Parliamentary Papers - 1889

Title Paper Number
£1,000,000 3½ Per Cent. Stock Particulars as to Loan 89 of 1889
Appointment of Colonial Governors 144 of 1889
Assessment under old and Existing Act Comparative Return 51 of 1889
Bellerive-Sorell Railway 70 of 1889
Benevolent Society Hobart 56 of 1889
Boarding out Destitute Children 57 of 1889
Boards of Health Report of Conference of Members 38 of 1889
Boy's Home Industrial School Hobart Report for 1888 105 of 1889
Boy's Training School Cascades 9 of 1889
Californian Thistle Act Report for 1888-89 17 of 1889
Campbell Town Hospital 3 of 1889
Cascades Hospital for th Insane Report by Official Visitors on Statements Made by the Reverend Dean Dundas 136 of 1889
Central Board of Health 96 of 1889
Charitable Aid in Hobart and Suburbs 11 of 1889
Chief Inspector of Sheep Report for Year Ending June 30, 1889 59 of 1889
Codlin Moth Act Report of Chief Inspector to April 30, 1889 24 of 1889
Concise History of the Acclimatisation of the SalmonidÆ in Tasmania 109 of 1889
Conservator of Foressts Report for Year Ending June 30, 1889 80 of 1889
Consolidated Revenue Estimated Ways and Means 1887-8 to 1890 42 of 1889
Consolidated Revenue Fund Account Current and Assets and Liabilities 44 of 1889
Consolidated Revenue for Year 1887-8 Half-Year Ended December 31, 1888 and Years 1889 and 1890 Explanatory Statement 41 of 1889
Contagious Diseases Hospital Cascades 5 of 1889
Conversion of 4 and 6 Per Cent Debentures Correspondence 99 of 1889
Cost of Assessment of the Colony 50 of 1889
Crown Lands Office 95 of 1889
Customs Duties 1887 and 1888 73 of 1889
Customs Tariff Report from the Select Committee with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence 141 of 1889
Debentures and Treasury Bills Sold 48 of 1889
Defence Expenditure and Proposed Distribution 52 of 1889
Defence Force Raturns 77 of 1889
Deputy Surveyor-General Report for Year Ending June 30, 1889 63 of 1889
Dexter's Bequest 82 of 1889
Disinfection of Clothing and Bedding 20 of 1889
Dissolution of Parliament Petition to His Excellency the Governor 55 of 1889
District Surveyors 61 of 1889
District Surveyors Special Reports 62 of 1889
Dividend Tax 45 of 1889
Drainage of a New Buildings at Hospital for Insane New Norfolk 19 of 1889
Education Department 58 of 1889
Electric Telegraph Department 23 of 1889
Expenditure in Connection with Defence Force January 1 to July 31, 1889 88 of 1889
Finance 1888 46 of 1889
Fisheries Board Second General Report 111 of 1889
Formby Water Supply Correspondence 142 of 1889
Fox's Bequest 72 of 1889
Friendly Societies 60 of 1889
Gaols, Hobart and Launceston Sheriff's Report for 1888 86 of 1889
General Hospital Hobart 1 of 1889
General Hospital Launceston 2 of 1889
Girls' Industrial School Launceston 33 of 1889
Girls' Training School Reformatory 10 of 1889
Government Oyster Reserves Report of Committee 91 of 1889
Hobart Gas Bill 1889 No. 23 84 of 1889
Hobart General Hospital Petition for Election of Board of Management 67 of 1889
Hobart Marine Board By-Laws 2 and 3 28 of 1889
Hobart Tramway Company's Amendment Bill 1889 85 of 1889
Hospital for the Insane Cascades Hobart 7 of 1889
Hospital for the Insane New Norfolk 6 of 1889
Huon Pine Forests, West Coast Report of Conservator of Forests 35 of 1889
Industrial School for Girls 37 of 1889
Instalements on Crown Lands 43 of 1889
Instructions to Assessors 112 of 1889
Joseph Ikin Petition for Return of Net 79 of 1889
Lands' Titles Office Authority to Fill up Transfer 69 of 1889
Launceston Benevolent Society 12 of 1889
Launceston Fire Brigade Board 16 of 1889
Launceston Mechanics' Institute Report for 1888 104 of 1889
Library of Parliament Report of Librarian 148 of 1889
Licensing Bill 1889 117 of 1889
Licensing Bill 1889 No. 3 151 of 1889
Licensing Bill 1889 Petition of Mr. John Macfarlane 118 of 1889
Licensing Bill and Billard Table Licensing Bill 116 of 1889
Life Assurance Companies Abstract of Comparative Returns 126 of 1889
Loans of the Government 47 of 1889
Local Government and Police Regulation Bills 115 of 1889
Local Government and Police Regulation Bills 1889 101 of 1889
Main Line Railway Correspondence Premier's Office 31 of 1889
Main Line Railway Versus The Queen Memorandum as to Costs 121 of 1889
Marine Board Light Dues 132 of 1889
Marine Boards 27 of 1889
Marine Boards revenue and Expenditure 1889 131 of 1889
Melbourne Centennal Exhibition 1888-9 Expenses in Connection With 120 of 1889
Meteorological Department 110 of 1889
Middlesex Goldfields 125 of 1889
Mount Bischoff Provident Hospital Report for 1888 4 of 1889
Mr. F. Buck Correspondence Relative to the Introduction of German and Scandinavian Settlers 122 of 1889
Municipal Police Inspector's Report for the Year 1888 74 of 1889
New Norfolk Hospital for Insane Report on Drainage 71 of 1889
New Town Charitable Institution 8 of 1889
New Town Farm 15 of 1889
Orders in Council Under Supperannuation Act 135 of 1889
Out-Door Relief 13 of 1889
Post Office Returns Including Money Order and Savings Banks 26 of 1889
Proposed Reciprocity Treaty with Queensland 93 of 1889
Public Debts Sinking Fund To June 30, 1889 65 of 1889
Public Libraries Statement Showing the Appropriation of the Grant-in-Aid for 1888 22 of 1889
Public Works 34 of 1889
Public Works 53 of 1889
Purchase of the Main Line Railway 150 of 1889
Quality of Land and Timber Resources, Russell's Ralls River Report of Conservator of Forests 36 of 1889
Rabbit Boards 124 of 1889
Rabbits Destruction Act 1888 139 of 1889
Ragged School Association 39 of 1889
Ragged School Association 129 of 1889
Ragged School Association Petition for Continuance of the Grant in Aid 143 of 1889
Raod Trusts Assessments and Contributions 1884-1888 76 of 1889
Real Estates Duties Department 40 of 1889
Reciprocity in Intercolonial Customs Duties 97 of 1889
Recorder of Titles Report for Year Ending June 30, 1889 64 of 1889
Report of Major-General Edwards 128 of 1889
Report of the Secretary of mines for 1888-89 81 of 1889
Responsible Government, Western Austrailia Correspondence 66 of 1889
Richmond Railway Petition and Correspondence 68 of 1889
Robert Williams 149 of 1889
Rolling-Stock, Railways Memorandum in Regard to Comparisons 138 of 1889
Roman Catholic Church Trustee Amendment Bill 1889 140 of 1889
Royal Society of Tasmania 106 of 1889
Scab Act Fund Estimated Receipts and Expenditure for the Year 1890 87 of 1889
Scottsdale Line of railway Detail of Extras 127 of 1889
Scottsdale Railway Return Showing the Names and Amounts Paid for Purchase of or Compensation for Land 100 of 1889
See Paper Ko. 150 of Session of 1888. 18 of 1889
See Paper No. 149 of Session of 1888. 21 of 1889
Sorell Railway 147 of 1889
State School Exhibitions 92 of 1889
Statistics of Tasmania for 1888 103 of 1889
Tasmanian Council of Education 29 of 1889
Tasmanian Council of Education 30 of 1889
Tasmanian Defence Force Report by Commandant 90 of 1889
Tasmanian Government Railways General Manager's Report for 1888 54 of 1889
Tasmanian Government Railways Report by Engineer-in-Chief 98 of 1889
Tasmanian Main Line Railway Report of Inspection of Line by the Engineer-in-Chief with Correspondence Relating Thereto 32 of 1889
Tasmanian Main Line railway Treasury Correspondence 25 of 1889
Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens Report of the Trustees for 1888 102 of 1889
Tasmanian Public Library 14 of 1889
Tasmanian University Correspondence and Memoranda 145 of 1889
Technical School Hobart Report Committee for 1888 133 of 1889
Technical School Launceston 134 of 1889
Territorial Police inspector's Report for the Year 1888 75 of 1889
The English at the Derwent and the Risdon Settlement 108 of 1889
The Expedition Under Lieutenant Governor Collins in 1803-4 by James Backhouse Walker 108A of 1889
The Founding of Hobart by Lieutenant Governor Collins 108B of 1889
The French in Van Diemen's Land and the First Settlement at the Derwent 107 of 1889
The Hobart Tramway Company's Amendment Bill 49 of 1889
The Queen, The Tasmanian Main Line Railway Company Limited. Return in Detail of all Amounts Paid 123 of 1889
The River Clyde Report by Mr. A. Mault 114 of 1889
The Sanitary Condition of New Norfolk 130 of 1889
The Tasmanian Main Line Railway Company 94 of 1889
Trustee Bill 1889 Report of Select Committee of Legislative Council with Evidence 119 of 1889
Van Diemen's Land Company's Property Valuations by Government Assessor 78 of 1889
Water Supply of Latrobe Formby and Torquay Report by Mr. A. Mault 83 of 1889
Water Supply of the Town of St. Helen's 137 of 1889
Wattle Bark Stripping Regulations of the Governor in Council 146 of 1889
Width of Wheel Tires Tasman's Peninsula Road District Rules 113 of 1889