-Years ended 30th June 1867, 1868, 1869 (Legislative Council) 38 of 1869
Customs' Stations ports fo Hobart Town and Launceston (House of Assembly) 92 of 1869
Debentures Interest Paid During 1866, 1867, and 1868 and 1870 (House of Assembly) 59 of 1869
Debentures Interest Paid and Payable 1866-70 (Legislative Council) 58 of 1869
Debentures Sold and Issued from 28 July 1868 to 6 August 1869 (Legislative Council) 39 of 1869
Debentures Sold and Issues from the 28th July 1868 to the 6th August 1869 (House of Assembly) 37 of 1869
Degree of Associate of Arts Examiners' Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 68 of 1869
Degree of Associate of Arts Examiners' report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 82 of 1869
Distillation Petition of the Tasmanian Tmperance Alliance (House of Assembly) 64 of 1869
Distillation Report of Royal Commission (Legislative Council) 33 of 1869
Distribution of Troops Despatch from Secretary of State (Legislative Council) 28 of 1869
Distrinution of Troops Despatch from Secretary of State (House of Assembly) 28 of 1869
Estimated and Actual Expenditure, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1868 (House of Assembly) 119 of 1869
Estimates 1. Of Expenditure General Revenue 1870 2. Ditto Land Revenue 1870 3. Of Ways and Means 1870 4. Supplementary General Revenue 1867-8 5. Ditto Land Fund 1867-8 (Legislative Council) 52 of 1869
Estimates of the probable expenditure of the Colonial Government of Tasmania for the year 1870 (House of Assembly) 74 of 1869
Exhibitions to Superior Schools Ecaminers' Report for 1869 (House of Assembly) 15 of 1869
Exhibitions to Superior Schools Examiners' Report for 1869 (Legislative Council) 15 of 1869
Expenditure Exclusive of Public Works 1866-8 (Legislative Council) 53 of 1869
Expenditure of the Government of Tasmania for the Years 1866, 1867, and 1868 (House of Assembly) 54 of 1869
Finance Statements of Revenue and Expenditure 1868 (House of Assembly) 32 of 1869
Finance Statements of Revenue and Expenditure 1868 (Legislative Council) 34 of 1869
Fishermen Petition for the Opening the Derwent for Net-Fishing (House of Assembly) 65 of 1869
Fluke in Sheep Report of Royal Commission (Legislative Council) 32 of 1869
General Hospital Hobart Town Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 2 of 1869
General Hospital Hobart Town Report fror 1868 (House of Assembly) 2 of 1869
General Hospital Launceston Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 3 of 1869
General Hospital Launceston Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 3 of 1869
General Revenue Account Current 1868 (Legislative Council) 54 of 1869
General Revenue Account Current showing Receipts and Expenditure on Account of the year 1868 (House of Assembly) 55 of 1869
General Revenue Cash Account 1868 (Legislative Council) 55 of 1869
General Revenue Cash Account 1868 (House of Assembly) 57 of 1869
Glamorgan Police Correspondence between the Colonial Treasurer and the Warden of Glamorgan relative to Grant in Aid for 1868 (House of Assembly) 122 of 1869
Gold at Magana Mr. Gould's Report (Legislative Council) 20 of 1869
Gold at Mangana Mr. Gould's Report (House of Assembly) 20 of 1869
Gold at Waterhouse Mr. Gould's Report (House of Assembly) 19 of 1869
Gold at Waterhouse Mr. Gould's Report (Legislative Council) 19 of 1869
Governor's Allowances Despatch as to Disallowance of Bill No. 30, 32 Vict (Legislative Council) 74 of 1869
Governor's Allowances Despatch as to disallowance of bill No. 30, 32 Vict. (House of Assembly) 124 of 1869
Governor's Commission and Instructions (Legislative Council) 21 of 1869
Governor's Establishment Proposed Expenditure for 1869-70 (Legislative Council) 73 of 1869
Grants in Aid of Municipalities for the Year 1868 (House of Assembly) 40 of 1869
Grants in Aid of Municipalities for the Year 1868 (Legislative Council) 42 of 1869
Great Oyster Cove and The Three Hut Point petition for main line of road (House of Assembly) 99 of 1869
Henry Dowling petition (House of Assembly) 120 of 1869
Hospital for Insane New Norfolk Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 7 of 1869
Hospital for Insane New Norfolk Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 7 of 1869
Huon Mails correspondence (House of Assembly) 102 of 1869
Huon River petition for bridge (House of Assembly) 84 of 1869
Immigration Report of the Board for 1868 (Legislative Council) 12 of 1869
Imperial Grant of £6000 for Police and Goals Despatch from Secretary of State (Legislative Council) 31 of 1869
Insolvency and Criminal Jusrisdiction petition from merchants and traders, Launceston (House of Assembly) 95 of 1869
Interest, Pensions, and Stores amounts paid out of the Colonial Treasury to persons residing out of the Colony (House of Assembly) 79 of 1869
Invalid Depot Launceston Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 5 of 1869
Invalid Depot Launceston Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 5 of 1869
Joint Stock Companies amount of paid-up capital (House of Assembly) 123 of 1869
Joseph Brown petition (House of Assembly) 107 of 1869
Kingston petition for Roads (House of Assembly) 90 of 1869
Land Fund Account Current 1868 (Legislative Council) 56 of 1869
Land Fund Account Current Showing Receipts and Expenditure on Account of the Year 1868 (House of Assembly) 56 of 1869
Land Fund Cash Account 1866 (Legislative Council) 57 of 1869
Land Fund Cash Account 1868 (House of Assembly) 58 of 1869
Launceston Building Bill No. 1 Petition (Legislative Council) 78 of 1869
Launceston and Western Railway Correspondence (House of Assembly) 24 of 1869
Launceston and Western Railway Correspondence (Legislative Council) 24 of 1869
Launceston and Western Railway Petition against additional Gurantee of Interest (Legislative Council) 72 of 1869
Launceston and Western Railway Report of the Joint Committee with Evidence and Appendix (Legislative Council) 80 of 1869
Launceston and Western Railway report of the joint committee ; with evidence, and appendix (House of Assembly) 115 of 1869
Licensed Watermen petition (House of Assembly) 114 of 1869
Licensed Watermen return of Licensed Watermen and Boats under the Hobart Town Marine Board (House of Assembly) 112 of 1869
Loans of the Government of Tasmania on 6th August 1869 (Legislative Council) 40 of 1869
Main Line Railway Engineers' Report (House of Assembly) 23 of 1869
Main Line Railway Engineers' Report (Legislative Council) 23 of 1869
Main Line Railway Petition from Green Ponds Respecting the Route (House of Assembly) 49 of 1869
Main Line Railway Petition from Inhabitants of Green Ponds (Legislative Council) 65 of 1869
Main Line Railway Petition in Favor of from Inhabitants of Hobart Town (Legislative Council) 70 of 1869
Main Line Railway Traffic Returns (House of Assembly) 22 of 1869
Main Line Railway petition from Oatlands (House of Assembly) 71 of 1869
Main Line Railway petition in favour of, from inhabitants of Hobart Town (House of Assembly) 83 of 1869
Main Line of Railway Petition from A. F. Rookie Esq (Legislative Council) 76 of 1869
Main Line of Railway Petition from Henry Cook, Esq (Legislative Council) 77 of 1869
Mainl Line of Railway Petition from Brighton (Legislative Council) 75 of 1869
Marine Board Hobart Town Harbour Trust Fund (Legislative Council) 48 of 1869
Marine Board Hobart Town Light-House Fund (Legislative Council) 47 of 1869
Marine Board Launceston Accounts 1868 (Legislative Council) 46 of 1869
Marine Board Launceston Bye-Law No. 13 (Legislative Council) 36 of 1869
Marine Board, Hobart Town Harbour Trust Fund (House of Assembly) 76 of 1869
Marine Board, Launceston Accounts, 1868 (House of Assembly) 77 of 1869
Memorandum Showing the various Loans of the Government on the 6th of August 1869 (House of Assembly) 38 of 1869
Mersey Bridge petition (House of Assembly) 106 of 1869
Miners, Fingal application for roads (House of Assembly) 105 of 1869
Mr. Dowling Petition in Reference to Report of Joint Committee on Launceston and Western Railway (Legislative Council) 81 of 1869
Mrs. Luttrell's Case (House of Assembly) 94 of 1869
Naval Defences Despatch from the Secretary of State (House of Assembly) 27 of 1869
Naval Defences Despatch from the Secretary of State (Legislative Council) 27 of 1869
Net-Fishin in the Derwent Petition from Fishermen (Legislative Council) 62 of 1869
New Norfolk Bridge Act Amendment Bill petition (House of Assembly) 108 of 1869
New Norfolk Bridge Company petition (House of Assembly) 86 of 1869
New Norfolk Bridge petition (House of Assembly) 113 of 1869
New Norfolk Bridge petition against pontage (House of Assembly) 109 of 1869
New Norfolk Bridge report of the select Committee ; with evidence (House of Assembly) 127 of 1869
Officers in Public Works Department (Legislative Council) 79 of 1869
Order of St. Michael and St. George Despatch from Secretary of State (House of Assembly) 29 of 1869
Order of St. Michael and St. George Despatch from Secretary of State (Legislative Council) 29 of 1869
Orders in Council Superannuations (House of Assembly) 46 of 1869
Out-Door Charitable Relief (Legislative Council) 71 of 1869
Oyster Beds correspondence (House of Assembly) 104 of 1869
Paraliamentary Library Report of Commissioners (Legislative Council) 45 of 1869
Police Municipal Inspector's Report for Year to 30 June 1869 (House of Assembly) 25 of 1869
Police Municipal Inspector's Report for Year to 30 June 1869 (Legislative Council) 25 of 1869
Police Territorial Inspector's Report for Year to 30 June 1869 (House of Assembly) 26 of 1869
Police Territorial Inspector's Report for Year to 30 June 1869 (Legislative Council) 26 of 1869
Port Frederick and River Mersey petition for main road (House of Assembly) 100 of 1869
Post Office Money Order Returns 1868 (House of Assembly) 47 of 1869
Postage Reduction of Rate on books and Patterns of Light Weight from the United Kingdom (Legislative Council) 60 of 1869
Postage reduction of rate on books and patters of light weight from the United Kingdom (House of Assembly) 66 of 1869
Public Works Loans Acts details of expenditure under the various works (House of Assembly) 125 of 1869
Public Works Report of the Director of Public Works on the various Public Works with Statement of Expenditure under authority of the different Loans Acts (House of Assembly) 39 of 1869
Public Works Report of the Director of Public Works on the various Public Works, with Statement of Expenditure under authority of the different Loans Acts (Legislative Council) 41 of 1869
Queen's Asylum for Destiture Children Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 6 of 1869
Queen's Asylum for Destitute Children Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 6 of 1869
Rabbits petition from Campbell Town and Ross (House of Assembly) 73 of 1869
Ragged Schools Hobart Town Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 11 of 1869
Ragged Schools Hobart Town Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 11 of 1869
Report of the Commissioners on the Parliamentary Library (House of Assembly) 45 of 1869
Report of the Salmon Commissioners Dated Sept. 2, 1869 (Legislative Council) 61 of 1869
Report of the Salmon Commissioners dated Sept. 2, 1869 (House of Assembly) 67 of 1869
Revenue 1866-1870 (House of Assembly) 78 of 1869
Road Rates return showing the Assessment for Road Rates in the various Municipalities for the Year 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867 and 1868 (House of Assembly) 80 of 1869
Roads petitions for road to the waterhouse diggings ; also to Patersonia, Scottsdale, and Ringarooma (House of Assembly) 101 of 1869
Royal Commission on Distillation Report (House of Assembly) 44 of 1869
Royal Commission on Fluke in Sheep Report (House of Assembly) 43 of 1869
Royal Society Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 16 of 1869
Royal Society Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 16 of 1869
Salmon Expense Incurred in the Introduction (House of Assembly) 48 of 1869
Sand Paper correspondence (House of Assembly) 110 of 1869
Scab Act petition from Dorset against (House of Assembly) 85 of 1869
Scab Bill Petition from George Town Against (House of Assembly) 50 of 1869
Scab in Sheep Bill No. 7 Correspondence (Legislative Council) 64 of 1869
Scab in Sheep report the Select Committee (House of Assembly) 96 of 1869
Scottsdale petition for Roads (House of Assembly) 117 of 1869
Statistics of Tasmania for 1868 (House of Assembly) 1 of 1869
Statistics of Tasmania for 1868 (Legislative Council) 1 of 1869
Submarine Cable (House of Assembly) 61 of 1869
Sunday Bay Encroachments on the Long Beach (House of Assembly) 129 of 1869
Supplementary Estimates, 1867-8 (House of Assembly) 69 of 1869
Swamp Road, Franklin documents (House of Assembly) 88 of 1869
Tasmanaian Scholarships Examiners' Report for 1868 (Legislative Council) 67 of 1869
Tasmanian Council of Education Report for 1868-9 (House of Assembly) 13 of 1869
Tasmanian Scholarships Examiners' Report for 1868 (House of Assembly) 81 of 1869
Telegraphic Communication Petition from Circular Head (House of Assembly) 62 of 1869
The Governor's Commission (House of Assembly) 21 of 1869
The Governor's Establishment proposed expenditure for 1869-70 (House of Assembly) 87 of 1869
Timber Licences correspondence (House of Assembly) 98 of 1869
Timber Licences return of, since the opening of the Port Esperance and Southport roads (House of Assembly) 89 of 1869
Traffic on the Main Line of Road (Legislative Council) 22 of 1869
Upper Derwent Road District petition from Hamilton against annexation (House of Assembly) 116 of 1869
Upper Derwent and Hamilton Road District boundaries (House of Assembly) 91 of 1869
Vaccination Petition of Dr. E. S. Hall (Legislative Council) 69 of 1869
Vaccination petition from Edward Swarbreck Hall (House of Assembly) 70 of 1869
Waste Lands of the Colony Report by Mr. Robert Crawford (House of Assembly) 33 of 1869
Waste Lands of the Colony Report by Mr. Robert Crawford (Legislative Council) 35 of 1869
Waste Lands report from the select Committee (House of Assembly) 126 of 1869
Ways and Means 1870 (House of Assembly) 53 of 1869