Parliamentary Papers - 1863

Title Paper Number
AD Valorem Duties - Act 25 Vict. No. 15 Despatch from the Secretary of State, No. 54 20 Sept. 1862 (Legislative Council) S2-4 of 1863
Abolition of port Dues Petition from Inhabitants of Launceston (Legislative Council) 18 of 1863
Anglo-Austrailian Telegraph Correspondence (Legislative Council) 2 of 1863
Anglo-Australian and China Telegraph (House of Assembly) S2-49 of 1863
Annual Report of the Commissioners for the Hospital for the Insane at New Norfolk for 1862 (House of Assembly) S2-7 of 1863
Area of Crown Lands sold in 1858-1862 (House of Assembly) S2-76 of 1863
Audit Regulations (House of Assembly) 9 of 1863
Austrailian Conference  (Legislative Council) 8 of 1863
Bathurst-Street Launceston Petition (Legislative Council) 30 of 1863
Bathurst-Street Launceston Petition (Legislative Council) 34 of 1863
Board of Education Exhibitions (House of Assembly) S2-20 of 1863
Brighton Municipality Against Proposed Alteration of Boundaries Petition (Legislative Council) 42 of 1863
Buckingham Rilfles Correspondence in Reference to the Resignation the HON. T. Y. Lowes, Esq. (Legislative Council) 49 of 1863
Campbell Town Grammar School (House of Assembly) S2-33 of 1863
Campbell Town Grammar School report of select committee  (House of Assembly) S2-58 of 1863
Campbell Town Hospital  (House of Assembly) S2-46 of 1863
Charles Arthur, Esquire report from the Select Committee (House of Assembly) S2-52 of 1863
Circular Despatch 26 June, 1863 Military Defences  (House of Assembly) S2-66 of 1863
Circular Despatch of the 16th July, 1863, from the Duke of Newcastle with reference to a proposed scheme of Telegraphic Communication between Engalnd and Australia  (House of Assembly) S2-97 of 1863
Claims of the Colony on Account of Imperial Prisoners Despatch from Secretary of State No. 74 (Legislative Council) S2-2 of 1863
Claims of the Colony on Account of Imperial Prisoners Despatch from the Secretary of State, No. 73 (Legislative Council) S2-1 of 1863
Classification (House of Assembly) S2-69 of 1863
Conference of Delegates Report of the proceedings of the Inter-Colonial Conference assembled at Melbourne in March and April, 1863; together with the Instructions of His Excellency the Governor to the Delegates appointed to act on behalf of Tasmania (House of Assembly) S2-1 of 1863
Contract Surveys Surveyor-General's Report (Legislative Council) S2-12 of 1863
Copies of Orders by the Governor in council under the Super-Annuation Act 1860 (House of Assembly) S2-5 of 1863
Cornwall Hospital and Infirmary Report for 1862 (Legislative Council) 12 of 1863
Cornwall Hospital and Infirmary report for the half-year ending 31st December, 1862 (House of Assembly) S2-8 of 1863
Correspondence Between the Government and the Authorities at the Queen's Asylum for Destitute Children on the subject of Quarters for the Superintendent (House of Assembly) S2-68 of 1863
Cost of Superintendence of Prisoners Despatch from Secretary of State No. 16, of 10 April 1862 (Legislative Council) 51 of 1863
Council of Education Exhibitions (House of Assembly) S2-19 of 1863
Council of Education Report fro 1862-3 (Legislative Council) 11 of 1863
Crown Lands vote of £12,000 (House of Assembly) S2-74 of 1863
Debentures (House of Assembly) S2-43 of 1863
Debentures 1857-62 (Legislative Council) 5 of 1863
Debentures Raised for Public Works (Legislative Council) 6 of 1863
Debentures Under Acts 25 Vict No. 1 and 26 Vict No. 10 (Legislative Council) 7 of 1863
Debentures receipts for land. -Expenditure on public works (House of Assembly) S2-42 of 1863
Defences (Legislative Council) 55 of 1863
Defences Military Force in Australian Colonies Despatch (Legislative Council) 60 of 1863
Defences of the Colony report from the select committee  (House of Assembly) S2-89 of 1863
Deficiencies of Revenue in 1862 (Legislative Council) 22 of 1863
Deloraine Railway report from the joint committee  (House of Assembly) S2-70 of 1863
Despatch (No. 54) from his grace the Duke of Newcastle AD VALOREM Duties  (House of Assembly) 6 of 1863
Despatch (No. 73) from his grace the Secretary of state convict establishment  (House of Assembly) 5 of 1863
Despatch (No. 74) from his grace the Secretary of state claims the colony (House of Assembly) 3 of 1863
Despatch (No. 75) from his grace the Secretary of state convict expenditure (House of Assembly) 4 of 1863
Despatch , (No. 34), From his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, acknowledging receipt of Copy of a Resulotion passed by the House of Assembly in reference to Transportation (House of Assembly) S2-67 of 1863
Despatch From Secretary of State Acts-Allowance Of (Legislative Council) 1 of 1863
Despatch From his Grace the Duke of Newcastle, making arrangements for the Government of the Colony in case of the death or absence of the Governor; and enclosing Correspondence between the Colonial and War Departments which had taken place on the subject  (House of Assembly) 12 of 1863
Despatch No. 67 address of condolence  (House of Assembly) 8 of 1863
Despatch from Secretary of State Absence of the Governor (Legislative Council) S2-8 of 1863
Despatch from Secretary of State Address of Condolence to the Queen (Legislative Council) S2-7 of 1863
Despatch from Secretary of State Judges - Appointment (Legislative Council) S2-6 of 1863
Despatch from Secretary of State Marine Survey (Legislative Council) S2-9 of 1863
Despatch from his grace the Duke of Newcastle, regretting that the necessary funds were not marine survey (House of Assembly) 11 of 1863
Despatch from his grace the Secretary of State Allowance of Acts (House of Assembly) S2-10 of 1863
Despatch from the Secretary of State Appointment of Judges (Legislative Council) 35 of 1863
Distribution of Educational Grant  (House of Assembly) S2-30 of 1863
Duties of their Honors the Judges  (House of Assembly) S2-59 of 1863
Duties performed by Mr. Justice Pedder in 1832 (House of Assembly) S2-45 of 1863
Duties performed by the recorder, Launceston (House of Assembly) S2-61 of 1863
Education report from the joint committee  (House of Assembly) S2-84 of 1863
Electric Telegraph Returns (Legislative Council) 19 of 1863
Employment of Prisoners (Legislative Council) 52 of 1863
Estimate of probable revenue in 1863, 1864 (House of Assembly) S2-40 of 1863
Estimates of the probable expenditure of the Colonial Government of Tasmania for the year 1864 (House of Assembly) S2-94 of 1863
Estimates of the probable expenditure of the colonial Government of Tasmania for the year 1863 (House of Assembly) S2-38 of 1863
Exhibitions 1863 Board of Education (Legislative Council) 28 of 1863
Exhibitions-1863 (Legislative Council) 27 of 1863
Exports Port Frederick and circular head  (House of Assembly) S2-93 of 1863
Finance 1. Receipts and Expenditure, General Revenu, 1863 2. Receipts and Expenditure, Land Fund, 1863 3. Deficiency of General Revenue 4. Deficiency of Land Fund (House of Assembly) S2-16 of 1863
Finance 1862 Comparative Statements of Estimates and Expenditure (Legislative Council) 20 of 1863
Finance Statement of Receipts and Disbursements, 1862 (Legislative Council) S2-13 of 1863
Finance, 1862 Comparative Statements of Estimates and Expenditure  (House of Assembly) S2-28 of 1863
General Hospital Report of the Board of Management - 1862 (House of Assembly) S2-21 of 1863
General Hospital Report of the Board of Management 1862 (Legislative Council) 9 of 1863
Gold at Mount Arrowsmith (Legislative Council) 50 of 1863
Green ponds Municipality (Legislative Council) 43 of 1863
Half-Castle Islanders in Bass's Straits (Legislative Council) 48 of 1863
Hobart Town Marine Board Accounts, 1862 (Legislative Council) S2-10 of 1863
Hospital for Insane New Norfolk Report for 1862 (Legislative Council) 10 of 1863
Immigration Agent's Report for 1862 (House of Assembly) S2-15 of 1863
Immigration Agent's Reports 1862 (Legislative Council) 29 of 1863
Inspecting Surveryor correspondence between the Surveyor-General and the Government  (House of Assembly) S2-63 of 1863
Instructions Under Audit Act Rule Substituted for Rule No.14 (Legislative Council) S2-14 of 1863
Juvenile Offenders  (House of Assembly) S2-39 of 1863
King Island Light-Houses (House of Assembly) 23 of 1863
Land Fund cash account  (House of Assembly) 14 of 1863
Land sold in the differents electoral districts in 1858, 59, 60, 61, 62 (Legislative Council) 53 of 1863
Launceston and Deloraine Railway Petition (Legislative Council) 24 of 1863
Mail Packet Service Despatch (House of Assembly) S2-73 of 1863
Mail Steam Communication  (House of Assembly) S2-91 of 1863
Main Line of Road Petition Against Imposition of Rates (Legislative Council) 58 of 1863
Main Road Rate report from the select committee  (House of Assembly) S2-88 of 1863
Marine Board Accounts (House of Assembly) 24 of 1863
Marine Board progress report of select committee (House of Assembly) 26 of 1863
Marine Board, Launceston Accounts, 1862 (Legislative Council) S2-11 of 1863
Memorandum of ways and means, and of a proposed expenditure for the public service of Tasmania, for the year 1863 (House of Assembly) 10 of 1863
Mersey and Leven Roads  (House of Assembly) S2-75 of 1863
Military Contributions Despatch (circular) from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle  (House of Assembly) S2-99 of 1863
Military Froce in Australian Colonies Despatch From Secretary of State (Legislative Council) 46 of 1863
Mr. Chambers report from the select committee  (House of Assembly) S2-92 of 1863
Mr. Morgan Precis of Analogus Cases (House of Assembly) S2-17 of 1863
Mr. Pringle report from the select committee appointed to inquire into claim for a pension  (House of Assembly) S2-71 of 1863
Mr. Sams (House of Assembly) S2-80 of 1863
Mr. Sams report from the select committee (House of Assembly) S2-85 of 1863
Mulgrave-Street, Launceston Petition Against Closing (Legislative Council) 57 of 1863
Municipal Police Inspector's Sixth Report (Legislative Council) 37 of 1863
Northern Board of Education  (House of Assembly) S2-22 of 1863
Northern Board of Education Report for 1862 (Legislative Council) 21 of 1863
Oatlands Against Bill to Provide for the Establishment and Control of Public Schools in Tasmania Petition (Legislative Council) 45 of 1863
Oatlands Municipality Alteration of Boundaries Petition (Legislative Council) 44 of 1863
Of the Joint Committee of both Houses appointed to enquire into the question of a proposed Railway from Launceston to Deloraine (Legislative Council) 41 of 1863
Payments to Imperial Government on Account of Mail Service Despatch (Legislative Council) 61 of 1863
Pension and Compensation Orders of the Governor in Council Under The Superannuation Act (Legislative Council) S3-1 of 1863
Pensions  (House of Assembly) 20 of 1863
Pensions  (House of Assembly) 21 of 1863
Petition No. 1 Port Charges  (House of Assembly) S2-3 of 1863
Petition No. 2 Taxation. -Chamber of Commerce, Launceston (House of Assembly) S2-25 of 1863
Petition No. 3 Repeal of AD VALOREM Duties  (House of Assembly) 17 of 1863
Petition, No. 10 Stamps (House of Assembly) S2-37 of 1863
Petition, No. 11 Bathurst-Street (House of Assembly) S2-41 of 1863
Petition, No. 12 Stamp Duties (House of Assembly) S2-44 of 1863
Petition, No. 17 Bank Notes (House of Assembly) S2-47 of 1863
Petition, No. 19 Stamps (House of Assembly) S2-54 of 1863
Petition, No. 2 Hobart Town Corporation Act. -Clause No. 100 (House of Assembly) 16 of 1863
Petition, No. 20 Voters for Municipal Councillors (House of Assembly) S2-56 of 1863
Petition, No. 3 Taxation. -Certain Citizens in Hobart Town (House of Assembly) S2-24 of 1863
Petition, No. 33 Fielding Browne, Esq. (House of Assembly) S2-77 of 1863
Petition, No. 39 Deloraine Railway  (House of Assembly) S2-86 of 1863
Petition, No. 4 Stamps (House of Assembly) S2-31 of 1863
Petition, No. 5 Industrial Schools (House of Assembly) S2-32 of 1863
Petition, No. 6 Oatlands Goal (House of Assembly) S2-36 of 1863
Petition, No. 7 Deloraine Railway  (House of Assembly) S2-34 of 1863
Petition, No. 8 Small Debts Bill (House of Assembly) S2-35 of 1863
Police Rate  (House of Assembly) S2-65 of 1863
Port Arthur report and correspondence  (House of Assembly) S2-100 of 1863
Port Charges report of the Select Committee  (House of Assembly) S2-57 of 1863
Ports report from the select committee  (House of Assembly) S2-78 of 1863
Post Office Savings' Banks report from the select committee  (House of Assembly) S2-83 of 1863
Prison Labour report from the joint committee  (House of Assembly) S2-82 of 1863
Protest by three members of the Municipality of Spring Bay against certain payments of money (House of Assembly) S2-23 of 1863
Public Accounts Royal Commission-Northern Side (Legislative Council) S2-16 of 1863
Public Accounts Royal Commission-Souther Side (Legislative Council) S2-15 of 1863
Public Buildings-Expenditure (Legislative Council) 3 of 1863
Public Companies (Legislative Council) 56 of 1863
Public Department Report of Comission for Northern Side (Legislative Council) 17 of 1863
Public Departments Report of Commission For Southern Side (Legislative Council) 16 of 1863
Public Works-Votes for and cost of Return of (Legislative Council) 4 of 1863
Publicans' Licences 1862-3 (Legislative Council) 39 of 1863
Queen's Asylum for Destitute Children Report for 1862 (Legislative Council) 13 of 1863
Quit Rents  (House of Assembly) 18 of 1863
Railway progress report  (House of Assembly) S2-95 of 1863
Real Property Assessment (Legislative Council) 26 of 1863
Real Property Assessment  (House of Assembly) S2-50 of 1863
Real Property Law report from the recorder of titles, and returns  (House of Assembly) S2-87 of 1863
Reformatories Petition (Legislative Council) 31 of 1863
Repayment to Colonial Government on Account of Prisoners Erroneously Charged Against the Colony Despatch from Secretary of State No. 75  (Legislative Council) S2-3 of 1863
Report from the select Committee on the "Bill to amend an Act, intituled An Act prohibit Distillation within the Island of Van Diemen's Land ;" together with the Proceedings of the Committee, and Minutes of Evidence (House of Assembly) S2-51 of 1863
Report from the select committee appointed to consider the Waste Lands Bill (House of Assembly) S2-64 of 1863
Report of Mr. Gould upon the Gold-Exploring expedition - June, 1863 (House of Assembly) S2-9 of 1863
Report of the Board of Management of the Queen's Asylum for destitute children for the year 1862 (House of Assembly) S2-13 of 1863
Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the accounts and the departments of the government, southern side 11 of 1863
Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the accounts, and the Departments of the Government, Southern Side (House of Assembly) S2-11 of 1863
Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the working of the Departments on the Northern Side of the Island (House of Assembly) S2-18 of 1863
Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the working of the departments on the northern side of the island 18 of 1863
Report of the Surveyor-General in reference to the reduction of the amount estimated for contract surveys (House of Assembly) 13 of 1863
Report of the board appointed by his Excellency the Governor to inquire into the condition and efficiency of the volunteer force in Tasmania (House of Assembly) S2-48 of 1863
Retiring Allowances, &c. Orders in Council  (House of Assembly) S3-1 of 1863
Return of Pensions Granted to Retired Police Magistrate  (House of Assembly) S2-12 of 1863
Return of the Amount received from the Holders under the Pre-emptive Right Regulations of 1851, for Years ending 30 April, 1862 and 1863 respectively  (House of Assembly) S2-26 of 1863
Return showing the Mode in which the Sum of £6036 7s. 10d. has been expended for Surveys in 1862 (House of Assembly) S2-62 of 1863
Return showing the expenditure of the colony for the ten years ending 31st December, 1862 (House of Assembly) 2 of 1863
Return showing the revenue of the colony for the ten years ending 31st December, 1862 (House of Assembly) 1 of 1863
Returns - Supreme Court  (House of Assembly) S2-60 of 1863
Returns of Insolvencies, Hobart Town and Launceston (House of Assembly) S2-29 of 1863
Revenue Deficiency  (House of Assembly) 15 of 1863
Road District Assessments  (House of Assembly) S2-27 of 1863
Royal Commission Civil Service. -North Side  (House of Assembly) 22 of 1863
Royal Commission of inquiry into the mode of keeping the public accounts, and into the various Departments of the Government  (House of Assembly) 19 of 1863
Rural Police Rates (House of Assembly) S2-53 of 1863
Salmon  (House of Assembly) S2-101 of 1863
School-Houses, Hobart Town  (House of Assembly) S2-79 of 1863
Sixth Report of the Southern Board of Education Tasmania - 1862 (House of Assembly) S2-6 of 1863
Sixth Report of the inspector of the Police of Tasmania for the year ending June 30, 1863 (House of Assembly) S2-55 of 1863
Southern Board of Education Report for 1862 (Legislative Council) 15 of 1863
Stamp Duties Petition from Chamber of Commerce Hobart Town (Legislative Council) 23 of 1863
Stamp Duties Petition from Inhabitants of Launceston (Legislative Council) 40 of 1863
Statistics for 1862 (House of Assembly) S2-2 of 1863
Statistics for the Year 1862 (Legislative Council) 14 of 1863
Superior Education in Tasmania (Legislative Council) 54 of 1863
Supplementary Estimates 1858-62 (Legislative Council) 36 of 1863
Supplementary Estimates for the years 1860, 1861, 1862, & 1863 (House of Assembly) S2-102 of 1863
Supreme Court Oatlands Petition (Legislative Council) 25 of 1863
Taxation Petition from Mr. Archer (Legislative Council) 32 of 1863
Telegraphic Communication with Australia Despatch (Legislative Council) 62 of 1863
The Judges correspondence  (House of Assembly) S2-96 of 1863
The trade of Tasmania letter from the Surveyor-General (House of Assembly) 7 of 1863
Third report of the Council of Education (House of Assembly) S2-4 of 1863
Three Hut Point Wharfage and other port dues  (House of Assembly) S2-81 of 1863
Transportation Despatch (No. 40) from his Grace the Duke of Newcastle  (House of Assembly) S2-98 of 1863
Transportation to Australia Despatch (Legislative Council) 63 of 1863
Transportation to Australia Despatch From Secretary of State (Legislative Council) 47 of 1863
Vaccination report from the select committee (House of Assembly) S2-90 of 1863
Volunteer Services Report of Commission (Legislative Council) 33 of 1863
Votes for Municipal Councillors Petition from Inhabitants of Hamilton (Legislative Council) 38 of 1863
Waste Land Act progress report from the select committee (House of Assembly) 25 of 1863
Waste Lands Bill, No. 3, 1863 Petition from Lessees of Crown Lands Under Pre-emptive Right. (Legislative Council) 59 of 1863
Waste Lands memorandum by the Surveyor-General on the report of the select committee  (House of Assembly) S2-72 of 1863
Western Coutry Report of the Government Geologist (Legislative Council) 1A of 1863
Writer of the Church of Scotland Correspondence (House of Assembly) S2-14 of 1863