Parliamentary Papers - 1890

Title Paper Number
A Bill to facilitate the granting of liens on wool and crops and mortgages of stock, (No. 10): report from Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings and evidence 154 of 1890
Australasian Federation Conference, 1890: official record of the proceedings and debates 1 of 1890
Benevolent Societies' Registration: correspondence 83 of 1890
Bill to Amend the Married Women's Property Act: petition in favour of 165 of 1890
Boarding Out Destitute Children: report for 1889 22 of 1890
Boys' Home Industrial School, Hobart: report for 1889 15 of 1890
Boys' Training School, Cascades: report for 1889 17 of 1890
Branch Railway to Connect Beaconsfield with Launceston: report of Deputy Surveyor-General on proposed route 123 of 1890
Bridge over the River Mersey at Sherwood: petition 143 of 1890
Californian Thistle: report for 1889-90 33 of 1890
Camp of Exercise, 1890: report 42 of 1890
Campbell Town Hospital: report for 1889 4 of 1890
Canal, Eagle Hawk Neck: report by C. Napier Bell, M. Inst. C.E. 62 of 1890
Central Board of Health: report for 1889 25 of 1890
Charitable Grants Act: Institutions Registered Under 160 of 1890
Chief Inspector of Machinery: report for 1889 37 of 1890
Chief Inspector of Stock: report for 1889 92 of 1890
Chudleigh Line. -Sleepers Memorandum from the Engineer-in-Chief 138 of 1890
Chudleigh Railway: report of Engineer-in-Chief as to cost of alterations of rails from light to heavy 139 of 1890
Circular Head (Stanley) Harbour: report by C. Napier Bell, M. Inst. C.E. 59 of 1890
Codlin Moth Act: report of Chief Inspector 49 of 1890
Conference of Statists, 1890: report and covering letter of Mr. R. M. Johnston, Government Statistician, Tasmania 146 of 1890
Conservator of Forests: report for the year ending June 30, 1890 63 of 1890
Consolidated Revenue Fund: account current, and assets and liabilities 103 of 1890
Consolidated Revenue for years 1889, 1890. and 1891: explanatory statement 99 of 1890
Consolidated Revenue: Estimated ways and means, 1889, 1890, 1891 101 of 1890
Construction of the Chudleigh Railway: amount of tender accepted and amount actually paid 145 of 1890
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Cascades: report for 1889 9 of 1890
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Launceston: report for 1889 10 of 1890
Cost of railways in various districts compared on basis of population and property 136 of 1890
Country Between Little Swanport and Swanston: report of conservator of forests 91 of 1890
Crown Lands Office: report of the Deputy Commissioners of Crown Lands 65 of 1890
Customs Duties, 1887, 1888, and 1889 43 of 1890
Customs Duties, 1889, on Articles first made Chargeable under Act of 1888: return 89A of 1890
Customs Duties: return 88 of 1890
Defences: Memoranda from Major T. C. Just 150 of 1890
Devon Cottage Hospital: report for 1889 6 of 1890
District Surveyor's Reports 90 of 1890
Dividend Tax: return showing amount paid during 1880-89, and half-year ended 30 June, 1890 106 of 1890
Education Department: report for 1889 73 of 1890
Electric Telegraph: report for 1889 38 of 1890
Emu Bay Breakwater: report by C. Napier Bell, M. Inst. C.E. 58 of 1890
Entrance to Macquarie Harbour: report by C. Napier Bell, M. Inst. C.E. 61 of 1890
Entrance to Mersey River (Devonport): Report by C. Napier Bell, M. Inst. C.E. 57 of 1890
Expenditure in Connection with Batteries: returns 115 of 1890
Exploration of Florentine Valley: report upon marking track 77 of 1890
Extension of Western Line Railway to Wynyard: report by General Manager Government Railways 89 of 1890
Extracts from Pension Papers 140 of 1890
Finance, 1889 52 of 1890
Fisheries Act, 1889: regulations 149 of 1890
Formby and Ulverstone Railway: Contractors' Explanation of Alleged complaints 127C of 1890
Forth Road Trust: petition from P. Callaghan, J.P. 120 of 1890
Friendly Societies: reports of the Registrar and Statistician for the Year 1889 76 of 1890
Gaols, Hobart and Launceston: Sheriff's report for 1889 135 of 1890
General Hospital, Hoabart: report for 1889 2 of 1890
General Hospital, Launceston: report for 1889 3 of 1890
Girls' Industrial School, Launceston: report for 1889 80 of 1890
Girls' Training School Reformatory, Hobart: report for 1889 18 of 1890
Government Advertisements: correspondence 95 of 1890
Government Analyst: report for 1889 74 of 1890
Government Medical Officer: report for 1889 24 of 1890
Grants in Aid of Municipalities, 1888-9 44 of 1890
Harbour Trust Fund: accounts, 1889 70 of 1890
His Excellency the Deputy Governor (the Chief Justice): commission of 113 of 1890
Hobart Benevolent Society: papers and correspondence 75 of 1890
Hobart Benevolent Society: report for 1889 13 of 1890
Hobart Corporation Act: petition for amendment 133 of 1890
Hobart Fire Brigade: report for 1889 31 of 1890
Hobart Industrial School for Girls: report for 1889 16 of 1890
Hobart Marine Board: By-Laws Nos. 5 and 6, &c. 69 of 1890
Hobart Ragged Schools' Association: report for 1889 21 of 1890
Hobart Water Act: petition against bill to amend 128 of 1890
Hospital for Insane, Cascades: report for 1889 8 of 1890
Hospital for the Insane, New Norfolk: report for 1889 7 of 1890
Imperial Institute of the United Kingdom, the Colonies, and India: report of Preliminary Committee 118 of 1890
Imported Sheep: regulations prescribing the conditions upon which they may be landed in Tasmania 114 of 1890
Improvement of the River Tamar: petition 112 of 1890
Instalments on Crown Lands 102 of 1890
Invalid Depot, Launceston: report for 1889 12 of 1890
Land Tax Department: report for 1889 51 of 1890
Launceston Benevolent Society: report for 1889 14 of 1890
Launceston Fire Brigade Board: report for 1889 32 of 1890
Launceston Mechanics' Institute: report for 1889 29 of 1890
Launceston and Western Railway: receipts and expenditure (Launceston and Deloraine Section), 1889 171 of 1890
Law Costs, the Queen ats. Tasmanian Main Line Railway Company 167 of 1890
Leave of Absence Granted to Civil Servants, 1880 to 1890 125 of 1890
Library of Parliament: report of Librarian 162 of 1890
Licensing Act: petition for amendment 107 of 1890
Life Assurance Companies: Abstract of Comparative returns 164 of 1890
Loans of the Government 105 of 1890
Macquarie Island: correspondence 85 of 1890
Marine Board of Leven: BY-LAWS 45 of 1890
Marine Board, Launceston: BY-LAWS Nos. 33 and 34 40 of 1890
Marine Boards: Accounts, 1889 41 of 1890
Memorandum on Colonial Defence 158 of 1890
Mersey Bar: return showing quantity of material raised during months of August and September, 1890 155 of 1890
Mersey Marine Board: By-Law No. 15 68 of 1890
Meteorological Department: report for 1889 48 of 1890
Ministerial Authorities Re Accounts: correspondence 86 of 1890
Mount Bischoff Provident Hospital: report for 1889 5 of 1890
Mr. Catley's Pension: papers and correspondence 96 of 1890
Mr. F. Buck's Claim: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings and evidence 170 of 1890
Mr. F. Buck, Late Immigration Agent: petition to His Excellency the Governor for redress 166 of 1890
Mr. Francis Belstead: correspondence as to his right to a person, with opinions of the Law Officers thereon 93 of 1890
Mr. H. E. Smith, Chief Clerk Chief Secretary's Office: letter re increase of salary 130 of 1890
Mr. James Nimmo's Charges Against the Public Works Department report from the Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings and evidence 161 of 1890
Municipal Police: Inspector's report, 1889 35 of 1890
New Town Charitable Institution: report for 1889 11 of 1890
New Town Farm: report for 1889 26 of 1890
Noxious Trades Area at Mowbray: petitions against 152 of 1890
Noxious Trades Area petition from Rev. G. T. Heyward against completion of area 144 of 1890
Noxious Trades Area: petition from Residents of Newham, &c. 153 of 1890
Orchard Insect Pests and Blight: correspondence 94 of 1890
Orders in Council Under Superannuation Act 82 of 1890
Orders of the Day and Questions for Adjournment: Memorandum from Mr. Edwin Cradock Nowell, Clerk of the Legislative Council 122 of 1890
Out-Door Relief, City of Hobart and Suburbs: report for Half-Year Ended 30th June, 1890, by Administrator of Charitable Grants 81 of 1890
Out-Door Relief: report for 1889 23 of 1890
Piction and Port Davey: report of Conservator of Forests 79 of 1890
Post Office: report and returns for 1889 50 of 1890
Post and Telegraph Conference, 1890: report of proceedings 72 of 1890
Proposed New Harbour at Wynward: report by C. Napier Bell, M. Inst. C.E. 60 of 1890
Public Libraries: Government Grant in Aid for 1889 30 of 1890
Public Works: Memorandum of Proposals for the Year 1890, together with Satement of Approximate Balances available from former Votes and from Funds derived under the Provisions of the Waste Lands Acts 108 of 1890
Public Works: reduction in votes, &c. 169 of 1890
Public Works: report of Engineer-in-Chief (including report of Government Architect) 53 of 1890
Purchase of the Main Line Railway: correspondence , &c. 71 of 1890
Railway Construction: Memo. of Engineer-in-Chief on report from General Manager 126 of 1890
Railway Construction: further correspondence 127A of 1890
Railway Construction: further correspondence 127B of 1890
Railway Construction: reply from the General Manager of Railways to the explanation made by the Engineer-in-Chief 127 of 1890
Railway Estimates: Memo. by Engineer-in-Chief 137 of 1890
Railway Surveys: progress report 98 of 1890
Railways: Estimated and Actual Cost 159 of 1890
Recorder of Titles : report for year ending June 30, 1890 84 of 1890
Report of the Council of the University of Tasmania, under the provisions of "the Tasmanian Council of Education and Scholarship Act." 47 of 1890
Report of the Secretary of Mines, for 1889-90: including Inspector of Mines' Report 64 of 1890
Report on Country Between Ouse and Collingwood River 78 of 1890
Reservation at Newham for Noxious Trades Area: petition against 147 of 1890
Road Accomodation Between Glebe Town and the Domain: correspondence 157 of 1890
Road Trusts: assessment and contributions, 1885-9 110 of 1890
Road along the Eastern Boundary of The Queen's Domain: correspondence 124 of 1890
Royal Society of Tasmania: report for 1889 27 of 1890
Selection of Gunnery Lieutenant as Staff Officer: correspondence 142 of 1890
Sheffield Railway Connection: report by General Manager Tasmanian Government Railways 97 of 1890
Sinking Fund and Construction of Roads under "Waste Lands Act." 100 of 1890
St. Joseph's Orphanage and Industrial School: report for 1889 19 of 1890
St. Luke's Ragged School: report for 1889 20 of 1890
State Schools Exhibitions: examiners' report 116 of 1890
Statistics of Tasmania for 1889 151 of 1890
Strahan and Mount Zeehan District: report on Sanitary Condition 34 of 1890
Sunday Trains: petitions against cessation of 148 of 1890
Survey Department: Annual Report for 1889 66 of 1890
T.M.L. Railway Suspense Account: report of Auditor-General, and correspondence thereon 141 of 1890
Tasmanian Defence Force: report by Acting Cammandant 121 of 1890
Tasmanian Defences: recommendations by Lieut.-Col. Legge, R.A. 129 of 1890
Tasmanian Government Railways: Detailed Return of Traffic Staff 168 of 1890
Tasmanian Government Railways: report by Engineer-in-Chief 55 of 1890
Tasmanian Government Railways: report by General Manager 56 of 1890
Tasmanian Main Line Railway: Treasury Correspondence 39 of 1890
Tasmanian Main Line Railway: opinion of Crown Solicitor as to Liability of Government 163 of 1890
Tasmanian Main Line Railway: report of inspection by the Engineer-in-Chief 54 of 1890
Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens: report of the Trustees for 1889 111 of 1890
Tasmanian Public Library: report for 1889 28 of 1890
Temporary Staff, Public Works and Railway Departments 119 of 1890
Territorial Police Force: return showing Names, Ages, and Dates of appointments of Members enrolled during the Twelve Months ending 30th June last 131 of 1890
Territorial Police: Inspector's report for the year 1889 36 of 1890
The Discovery and Occupation of Port Dalrymple: by James B. Walker 117 of 1890
The Public Debts Sinking Fund to June 30, 1890 87 of 1890
The Rabbits Destruction Act. report of Chief Inspector 67 of 1890
The River Leven: report by C. Napier Bell, M. Inst. C.E. 134 of 1890
The University of Tasmania: Degree of Associate of Arts, 1890 Tasmanian Scholarships, 1890 Examination for Exhibitions, 1890 46 of 1890
Treasury Bills Sold 104 of 1890
Water Supply of Swansea: report by Mr. A. Mault 156 of 1890
Water Supply of Triabunna, Spring Bay: report by Mr. A. Mault 109 of 1890
West Coast Telegraphs: report by Superintendent of telegraphs 132 of 1890