Parliamentary Papers - 1872

Title Paper Number
Addresses to the Queen (House of Assembly) 1 of 1872
Addresses to the Queen from the Governor and Executive Council, &c. Upon the Restoration to health of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales; and Lord Kimberley's despatch conveying her Majesty's reply (Legislative Council) 1 of 1872
Benevolent Society Hobart Town Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 11 of 1872
Benevolent Society Launceston Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 12 of 1872
Benevolent Society, Hobart Town report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 11 of 1872
Benevolent Society, Launceston report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 12 of 1872
Board of Education Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 15 of 1872
Board of Education report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 15 of 1872
Board of Education: Exhibitions to superior schools. Report for 1872. (House of Assembly) 48 of 1872
Board of Immigration Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 13 of 1872
Board of Immigration report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 13 of 1872
Brickfields Invalid Depot Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 7 of 1872
Brickfields Invalid Depot report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 7 of 1872
Bye-Laws. Petition from Campbell Town. (House of Assembly) 50 of 1872
Campbell Town Petition for Alteration in Municipal Voting (House of Assembly) S2-27 of 1872
Carriage Duties Return of Collected 1869-70 to 1871-72 (House of Assembly) 18 of 1872
Carriage Duties: return of, collected, 1869-70 to 1871-72 (Legislative Council) S2-9 of 1872
Cascades Establishments Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 10 of 1872
Cemeteries Act Amendment Bill, (No. 6): petition from residents of Sandy Bay (Legislative Council) S2-16 of 1872
Charitable Allowances. Correspondence. (House of Assembly) 54 of 1872
Convicts in Western Australia: conditions to be attached to pardons (Legislative Council) 19 of 1872
Council of Education Report for 1871-72 (House of Assembly) 14 of 1872
Council of. Education: Exhibitions to superior schools. (House of Assembly) 47 of 1872
Crown Lands at Port Cygnet Report of Mr. Laffer (House of Assembly) S2-30 of 1872
Crown Lands. Under rental, and open to applicants for rental. (House of Assembly) 56 of 1872
Customs Duties 1870 and 1871 (House of Assembly) 28 of 1872
Customs Duties amount received, 1870 and 1871 (Legislative Council) 28 of 1872
Customs. Measurement duties collected in 1871. (House of Assembly) 57 of 1872
Debentures and Treasury Bills Sold from November 1, 1871 to June 21, 1872 (House of Assembly) 26 of 1872
Debentures and Treasury Bills sold from November 1, 1871, to June 21, 1872 (Legislative Council) 26 of 1872
Debt of Tasmania (House of Assembly) S2-11 of 1872
Degree of Associate of Arts Report of Examiners of Female Candidates (House of Assembly) S2-14 of 1872
Degree of Associate of Arts Report of Examiners of Male Candidates (House of Assembly) S2-13 of 1872
Degree of Associate of Arts: report of examiners of female candidates (Legislative Council) S2-8 of 1872
Degree of Associates of Arts: report of examiners of male candidates (Legislative Council) S2-7 of 1872
Despatch Governor's Salary (House of Assembly) S2-36 of 1872
Despatch Governor's Salary and Allowances (House of Assembly) 32 of 1872
Despatch Postel Arrangements between Great Britain and the Australian Colonies (House of Assembly) S2-1 of 1872
Despatch postal arrangements between great Britain and the Australasian Colonies (Legislative Council) S2-3 of 1872
Despatches Conditions to Pardons Granted in Western Australia (House of Assembly) 19 of 1872
Despatches and Correspondence in reference to the claims of the COlony and the Imperial Government. (House of Assembly) 49 of 1872
Electric Telegraph Returns (House of Assembly) 29 of 1872
Electric Telegraph returns (Legislative Council) 29 of 1872
Escape of French Convicts from New Caledonia Circular Despatch Dated December 21, 1871 from Secretary of State (House of Assembly) 18 of 1872
Escape of French Convicts from New Caledonia: circualr despatch dated December 21, 1871 from Secretary of State (Legislative Council) 18 of 1872
Establishments at Cascades report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 10 of 1872
Exhibitions, Board of Education: examiner's report, 1872 (Legislative Council) 33 of 1872
Exhibitions, Council of Education examiners' report, 1872 (Legislative Council) 32 of 1872
Finance Comparative Statements of Revenue and Expenditure 1871 (House of Assembly) 24 of 1872
Finance: comparative statement of revenue and expenditure, 1871 (Legislative Council) 24 of 1872
Formation of New Ministry correspondence with the Governor and Memorandum (Legislative Council) 35 of 1872
General Election Return of Expense (House of Assembly) S2-25 of 1872
General Hospital Hobart Town Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 3 of 1872
General Hospital Launceston Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 4 of 1872
General Hospital, Hobart Town report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 3 of 1872
General Hospital, Launceston report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 4 of 1872
General Revenue Accounts Current 1867-1871 and Cash Account 1871 (House of Assembly) S2-7 of 1872
General revenue Accounts Current 1867-1871, and Cash Account 1871 (House of Assembly) 38 of 1872
Government Printing Establishment. Return. (House of Assembly) 60 of 1872
Hobart Town Water Act Petition from Longley and Kingborough (House of Assembly) S2-28 of 1872
Hobart Town Water Bill Petition from Kingborough (House of Assembly) S2-22 of 1872
Hospital Campbell Town Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 5 of 1872
Hospital for Insane Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 6 of 1872
Hospital for Insane report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 6 of 1872
Hospital, Campbell Town report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 5 of 1872
Huon Bridge Petitions and Correspondence (House of Assembly) S2-37 of 1872
Inercolonial Conference correspondence (Legislative Council) S2-12 of 1872
Intercolonial Conference Further Correspondence (House of Assembly) S2-23 of 1872
Intercolonial Free Trade Correspondence (House of Assembly) 20 of 1872
Intercolonial Free Trade Correspondence (House of Assembly) S2-2 of 1872
Intercolonial Free Trade correspondence (Legislative Council) S2-1 of 1872
Intercolonial Free Trade correspondence and papers (Legislative Council) 20 of 1872
Invalid Depot Launceston Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 8 of 1872
Invalid Depot, Launceston report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 8 of 1872
Land Fund Account Current 1871 and Land Fund Cash Account 1871 (House of Assembly) 39 of 1872
Land Fund Account Current 1871 and Lund Fund Cash Account 1871 (House of Assembly) 8 of 1872
Land Revenue (House of Assembly) 40 of 1872
Land Revenue Comparative Return for Fourteen Years ending 31 December 1871 (House of Assembly) S2-9 of 1872
Launceston and Western Railway Company Petition from the Chairman to the Governor in Council (House of Assembly) 45 of 1872
Launceston and Western Railway Correspondence (House of Assembly) 22 of 1872
Launceston and Western Railway Returns (House of Assembly) S2-29 of 1872
Launceston and Western Railway correspondence (Legislative Council) 22 of 1872
Launceston and Western Railway. Petition from employes for arrears of pay. (House of Assembly) 46 of 1872
Loans of Government of Tasmania (Legislative Council) 25 of 1872
Loans of the Government (House of Assembly) 25 of 1872
Main Line Railway Company Receipts and Guarantees for Interest (House of Assembly) 31 of 1872
Main Line Railway Company: receipts and guarantees for interest (Legislative Council) S2-15 of 1872
Main Line Railway Correspondence (House of Assembly) 21 of 1872
Main Line Railway Correspondence (House of Assembly) S2-24 of 1872
Main Line Railway correspondence (Legislative Council) S2-13 of 1872
Main Line Railway correspondence respecting contract (Legislative Council) 21 of 1872
Marine Boards Accounts for 1871 (House of Assembly) 31 of 1872
Marine Boards accounts for 1871 (Legislative Council) 31 of 1872
Marriage Bill Petition of Rev. Dr. Nicolson against (House of Assembly) S2-33 of 1872
Marriage Bill Petition of the Bishop and Clergy against (House of Assembly) S2-34 of 1872
Mersey and Deloraine Tramway Correspondence (House of Assembly) S2-38 of 1872
Military Barracks Return of the Occupants (House of Assembly) 35 of 1872
Military Barracks Tenders (House of Assembly) 42 of 1872
Mortgages. Registered from I July, 1867, TO 30 June, 1872 . (House of Assembly) 52 of 1872
Municipal Accounts Showing th Grants in Aid from the Public treasury paid on the Certificate of the Inspector of Police for the Year 1871 together with the Accounts of the several Municipalities as passes by the Municipal Auditor (House of Assembly) 27 of 1872
Municipal voting. Petition from Ross. (House of Assembly) 53 of 1872
Municipalities Grants in aid, and accounts, 1871 (Legislative Council) 27 of 1872
New Norfolk Bridge petition against continuance of tolls (Legislative Council) 34 of 1872
New Norfolk Bridge· Bill. Petition against. (House of Assembly) 51 of 1872
North Macquarie Road District Petition for Amendment of Cross and Bye Roads Act (House of Assembly) S2-26 of 1872
Orders in Council Superannuations (House of Assembly) 35 of 1872
Orders in Council Superannuations (House of Assembly) S2-5 of 1872
Parliamantary Library Report (House of Assembly) 36 of 1872
Port Arthur Report from the Civil Commandant (House of Assembly) S2-3 of 1872
Port Arthur Return of Prisoners, Lunatics, Hospital Patients and Paupers from January 1 to September 30, 1872 (House of Assembly) S2-16 of 1872
Port Arthur reprot from the Civil Commandant (Legislative Council) S2-2 of 1872
Port Arthur return of prisoners, lunatics, hospital patients, and paupers, from January 1 to September 30, 1872 (Legislative Council) S2-11 of 1872
Post Office Money Orders Returns for 1870-1 (House of Assembly) 30 of 1872
Post Office Money Orders returns for 1870-1 (Legislative Council) 30 of 1872
Post Office returns for the First Six Months of 1870, 1871 and 1872 (House of Assembly) 41 of 1872
Prisoners, Paupers and Lunatics at Port Arthur and Hobert Town Establishments (House of Assembly) S2-15 of 1872
Private Schoolmaster Petition Relating to Primary Schools and Exhibitions (House of Assembly) S2-32 of 1872
Private Schoolmasters: petition relating to primary schools and exhibitions (Legislative Council) S2-17 of 1872
Public Expenditure Return for the Years 1866 and 1871 and Estimate for 1873 (House of Assembly) 10 of 1872
Public Library Hobart Town Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 17 of 1872
Public Library, Hobart Town report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 17 of 1872
Public Works Under Loans Acts Report of Director of Public Works (House of Assembly) 43 of 1872
Public Works Under Local Public Works Acts (House of Assembly) S2-20 of 1872
Public Works Under Waste Lands Acts 1870 (House of Assembly) S2-21 of 1872
Queen's Asylum Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 9 of 1872
Queen's Asylum for Destitute Children report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 9 of 1872
Report of Colonial Auditor for the Year 1871 (House of Assembly) 34 of 1872
Returns Expenditure on Roads and Certain Public Works (House of Assembly) 44 of 1872
Road Districts and Boards of Works Return of Appropriations and Expenditure 1871 (House of Assembly) S2-17 of 1872
Road Districts and Boards of Works: return of appropriations and expenditure, 1871 (Legislative Council) S2-10 of 1872
Road to the Black Boy. Petition from Morven and Selby. (House of Assembly) 55 of 1872
Royal Society of Tasmania Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 16 of 1872
Royal Society of Tasmania report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 16 of 1872
Salmon Act: amended regulations (Legislative Council) S2-14 of 1872
Scab in Sheep Act Inspector's Report for 1871 (House of Assembly) 23 of 1872
Scab in Sheep Act Inspector's report for 1871 (Legislative Council) 23 of 1872
Ships built in the ports of Tasmania. (House of Assembly) 58 of 1872
Special Public Works Report of Director of Public Works (House of Assembly) S2-19 of 1872
Statistics of Tasmania 1871 (House of Assembly) 2 of 1872
Statistics of Tasmania, 1871 (Legislative Council) 2 of 1872
Sub-Inspector of sheep Letter from Chief Inspectors as to salaries and allowances (Legislative Council) S2-5 of 1872
Supplementary Estimates, 1871. (House of Assembly) 59 of 1872
Tasmanian Council of Education report for 1871-2 (Legislative Council) 14 of 1872
Tasmanian Scholarships Examiners' Report 1872 (House of Assembly) S2-12 of 1872
Tasmanian Scholarships: Examiners' Report, 1872 (Legislative Council) S2-6 of 1872
Telegraphic Communication with Europe correspondence (Legislative Council) S2-4 of 1872
Telegraphoce Communication with Europe Correspondence (House of Assembly) S2-4 of 1872
The Governor's Establishment Proposed Expenditure for 1873 (House of Assembly) 33 of 1872
Ways and Means 1873 (House of Assembly) 37 of 1872
Ways and Means 1873 (House of Assembly) S2-6 of 1872