Parliamentary Papers - 1885

Title Paper Number
Administration of Charitable Grants 154 of 1885
Advertising Moneys Expended in 1884 and Half-Year Ending 30th June 1885 143 of 1885
Aid to Mining Petition to His Excellency the Governor 149 of 1885
Amounts Voted for Public Works Returns 107 of 1885
Associate of Arts Degree 41 of 1885
Berlin Telegraphic Conference Report 127 of 1885
Board of Education 42 of 1885
Board of Immigration 34 of 1885
Boarding out Destitute Children Report for 1884 21 of 1885
Boy's Home Lansdowne Crescent Report for 1884 13 of 1885
Bribery and Hours of Polling at Elections 116 of 1885
Californian Thistle Act Report of Chief Inspector 97 of 1885
Campbell Town Hospital 4 of 1885
Charitable Aid in Hobart and Subsurbs Report for 1884 23 of 1885
Chief Inspector of Sheep Report for 1884 89 of 1885
Civil Service Return of Appointments from January 1, 1883 to June 30, 1885 150 of 1885
Compensation Paid for Land for Railway Purposes 147 of 1885
Completion of Authorised Railways Estimates 119 of 1885
Consolidated Revenue Estimated Revenue for the Years 1885 and 1866 69 of 1885
Consolidated Revenue Fund Account Current and Assets and Liabilities 72 of 1885
Contagious Diseases Hospital Cascades Report for 1884 6 of 1885
Council of Education 38 of 1885
Council of Education Exhibitions 39 of 1885
Crown Lands Office Report of the Deputy Surveyor-General 57 of 1885
Customs Duties, 1883 and 1884 48 of 1885
Debentures Redeemable During 1885, 1886, 1887 and 1888 75 of 1885
Debentures and Treasury Bills Sold 73 of 1885
Debentures, Treasury Bills, Appropriations from Revenue Particular of Provision Proposed to be Made 158 of 1885
Derwent Valley Railway Petition in Favour of Proposed Extension to the Ouse 109 of 1885
Derwent Valley Railway Petition in Favour of Proposed Extension to the Ouse 120 of 1885
Devidend Tax 78 of 1885
Duggan Ikin Depositions 85 of 1885
Eagles and Native Tigers Petition for Power to Levy Rate for Destruction of, from Municipality of Spring Bay 100 of 1885
Elections-Bribery and Hours of Polling Petition 111 of 1885
Estimates of Expenditure for the Year 1886 70 of 1885
Estmates for Railways Memorandum from the Engineer-in-Chief 126 of 1885
Expedtion from Van Diemen's Land to Port Phillip in 1835 44 of 1885
Federal Council of Australasia Despatch 130 of 1885
Finance 1884 49 of 1885
Fire Brigade Board Launceston 36 of 1885
Fire Brigade Board, Hobart 35 of 1885
Fisheries Department Report for the Year Ending 31st July 1885 90 of 1885
General Hospital Hobart Report for 1884 2 of 1885
General Hospital, Launceston Report for 1884 3 of 1885
Girls' Training School Reformatory Hobart Report for 1884 15 of 1885
Gold Fields Regulations 68 of 1885
Gold Fields Regulations 133 of 1885
Government Analyst 32 of 1885
Government Geologist 146 of 1885
Government and Tasmanian Main Line Railways Report of Engineer-in-Chief 82 of 1885
Gunner Scurrah S.T.V.A. Papers Concerning His Dismissal 86 of 1885
Hansard Report of Select Committee with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence 153 of 1885
Hobart Benevolent Society Report for 1884 19 of 1885
Hospital for Insane Cascades Report for 1884 8 of 1885
Industrial School for Girls Hobart Report for 1884 11 of 1885
Industrial School for Girls Launceston Report for 1884 12 of 1885
Instalments Upon Crown Lands 71 of 1885
Intercolonial Free Trade Victoria and Tasmania Report of Proceedings of Intercolonial Delegates 79 of 1885
International Telegraph Conference Berlin 128 of 1885
Invalid Depot Launceston Report for 1884 10 of 1885
Kerosene Oil Petition from Messrs. Macfarlane Brothers 145 of 1885
King River and Mount Lyell Gold Fields Report by Mr. Commissioner Glover 129 of 1885
Launceston Benevolent Society Report for 1884 20 of 1885
Launceston and Western Railway Company Limited Memorial of the Board of Firectors Dated July 20, 1885 96 of 1885
Launceston and Western Railway Report for 1884 66 of 1885
Library of Parliament Report of Librarian 118 of 1885
Life Assurance Companiues Abstract of Comparative Returns 7 of 1885
Lighthouse Tasmania's Island Correspondence 103 of 1885
Loans of the Government 74 of 1885
Main Line Railway 47 of 1885
Main Roads General Rules 117 of 1885
Marine Boards 52 of 1885
Mersey Coal Deposits Report by G. Thureau Esq. F.G.S. 64 of 1885
Mersey and Deloraine Railway Detail of Expenditure 104 of 1885
Meteorological Observer 45 of 1885
Mount Bischoff Provident Hospital 5 of 1885
Mount Cameron Hydraulic Tin Mining Company's Water Race 105 of 1885
Mount Claude Silver-Lead Deposits Report by G. Thureau Esq. F.G.S. 62 of 1885
Mount Victoria, Dan Rivulet, Black Boy, and Magana Gold Fields Report by G. Thureau Esq F.G.S. 61 of 1885
Mount Zeehan Silver-Lead Deposits Report By G. Thureau Esq F.G.S. 63 of 1885
Mr. G. Thureau F.G.S. Correspondence with Minister of Lands and Works 101 of 1885
Mr. Henry's Case Report of Select Committee with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence 152 of 1885
Mr. Samuel Henry Petition for Redress for Loss of Office 80 of 1885
Municipal Action East Devon Report from the Select Committee with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence 157 of 1885
Municipal Action Port Sorell Petitions 84 of 1885
Municipal Police 29 of 1885
Municipalities 55 of 1885
New Town Charitable Institution Report for 1884 9 of 1885
New Town Government Farm 37 of 1885
Notices of Intention to Vest Certain Lands 98 of 1885
Offeces against the Person Bill 1885 No. 22 132 of 1885
Offences against the Person Bill 1885 No. 22 135 of 1885
Officer of Health, New Town, Sandy Bay and Wellington Hamlets 27 of 1885
Orders of the Governor in Council Under Supperannuation Act 81 of 1885
Out-Door Releief Report for 1884 22 of 1885
Parliamentary Privileges Report from Select Committee with Minutes Proceedings 140 of 1885
Particulars of Proposed New Loan 76 of 1885
Penal Establishment Hobart Report for 1884 24 of 1885
Penal Establishment Launceston Report for 1884 25 of 1885
Police Court Burnie Report from Select Committe with Minutes of Proccedings 155 of 1885
Post Office Returns, Including Money Order and Savings Bank Returns 51 of 1885
Printing and Stationery Departments 122 of 1885
Public Debts Sinking Fund 54 of 1885
Public Health Bill 1885 No. 7 Petition against Certain Provisions 91 of 1885
Public Health Bill 1885 No. 7 Petition against Certain Provisions 92 of 1885
Public Health Bill No. 7 Petitions against certain provisions from the Mayors of Hobart and Launceston 99 of 1885
Public Schools Exhibitions 43 of 1885
Public Works Memorandum of Proposed Expenditure 83 of 1885
Public Works Report for the Engineer-in-Chief 56 of 1885
Purchase of Main Line Railway Correspondence 94 of 1885
Ragged School Association Report for 1884 102 of 1885
Ragged Schools Hobart Report by Chief Inspector of Schools 17 of 1885
Railway Rolling Stock Return 113 of 1885
Railway Rolling Stock Return of the Cost 148 of 1885
Railway from Hobart to Huon Petitionfor Construction 125 of 1885
Raods, Bridges, Jetties Proposed Expenditure 1885 139 of 1885
Real Estates Duties Department 46 of 1885
Receprocity Treaty between Tasmania and Victoria Petition in Favour Of 108 of 1885
Recorder of Titles Report for Year Ending June 30, 1885 87 of 1885
Remissions of Customs Duties 77 of 1885
Report of Inspector of Mines for 1884 59 of 1885
Report on Defences Tasmania 65 of 1885
Ringarooma High Level Water Race 60 of 1885
Ringarooma Water-Race Report and Abstract of Estimate by Mr. G. J. Burke, M.I.C.e. 141 of 1885
Risdon Embankment Main Line Railway Report of of Engineer-in-Chief on Recent Slip 134 of 1885
Road Trusts Assesments and Contributions 1880-1884 95 of 1885
Royal Society of Tasmania 30 of 1885
Salmon Commissioners 33 of 1885
Site for a Store on the Esplanade at Formby 142 of 1885
Spring Bay and Glamorgan One Electorate 115 of 1885
St. Helen's Point, East Cast of Tasmania 53 of 1885
St. Joseph's Orphanage and Industrial School Report for 1884 16 of 1885
St. Luke's Ragged School Report for 1884 18 of 1885
Standing Orders Revision Report of Select Committee 151 of 1885
Statistics of Tasmania for 1884 1 of 1885
Tasmania Main Line Railway 110 of 1885
Tasmanian Defence Force Commandant's Report 93 of 1885
Tasmanian Public Library 31 of 1885
Tasmanian Scholarships 40 of 1885
Technical Education Letter from Government Analyst 136 of 1885
Telegraph Report for 1884 50 of 1885
Territorial Police 28 of 1885
The Derwent Valley Railway Extension Report from the Select Committee with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence 124 of 1885
The Mines Office and the Mining Industry Report of the Secretary of Mines 58 of 1885
The Mount Cameron Hydraulic Company's Water race 138 of 1885
The Rabbits Destruction Act Report of the Chief Inspector 88 of 1885
The Torrens' Act Report from the Select Committee with Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence 121 of 1885
Third Rail between Evandale Junction and Deloraine 123 of 1885
Torpedo Boat 114 of 1885
Training School for Boys Cascades Report for 1884 14 of 1885
Treasurer's Balances 67 of 1885
Ulverstone Railway Report of Engineer--n-Chief on Proposed Alternative Line of Railway 144 of 1885
Vaccination Act Petition for Repeal of Compulsory Clauses 131 of 1885
Vaccination Report for 1884 26 of 1885
Volunteer Force Numerical Return 112 of 1885
Volunteer Forces North and South Return 156 of 1885
Votes Expended in Aiding the Development of Mining Letter from the Secretary for Mines and Water Supply, Victoria 106 of 1885
Wyett's Tramway Report from the Select Committee with Minutes of the Proceedings and Evidence 137 of 1885