Parliamentary Papers - 1886

Title Paper Number
4 Per Cent. Loans: issues compared 81 of 1886
Acreage of Tasmania 130 of 1886
Administrator of the Government: copy of proclamation and Commission 145 of 1886
Administrator of the Government: proclamation and commission 165 of 1886
Advertising: moneys expended for the Twelve months ending 31st July, 1886 147 of 1886
Agent-General, Tasmania: Commission and other papers 86 of 1886
Amounts Voted for Public Works: returns 111 of 1886
Annual Vote for Prospecting for Minerals: petition to His Excellency the Governor 154 of 1886
Approval to Acts: Telegraphic Despatch 49 of 1886
Assisted Immigration: returns 157 of 1886
Associate of Arts Degree: Examiners' Report, 1885 90 of 1886
Associate of Arts Degree: Examiners' Report, 1886 91 of 1886
Bark-Stripping Licences: correspondence 158 of 1886
Bills of Sale: return 174 of 1886
Blue Tier Mining District and its Tin Deposits: report by Inspector of Mines 72 of 1886
Board of Education: report for 1885 43 of 1886
Board of Immigration: report for 1885 38 of 1886
Boarding-Out Destitute Children: report for 1885 22 of 1886
Boys' Home, Lansdowne Crescent, Hobart: report for 1885 13 of 1886
Californian Thistle Act: report for 1885 46 of 1886
Camp of Exercise, Ross, 1886: report by Commandant 62 of 1886
Campbell Town Hospital: report for 1885 4 of 1886
Central Board of Health Interim Report 92 of 1886
Central Board of Health: return showing in detail number of meetings held and the time occupied by such meetings 99 of 1886
Central Devon Electorate petitions 177 of 1886
Centralisation of Police: report of Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 163 of 1886
Charitable Aid in Hobart and Suburbs: report for 1885 24 of 1886
Chief Inspector of Sheep: report for 1885 44 of 1886
Civil Service: return of appointment from July 1, 1885, to August 31, 1886 156 of 1886
Codlin Moth Regulations 170 of 1886
Consolidated Revenue Fund: Account Current and Assets and Liabilities 77 of 1886
Consolidated Revenue: Estimated Revenue for the years 1886 and 1887 75 of 1886
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Cascades: report for 1885 6 of 1886
Council of Education Exhibitions: report of examiners 108 of 1886
Crayfish Protection Acts: petition for amendment of certain Clauses 127 of 1886
Crayfish Protection Acts: petition for amendment of certain clauses 122 of 1886
Crown Lands Office: report of the Deputy Surveyor-General 67 of 1886
Crown Lands: agricultural selections between Ellendale and the Florentine: report of Government Surveyor 118 of 1886
Customs Duties for 1884-1885 54 of 1886
Debentures and Treasury Bills Sold 78 of 1886
Derwent Valley Bridges: report by W. C. Kernot, M.A., C.E. 102 of 1886
Derwent Valley Railway: Extension of, via Russell's Falls and Jones' River: petition 141 of 1886
Dividend Tax: return showing amount paid during 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, and half-year ended 30 June, 1886 80 of 1886
Drainage and Sewerage of the City of Hobart: report to the Central Board of Health, by Alfred Mault, Engineering Inspector to the Board 47 of 1886
Drawbacks under Sects. 5 and 6 of 48 Vict. No. 13 85 of 1886
Education Department: memorandum of Chief Secretary 169 of 1886
Electric Telegraph Department: report for 1885 56 of 1886
Erection of Public Schools Unsanctioned by Parliament 131 of 1886
Estimates of Expenditure for the year 1887 166 of 1886
Extensions North-Western Railway: reports by the Engineer-in-Chief 173 of 1886
Finance, 1885 55 of 1886
Fire Brigade Board, Hobart: report for 1885 39 of 1886
Fisheries Department: correspondence 153 of 1886
Friendly Societies in Tasmania: report on Condition 61 of 1886
General Hospital, Hobart: report for 1885 2 of 1886
General Hospital, Launceston: report for 1885 3 of 1886
George Town to East Arm Road: petition 97 of 1886
Girls' Training School Reformatory , Hobart: report for 1885 15 of 1886
Government Analyst: report for 1885 34 of 1886
Government Railways: return of Estimated Cost 176 of 1886
Hamilton Hill to Barrington Road: petition to his Excellency the Governor 96 of 1886
Hobart Benevolent Society: report for 1885 20 of 1886
Hospital for Insane, Cascades: report for 1885 8 of 1886
Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk: Interim Report of Official Visitors 48 of 1886
Hospital for Insane, New Norfolk: report for 1885 7 of 1886
Huon Railway: report of Select committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 138 of 1886
Industrial School For Girls, Hobart: report for 1885 11 of 1886
Inspector of Machinery: report for 1885 35 of 1886
Instalments on Crown Lands 76 of 1886
Interest on Fixed Deposits: Return, 1883-4-5 93 of 1886
Invalid Depot, Launceston: report for 1885 10 of 1886
Irrigation: report and Estimates by Major Cotton 140 of 1886
Ivory's Bight Road: petition for completion of 123 of 1886
James Madden's Claim for Compensation: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of the Proceedings 168 of 1886
Judges' Duties: return for first eight months of 1886 136 of 1886
Launceston Benevolent Society: report for 1885 21 of 1886
Launceston Fire Brigade Board: report for 1885 40 of 1886
Launceston Fire-Bell Tower: petition 107 of 1886
Launceston Industrial School For Girls: report for 1885 12 of 1886
Launceston Mechanics' Institute report for 1885 33 of 1886
Library of Parliament: report of Librarian 121 of 1886
Life Assurance Companies: Abstract of Comparative returns 167 of 1886
Loans of the Government 79 of 1886
Macquarie Harbour Pine and Other Timber Trees of the West Coast: report by Conservator of Forests 68 of 1886
Main Line Railway: Treasury Correspondence 53 of 1886
Main Line Railway: correspondence 149 of 1886
Main Line Railway: correspondence 150 of 1886
Main Line Railway: despatch from Agent-General, and Suggested Arrangement 125 of 1886
Maria Island: papers relating to expenditure 172 of 1886
Maria Island: production of Wine and Progress of Sericulture: returns 134 of 1886
Marine Boards: Accounts, 1885 58 of 1886
Meteorological Department: report for 1885 51 of 1886
Michael Roache: petition to his Excellency the Governor 106 of 1886
Mining Laws and Regulations: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of the Proceedings and Evidence 144 of 1886
Mount Bischoff Provident Hospital: report for 1885 5 of 1886
Mount Cameron Hydraulic Company: Rentals, and Lapsed and Forfeited Leases, Return 161 of 1886
Mount Cameron Hydraulic Company: correspondence 135 of 1886
Mount Cameron Water Supply: reports by G. J. Burke, C. E. 94 of 1886
Mr. James Madden: petition for Compensation 95 of 1886
Municipal Police: report for 1885 30 of 1886
Municipalities: Grants in Aid, 1885 60 of 1886
New Guinea, Protectorate of: correspondence 162 of 1886
New Town Charitable Institution: Report for 1885 9 of 1886
New Town Government Farm: report for 1885 41 of 1886
Nominated Immigration: correspondence 142 of 1886
Officer of Health for New Town , Sandy Bay, and Wellington Hamlets: report for 1885 28 of 1886
Orders of the Governor in Council under Superannuation Act 82 of 1886
Out-Door Relief: report for 1885 23 of 1886
Payment of Surveys: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings and Evidence 143 of 1886
Penal Establishment, Hobart: report for 1885 25 of 1886
Penal Establishment, Launceston: report for 1885 26 of 1886
Polling-Places, Legislative Council: Votes Polled, and Cost of Elections 119 of 1886
Post Office Returns: Including Money Order and Savings Bank 57 of 1886
Post and Telegraph Offices: returns-Latrobe, Forth, Don, &c. 129 of 1886
Progress of Tasmania, 1881-1885: report 178 of 1886
Properties' Classification: return 148 of 1886
Public Debts Sinking Fund: to 30th June, 1886 59 of 1886
Public Education: Inspection of Schools, 1885-6 117 of 1886
Public Education: Itinerant Teachers, Night Schools, &c. 115 of 1886
Public Libraries: Statement Showing the Appropriation of the Grant-in-Aid for the Year 1886 87 of 1886
Public Works Contracts: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings and evidence 175 of 1886
Public Works Expenditure: return 151 of 1886
Public Works, Special: suspense account 114 of 1886
Public Works: Memorandum of Proposals for the Year 1886, together with Statement of Balances available from former Votes and from Funds derived under the privisions of the Waste Lands Acts 101 of 1886
Public Works: report of the Engineer-in-Chief, 1885, (including report of Engineer of roads) 66 of 1886
Rabbits Destruction Act: report by Chief Inspector 45 of 1886
Ragged Schools and St. Luke's Free School: report for 1885 17 of 1886
Ragged Schools' Association: report for 1885 18 of 1886
Railway Surveys 159 of 1886
Railways and Public Works: report of the Royal Commission 64 of 1886
Real Estates Duties Department: report for 1885-6 52 of 1886
Real and Personal Estates Duty Proposals: petition for amendment 104 of 1886
Recorder of Titles: report for year ending June 30, 1886 100 of 1886
Regulations Under "The Education Act, 1885." 84 of 1886
Report of the Secretary of Mines, 1885: (including Inspector of Mines report) 71 of 1886
Road Districts: amounts proposed for public works, 1886, and rates levied, 1883-85 164 of 1886
Road Trust System of the Colony: report of Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings, and evidence 160 of 1886
Road Trusts: Assessment and Contributions, 1881-1885 83 of 1886
Royal Commission on Railways and Public Works: replies to and remarks upon the report, by the Engineer-in-Chief, the Government Statistician, and Mr. C. K. Sheard, C. E. 65 of 1886
Royal Society of Tasmania: report for 1885 31 of 1886
Rural Police Rate: Arrears of Municipalities 120 of 1886
Sale of Poisons Bill: petition for amendment of provisions relating to Homeopathic Medicines 105 of 1886
Salmon Commissioners: report for 1885 36 of 1886
Salmon and Trout Regulations 50 of 1886
Sanitary Condition of Launceston: report to the Central Board of Health, by Alfred Mault, Engineering inspector to the Board 139 of 1886
Scamander Silver and Gold Deposits: report by the Inspector of Mines 73 of 1886
Schedule of Main Roads for the Year 1887 124 of 1886
Signor Diego Bernacchi: petition to his Excellency the Governor 103 of 1886
St. Joseph's Orphanage and Industrial School: report for 1885 16 of 1886
St. Luke's Ragged School: report for 1885 19 of 1886
State Schools' Exhibitions: report of examiners 109 of 1886
Statistics of Tasmania for 1885 1 of 1886
Steam Dredge: correspondence between the Government and the Derwent Iron Works Company 113 of 1886
Superintendent and Inspector of Fisheries: report for 1885 37 of 1886
Survey for Railway from Glenora to Ouse, via Ellendale: petition to his Excellency the Governor 155 of 1886
Tasmanian 4 Per Cent. Loan, 1886: correspondence 152 of 1886
Tasmanian Council of Education: report for 1885 42 of 1886
Tasmanian Defence Force: report by Commandant 63 of 1886
Tasmanian Government Railways: report for 1885 70 of 1886
Tasmanian Public Library: report for 1885 32 of 1886
Tasmanian Railways: report of Engineer-in-Chief 110 of 1886
Tasmanian Scholarships: Examiners' Report, 1885 88 of 1886
Tasmanian Scholarships: Examiners' Report, 1886 89 of 1886
Taxation Proposals: petition in favour of, from inhabitants of Launceston 112 of 1886
Taxation on Capital Value of Land: petition 133 of 1886
Technical Education: letter from the Director of Education with reference to 137 of 1886
Territorial Police: report for 1885 29 of 1886
The Diseased Animals Importation Prevention Act: proclamations 116 of 1886
The Electoral Act: petition of Mr. Frederick Milne 98 of 1886
The Eucalypts and Decorative Woods of Tasmania: report by Conservator of Forests 69 of 1886
The Linda Goldfield: its Auriferous and other Mineral Deposits report by G. Thureau, F.G.S. 146 of 1886
Track From New Norfolk to the Huon: Mr. T. B. Moore's Report 128 of 1886
Training School For Boys, Cascades: report for 1885 14 of 1886
Treasurer's Balances 74 of 1886
Vaccination Amendment Bill, 1886, (No. 20): petition for rejection 171 of 1886
Vaccination Statistics 132 of 1886
Vaccination: report for 1885 27 of 1886
Volunteer Returns 126 of 1886