Parliamentary Papers - 1896

Title Paper Number
Abel Janzoon Tasman: His Life and Voyages S2-11 of 1896
Appointment of Clerk Assistant and Usher of the Black Rod, Legislative Council: correspondence between the President and the Chief Secretary S2-87 of 1896
Boarding-Out Destitute Children: report for 1895 S2-14 of 1896
Boys' Training School, Cascades: report of the Managers for the year 1895 S2-12 of 1896
Central Board of Health: report for the year 1895 S2-42 of 1896
Charitable Grants Department: report for 1895 S2-25 of 1896
Codlin Moth Rate: tax collected and expenditure, 1891-95 S2-75 of 1896
Commissioner of Taxes: report for 1895 S2-45 of 1896
Consolidated Revenue for years 1895, 1896, and 1897: explanatory statement S2-37 of 1896
Consolidated Revenue: abstract statement showing the revenue of the year 1895, the revenue for the year 1896 re-estimated, and the revenue for 1897 S2-38 of 1896
Constitution Amendment Act (Bill No. 7): proclamation notifying Queen's Assent S2-88 of 1896
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Hobart: report for 1895 S2-4 of 1896
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Launceston: report for 1895 S2-16 of 1896
Conversion and Consolidation of Public Debt S2-40 of 1896
Customs Duties, 1894-5, with appendix by Inspector S2-27 of 1896
Department of Lands and Surveys: report of Surveyor-General and Secretary for Lands for 1895 S2-47 of 1896
Departmental Expenses: particulars of, 1896 S2-70 of 1896
Diphtheria in Hobart and Neighbourhood: report by C. E. Barnard, M.D., and A. Mault, with appendices S2-21 of 1896
Education Department: report for 1895 S3-35 of 1896
Finance Papers S2-39 of 1896
Finance, 1895 S2-41 of 1896
Foreign Companies Bill, 1895: Despatch, and correspondence S2-24 of 1896
Friendly Societies: report of the Registrar and the Statistician for the year 1896 S2-85 of 1896
Gambling: petition against 3 of 1896
Gambling: petitions against sweeps, consultations, &c. S2-67 of 1896
Gaols, Hobart and Launceston: report for 1895 S2-34 of 1896
General Hospital, Hobart: report for 1895 S2-1 of 1896
General Hospital, Launceston: report for 1895 S2-2 of 1896
Girls' Training School Reformatory, Hobart: report for 1895 S2-17 of 1896
Government Analyst: report for 1895 S2-71 of 1896
Government Medical Officer's Report: report for 1895 S2-3 of 1896
Hobart Benevolent Society: report for 1895 S2-5 of 1896
Hobart Corporation Bill, (No. 16): petition from the Corporation of Hobart S2-69 of 1896
Hobart Fire Brigade Board: report for 1895 S2-7 of 1896
Hobart Water Supply and River Pollution: correspondence S2-22 of 1896
Inspection of Machinery Department: report for 1895 S2-8 of 1896
Intercolonial Medical Congress, Dunedin, 1896: report of Gregory Sprott, M.D., D.P.H. representative of Tasmania S2-28 of 1896
Launceston Benevolent Asylum: report for 1895 S2-6 of 1896
Launceston Benevolent Society: report for 1895 S2-15 of 1896
Launceston Fire Brigade Board: report for 1895 S2-13 of 1896
Library of Parliament: report of Librarian S2-86 of 1896
Life Assurance Companies: Abstract of returns for years 1887 to 1895 S2-84 of 1896
Marine Boards of Tasmania: conference of representatives, Hobart, September, 1896 report of proceedings, &c. S2-77 of 1896
Memorandum of Public Works Proposals, 1896 S2-59 of 1896
Metropolitan Drainage Board: report S2-33 of 1896
Montagu (Zeehan) Electric Light and Motive Power Bill, 1896, (private): report of Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings, evidence, and appendices S2-61 of 1896
Mount Lyell and Strahan Railway Bill, 1896, (private): report of Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings, evidence, and appendix S2-58 of 1896
Municipal Police: Commissioner's report for the year 1895 S2-29 of 1896
New Town Charitable Institution: report for 1895 S2-19 of 1896
Parliamentary Library: special report of committee S2-81 of 1896
Police Districts: Police rates collected, and cost of police S2-62 of 1896
Post and Telegraph Department: report for 1895 S2-23 of 1896
Postal and Telegraphic Conference, Sydney, 1896: report of the Delegates S2-44 of 1896
Public Works: report for 1895-6 S2-52 of 1896
Queenstown and Gormanston Tramway Bill, 1896, (private): report of Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings, evidence, and appendices S2-63 of 1896
Railway Stores: report of the Inspector of Stores upon the management and system of purchase S2-48 of 1896
Real Estate: assessment and taxation S2-54 of 1896
Recorder of Titles: report for 1895 S2-26 of 1896
Report of the Secretary for Mines for 1895-6: including reports of the Inspector of mines, &c. S2-60 of 1896
Report on the Sewerage and Drainage of the City of Hobart: report by Mr. C. Napier Bell, M. Inst. C.E. S2-9 of 1896
Road Trusts: assessments and contributions, 1891-1895 S2-83 of 1896
Route to the West Coast S2-74 of 1896
Route to the West Coast S2-82 of 1896
Route to the West Coast: report of Mr. George Campbell Meredith on the track from the Navigable Waters of the Gordon River to its junction with the Serpentine River S2-53 of 1896
Sewer and Drain Ventilation, and House Drainage: report by Mr. A. Mault, Consulting Engineer to the Board S2-10 of 1896
Sewerage and Drainage of the city of Hobart S2-9.5 of 1896
Some Conditions of Australian Federation, S2-76 of 1896
Statistics for the year 1895 S2-49 of 1896
Tasmanian Council of Education S2-65 of 1896
Tasmanian Defence Force: report by the Commandant S2-20 of 1896
Tasmanian Government Railways S2-36 of 1896
Tasmanian Government Railways: report for 1895 S2-31 of 1896
Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens: report of the Trustees for 1895 S2-72 of 1896
Tasmanian Public Library: report for 1895 S2-18 of 1896
Tasmanian University: cost of Maintenance, and number of degrees conferred, &c. S2-64 of 1896
Territorial Police: Commissioner's report for the year 1895 S2-30 of 1896
The Australian Rights Purchase Bill, 1896, (private): report of Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings, evidence, and appendices S2-78 of 1896
The Bills of Sale Bill, 1896, (No. 34): report of Select Committee S2-79 of 1896
The Codlin Moth Act, 1888: report by Chief Inspector S2-57 of 1896
The Great Western Railway and Electric Ore Reduction Company's Bill, 1896, (private): report of Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings, evidence, and appendices S2-80 of 1896
The Mining Industry of Tasmania paper read by Mr. F. Belstead, Secretary for Mines, at the Annual Meeting of the Chamber of Commerce, 30th October, 1895 1 of 1896
The Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Company, Limited: easement and leases of Land required S2-73 of 1896
The Public Debts Sinking Fund, to June 30, 1896 S2-51 of 1896
The Rabbits Destruction Act, 1889: report by Chief Inspector S2-56 of 1896
The Stock Act, 1889: report by Chief Inspector S2-55 of 1896
The Superannuation Act. orders made by Governor in Council since last session of Parliament S2-43 of 1896
Trade with the United Kingdom: Memorandum from the Honorable the Treasurer S2-46 of 1896
University of Tasmania: report for 1895 S2-32 of 1896
Van Diemen's Land Company Warath and Zeehan Railway Bill, 1896, (Private): report of Select Committee, with minutes of the proceedings and evidence S2-50 of 1896
Van Diemen's Land Company: capital value of properties taxed under "The Real Estates Duties Act." 2 of 1896
Village Settlement: first report of the Committee S2-66 of 1896
Women's Franchise: petition from adult residents S2-68 of 1896