Parliamentary Papers - 1901

Title Paper Number
1. Governor's Letters Patent and Instructions 2. Dormant Commission Appointing the Senior Judge to Administer the Government of Tasmania in the Absence of the Governor 21 of 1901
Accession of His Most Gracious Majesty Edward VII Proclamation 19 of 1901
Accounts of the Municipal Councils of Hobart and Launceston Observations of the Auditor-General 46 of 1901
Agent-General in London Report for the Year 1900-1901 52 of 1901
Alienated Unoccupied Land in each Municipal District and Rural Municipality with Annual and Capital Value of Same 58 of 1901
British Congress on Tuberculosis London 1901 59 of 1901
Bubonic Plague Conference of Delegates, Melbourne April 1901 20 of 1901
Bush Fire Relief Fund report and Balance Sheets 1899-1900 14 of 1901
Central Board of Health Report for 1900 51 of 1901
Charitable Grants Department Report for 1900 15 of 1901
Commissioner of Taxes Report for 1900 40 of 1901
Conservation of Water Blue Tier District 55 of 1901
Consolidated Revenue 34 of 1901
Consolidated revenue for Years 1900, 1901 and 1902 Explanatory Statement 33 of 1901
Contagious Diseased Hospital Launceston Report for 1900 22 of 1901
Cost of Before and Since Centralisation 72 of 1901
Council of Agriculture Report for 1900 53 of 1901
Death of Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria 18 of 1901
Department for Neglected Children Report for 1900 27 of 1901
Department of Lands and Surveys Report of the Surveyor-General and Secretary for Lands 1900-1901 47 of 1901
Department of Public Works 28 of 1901
Education Department Report for 1900 23 of 1901
Emu Bay Railway Company Limited Agreement 57 of 1901
Finance 1900 36 of 1901
Finance Papers 35 of 1901
Gaold Hobart and Launceston Report for 1900 24 of 1901
General Hospital Hobart Report for 1900 10 of 1901
General Hospital Launceston Report for 1900 2 of 1901
Government Analyst Report for 1900 56 of 1901
Governor of Tasmania 62 of 1901
Great Western Railway Company Correspondence 44 of 1901
H.R.H the Duke of Cornwall and York Reply to Addresses 31 of 1901
Hobart Fire Brigade Board Report for 1900 7 of 1901
Inspection of Machinery Department Report for 1900 3 of 1901
Inspection of the Ringarooma River from Branxholm to Boobyalla 67 of 1901
Lake St. Clair, Lake Echo and The Great Lake Water Power 29 of 1901
Language and Dialects Spoken by the Aborigines of Tasmania 69 of 1901
Launceston Benevolent Asylum Report for 1900 16 of 1901
Launceston Fire Brigade Board Report for 1900 1 of 1901
Library of Parliament Report of the Librarian for 1900-1901 45 of 1901
Life Assurance Companies 60 of 1901
Marine Board of Strahan 68 of 1901
Marine Boards Accounts for 1900 17 of 1901
Memorandum of Public Works Proposals 1901 42 of 1901
Meteorological Department Report for 1900 39 of 1901
Mining Board Launceston October 1901 63 of 1901
Mining Lessees 73 of 1901
National Physical Culture Scheme of C. Bjelke Petersen 66 of 1901
New Town Charitable Institution Report for 1900 9 of 1901
Papers RE Technical Teaching in State Schools 64 of 1901
Police Department Report for 1900 25 of 1901
Post and Telegraph Department Report for 1900 12 of 1901
Public Government Grant-in-Aid for 1900 26 of 1901
Public Works Unexpended Balances to the End of 1900 74 of 1901
Rat Extermination Report for 1900 6 of 1901
Rat Extermination Report of the Hobart Joint Committee 71 of 1901
Recorder of Titles Report for 1900 11 of 1901
Report by Chief Inspector 54 of 1901
Report of the Secretary for Mines for 1900-1901 4 of 1901
River Gaugings and Examination of Lakes 30 of 1901
Road Trusts and Town Boards Assessments and Contributions 1896-1900 43 of 1901
Royal Commission on Municipal Government of Hobart and Suburbs Report 5 of 1901
Statistics for the Year 1900 38 of 1901
Suggestions for Gauging Rivers 48 of 1901
Supplementary Public Works Proposals 65 of 1901
Tasmanian Defence Force Report by the Commandant 49 of 1901
Tasmanian Government Railway Rolling Stock and Permanent Way Inquiry 61 of 1901
Tasmanian Government Railways Report for 1900 13 of 1901
Tasmanian Public Library Report for 1900 8 of 1901
The Civil Service Bill 1900 Act 64 Vict. No. 69 Proclamation of Royal Assent 41 of 1901
The Geeveston Tramways and Timber Leases Bill 1901 70 of 1901
The North Mount Lyell Mining and Railway Bill 1901 50 of 1901
The Public Debts Sinking Fund to june 30, 1901 37 of 1901
University of Tasmania Report for 1900 32 of 1901