Parliamentary Papers - 1888

Title Paper Number
Advertising: Moneys Expended for the Twelve Months Ending 30 June, 1888 142 of 1888
Appointment of Hon. E. N. C. Braddon as Agent-General for Tasmania: Instructions, &c. 147 of 1888
Bankruptcy Court, Launceston: correspondence 51 of 1888
Boarding-Out Destitute Children: report for 1887 22 of 1888
Boys' Home Industrial School, Hobart: report for 1887 96 of 1888
Boys' Training School, Cascades: report for 1887 15 of 1888
Californian Thistle Act: report by Chief Inspector for the Year ending June 30, 1888 79 of 1888
Cambridge Rabbit District: petition for alteration of Boundaries 92 of 1888
Camp of Exercise, Elwick: report by Commandant 39 of 1888
Campbell Town Hospital: report for 1887 5 of 1888
Cascade Asylum: correspondence between the official visitors, Surgeon-Superintendent, and the Government 68 of 1888
Central Board of Health: Interim Report 118 of 1888
Central Board of Health: report for 1887 102 of 1888
Chief Inspector of Sheep: report for year Ending June 30, 1888 101 of 1888
Chinese Question: correspondence, and report of conference held at sydney, June, 1888 76 of 1888
Codlin Moth Act, 1887: regulations 111 of 1888
Codlin Moth Act: report of Chief Inspector 80 of 1888
Codlin Moth Act: return of Acreage Under Orchard, 1887-88 162 of 1888
Codlin Moth Bill, 1888, (No. 29): petitions 130 of 1888
Conservator of Forests: report for 1887-8 43 of 1888
Consolidated Revenue Fund: account current, and assets and liabilities 60 of 1888
Consolidated Revenue: Comparative Statement of Net Collections for Twelve Months ended, respectively , 30 June, 1887, and 30 June, 1888 82 of 1888
Consolidated Revenue: estimated ways and means for half-year ending December 31, 1888, and for 1889 58 of 1888
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Cascades: report for 1887 7 of 1888
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Launceston: report for 1887 8 of 1888
Contagious Diseases Hospital, Launceston: report for 1888 153 of 1888
Country Rifle Clubs: report by Superintendent 40A of 1888
Courts of Requests and Courts of General Sessions: return of cases filed nad tried during the Year ending 31 December, 1887 52 of 1888
Crown Lands Office: Annual Report, 1887 41 of 1888
Curator of Intestate Estates and Colonial Auditor: Additional correspondence and special report 103 of 1888
Customs Duties, 1886 and 1887 34 of 1888
Death of the Emperor Frederick of Germany: acknowledgement of addresses of condolence 146 of 1888
Debentures and Treasury Bills Sold 86 of 1888
Derwent Valley Railway: petition for survey of Alternative Route 91 of 1888
Derwent Valley Railway: petitions against deviation via Ellendale 114 of 1888
Devon Cottage Hospital: report for 1888 155 of 1888
District Surveyors: reports for 1887-8 44 of 1888
Dividend Tax 81 of 1888
Dividend Tax: return showing amount paid during 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, and 1887 61 of 1888
Division of Municipal Districts:  report from the Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 129 of 1888
Drainage of the Hospital for the Insane at New Norfolk: report of the Engineering Inspector of the Central Board of Health 150 of 1888
Eastern Extension and China Telegraph Company: articles of agreement between the Government and the Company 119 of 1888
Education Department: regulations 73 of 1888
Education Department: report for 1887 49 of 1888
Electric Telegraph Department: report for 1887 35 of 1888
Esplanade, Shipwrights' Point: correspondence relating to occupation of part of Esplanade by Messrs. Edward James & Co. 122 of 1888
Estimates of Expenditure for half-year ending 31 December, 1888 83 of 1888
Estimates of Expenditure for the year ending 31 December, 1889 133 of 1888
Finance, 1887 62 of 1888
Finance: July 1, 1887, to June 30, 1888 148 of 1888
Fire Brigade Board, Hobart: report for 1887 29 of 1888
Fire Brigade Board, Hobart: report for 1888 161 of 1888
Fire Brigade Board, Launceston: report for 1887 30 of 1888
Fisheries Board Report: November, 1887, to June, 1888 105 of 1888
Fisheries of Tasmania: report by Sir Thomas Brady, and remarks thereon by Mr. W. Saville-Kent, Inspector of Fisheries 105A of 1888
Free v. Hospital Board: bill of costs 93 of 1888
Gaols, Hobart and Launceston: Sheriff's Report for  1887 66 of 1888
General Hospital, Hobart: report for 1887 3 of 1888
General Hospital, Launceston: report for 1887 4 of 1888
Girls' Training School Reformatory, Hobart: report for 1887 16 of 1888
Government Analyst: report for 1887 71 of 1888
Government Analyst: report for 1888 158 of 1888
Government Farm, New Town: report for 1887 28 of 1888
Green Ponds and Chudleigh Railways: memoranda as to improvement of lines 163 of 1888
Harbour Extension at Emu Bay, and Road from Warath to Heazlewood: petitions from residents of the North West Coast 165 of 1888
Heazlewood Silver-Lead and other Ore Deposits: report by Mr. G. Thureau, F.G.S. 143 of 1888
Hobart Benevolent Society: report for 1887 20 of 1888
Hobart Gas Bill, (No. 32) petition, Hobart Gas Company 136 of 1888
Hospital for Insane, Cascades: report for 1887 10 of 1888
Hospital for the Insane, New Norfolk: report for 1887 9 of 1888
Industrial School for Girls, Hobart: report for 1887 13 of 1888
Inspector of Fisheries: report for 1887-8 65 of 1888
Inspector of Fisheries: report for half-year ended 31 December, 1888 159 of 1888
Inspector of Machinery: report for 1887 27 of 1888
Inspector of Machinery: report for 1888 154 of 1888
Inspector of Surveys: report for 1887-8 42 of 1888
Instalments on Crown Lands 59 of 1888
International Customs Bureau: memorandum of proposal 145 of 1888
Invalid Depot, Launceston: report for 1887 12 of 1888
Invalid Depot, Launceston: report for 1888 152 of 1888
Lake Crescent Water Supply: report from the Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 124 of 1888
Launceston Benevolent Society: report for 1887 21 of 1888
Launceston Industrial School for Girls: report for 1887 14 of 1888
Launceston Mechanics' Institute: report for 1887 26 of 1888
Library of Parliamen report of Librarian 135 of 1888
Life Assurance Companies: abstract of comparative returns 141 of 1888
Loans of the Government 87 of 1888
Local Government Bill: petition against, from Municipal Council of Bothwell 78 of 1888
Local Government Bill: petition from Warden of Bothwell 107 of 1888
Local Government and Police Regulation Bills: petition 131 of 1888
Main Line Railway: report by Engineer-in-Chief 69 of 1888
Main Line Railway: treasury correspondence 33 of 1888
Marine Board Act: Petition from John Banderet for enquiry into the working 151 of 1888
Marine Board Amendment Bill, (No. 5) petition against amendments of House of Assembly 139 of 1888
Marine Boards: Accounts, 1887 37 of 1888
Meteorological Department: report for 1887 31 of 1888
Mount Bischoff Provident Hospital: report for 1887 6 of 1888
Mount Cameron Water-Race Act, 1887: regulation 112 of 1888
Mount Cameron Water-Race: regulations 75 of 1888
Mount Zeehan Silver and Argentiferous Lead Lodes and other Ore Deposits: report by Mr. G. Thureau, F.G.S. 144 of 1888
Mount Zeehan Silver-Lead Lodes and other Deposits: report by G. Thureau, F.G.S., Government Mining Geologist 48 of 1888
Mount Zeehan Syndicate and the Government: Memorandum of Agreement 64 of 1888
Mount Zeehan Tramway: correspondence and other papers 97 of 1888
Mr. G. J. Burke: return showing payments made for services in connection with the Mount Cameron Water-Race 137 of 1888
Mr. H. E. Smith, Chief Clerk Chief Secretary's Office: letter re increase of salary 70 of 1888
Mr. William Reid Bell: petition 67 of 1888
Mr. William Reid Bell: petition 77 of 1888
Municipal Police: Inspector's report for the year 1887 55 of 1888
Municipalities: Grants in Aid, 1887 38 of 1888
New Guinea Protectorate: Memorandum respecting the position of Tasmania in Regard to Liability for Contributions 113 of 1888
New Town Charitable Institution: report for 1887 11 of 1888
Occupations of the People: return showing the number of persons on the basis of Census, 1881 88 of 1888
Orders in Council Under the Superannuation Act 72 of 1888
Orient Steam Navigation Company: Draft of Agreement for conveyance of mails 106 of 1888
Out-Door Relief: report for 1887 23 of 1888
Post Office Returns: including money order and savings banks 36 of 1888
Postal Conference, 1888: proceedings of the conference 53 of 1888
Public Debts Sinking Fund, to June 30, 1888 98 of 1888
Public Libraries: appropriation of Grant-in-Aid 89 of 1888
Public Works Expenditure:  report from the Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 127 of 1888
Public Works: Memorandum of Proposals for the Year 1888, together with Statement of Approximate Balances available from former Votes and from Funds derived under the provisions of the Waste Lands Acts 63 of 1888
Public Works: report of Engineer-in-Chief, (including reports of Engineer of roads and Government Architect) 45 of 1888
Quarantine: Memorandum by the Secretary of the Central Board of Health 90 of 1888
Ragged Schools Association: report for 1887 18 of 1888
Real Estate Duties Department: report for 1887 32 of 1888
Recorder of Titles: report for year ending June 30, 1888 95 of 1888
Reductions Made in Office of Lands and Works: return 121 of 1888
Report of the Secretary of Mines for 1887-8: (including Inspector of Mines' report) 47 of 1888
Representation of Tasmania at the last session of the Federal Council: correspondence, memorandum, and minutes 1 of 1888
Resolutions Relating to Customs Duties: procedure of Parliament 94 of 1888
Revised Estimates of Expenditure for 1889 125 of 1888
Road Between Dynan's Ford Bridge and V.D.L. Co.'s crossing-place: correspondence re vote for survey 120 of 1888
Road Trusts: assessments and contributions, 1883-1887 104 of 1888
Royal Commission on Charitable Institutions: expenses 166 of 1888
Royal Commission on Charitable Institutions: report 50 of 1888
Royal Society of Tasmania: report for 1887 126 of 1888
Sanitary Condition of Weldborough: report of the Engineering Inspector of the Central Board of Health 156 of 1888
Sanitary Condition of the Municipality of Fingal: report of the Engineering Inspector of the Central Board of Health 149 of 1888
Scab Act Fund: estimated receipts and expenditure for the year 1889 123 of 1888
Solomon Child's Case:  report from the Select Committee, with minutes of proceedings and evidence 128 of 1888
St. Joseph's Orphanage and Industrial School: report for 1887 17 of 1888
St. Joseph's Orphanage and Industrial School: report for 1888 160 of 1888
St. Luke's Ragged School: report for 1887 19 of 1888
State Schools Exhibitions: Examiners' Report 100 of 1888
Statistics of Tasmania for 1887 2 of 1888
Steam Dredge "AGNEW:" report of Board of Enquiry 54 of 1888
Submarine Cable Company: receipts, expenditure, and maintenance, 1884-1887 134 of 1888
Supplementary Estimates: half-year ended 30 June, 1887, and 1887-8 57 of 1888
Tasmanian Council of Education: A.A. Degree, 1888. Tasmanian Scholarships, 1888. Council's Exhibitions, 1888. 84 of 1888
Tasmanian Council of Education: report for 1887-8 85 of 1888
Tasmanian Defence Force: report by Commandant 40 of 1888
Tasmanian Government Railways: General Manager's report for 1887 46 of 1888
Tasmanian Museum and Botanical Gardens: report of the Trustees for 1887 132 of 1888
Tasmanian Public Library: report for 1887 25 of 1888
Tasmanian Railways: report of Engineer-in-Chief, and correspondence relating thereto 74 of 1888
Tax on Capital Value of Real Property: petition against 115 of 1888
Tax on Hay, Straw, and Chaff: petition of Cabmen, &c., Against Impositions of 109 of 1888
Tax on Personal Property: petitions 108 of 1888
Tax on Personalty: petition against 116 of 1888
Taxation Proposals: petition from Cabmen and others 99 of 1888
Technical Education: report of committee 110 of 1888
Territorial Police: report for 1887 56 of 1888
Territorial and Municipal Police: returns 117 of 1888
Vaccination: report for 1887 24 of 1888
Water Supply, Bothwell and Hamilton Districts: petition 140 of 1888
Water Supply, Bothwell and Hamilton Districts: petition 157 of 1888
William Howard: petition 138 of 1888
William Upton & Son: petition against action of the Central Board of Health 164 of 1888