Parliamentary Papers - 1873

TitlePaper Number
Admiralty Survey of Tasmanian Coasts Correspondence as to Completion (House of Assembly)32 of 1873
Admiralty Survey of Tasmanian Coasts correspondence as to completion (Legislative Council)32 of 1873
Admission of Pupils to General Hospital correspondence (Legislative Council)36 of 1873
Agricultural Emigration Correspondence Relating to the Emigration of Agricultural Labourers from Birmingham (House of Assembly)97 of 1873
Agricultural Labourers: emigration from Birmingham (Legislative Council)61 of 1873
Australian Colonies Duties Act Despatch from the Right Hon. Secretary of State (House of Assembly)82 of 1873
Australian Colonies Duties Act despatch from the right Hon. Secretary of state (Legislative Council)53 of 1873
Benevolent Society Hobart Town Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)12 of 1873
Benevolent Society Launceston Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)13 of 1873
Benevolent Society, Hobart Town report for 1872 (Legislative Council)12 of 1873
Benevolent Society, Launceston report for 1872 (Legislative Council)13 of 1873
Board of Education report for 1872 (Legislative Council)16 of 1873
Board of Eduction Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)16 of 1873
Board of Immigration Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)14 of 1873
Board of Immigration report for 1872 (Legislative Council)14 of 1873
Boarding out System Extracts from a work by Florence Hill Entitled Children of the State (House of Assembly)75 of 1873
Boards of Management Attendence 1872 (House of Assembly)33 of 1873
Boards of Management attendance, 1872 (Legislative Council)33 of 1873
Boys' Home Industrial School Reports 1869-70-1872-3 (House of Assembly)18 of 1873
Boys' Home Industrial School reports, 1869-70-1872-3 (Legislative Council)18 of 1873
Brickfields Invalid Depot Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)7 of 1873
Brickfields Invalid Depot report for 1872 (Legislative Council)7 of 1873
Cascades Establishment Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)10 of 1873
Cascades Establishments report for 1872 (Legislative Council)10 of 1873
Charitable Grants Expenditure (House of Assembly)67 of 1873
Colonial Auditor correspondence with the Government with reference to appointment (Legislative Council)59 of 1873
Crown Lands Purchaseres who have Applied for Time to pay their Instalments (House of Assembly)56 of 1873
Crown Lands Return of Lots Sold in the Different Districts between 1 June 1872 and 1 June 1873 (House of Assembly)54 of 1873
Custom House Agents Return (House of Assembly)63 of 1873
Customs Comparative Return of Revenue 1871 and 1872 (House of Assembly)30 of 1873
Customs comparative return of revenu, 1871 and 1872 (Legislative Council)30 of 1873
Debentures and Treasury Bills (House of Assembly)48 of 1873
Debentures and Treasury Bills amount sold from June 22, 1872,  to May 31, 1873 (Legislative Council)44 of 1873
Deceased Wife's Sister Marriage Bill, petitions against, 1. from Bishop and Clergy ; 2. from Women (Legislative Council)39 of 1873
Degree of Associate of Arts Examiners' Report for 1873 (House of Assembly)101 of 1873
Degree of Associate of Arts: examiners' report for 1873 (Legislative Council)65 of 1873
Delorain Petition against the Collection of Railway Rate (House of Assembly)45 of 1873
Destiture Children Correspondence with Administrator of Public Grants (House of Assembly)65 of 1873
Destitute Children correspondence and extracts respecting their education and treatment, and the boarding-out system (Legislative Council)54 of 1873
Direct Taxation: petition from Mr. John Murphy (Legislative Council)70 of 1873
East Bay Neck Canal report from Public Works Department on the Cost of Cutting (House of Assembly)40 of 1873
Electric Telegraph Returns for 1872-3 (House of Assembly)31 of 1873
Electric Telegraph returns for 1872-3 (Legislative Council)31 of 1873
Estimates 1873 Items not included and estimated Reductions and Svings (House of Assembly)74 of 1873
Estimates for the Six Months from 1st July to 31st December 1873 General Revenue and Land Fund (House of Assembly)69 of 1873
Estimates of Expenditure for the Year 1874 (House of Assembly)108 of 1873
Estimates of Expenditure for the year 1874 (Legislative Council)68 of 1873
Estimates, 1873 items not included, and estimated reductions and savings (Legislative Council)51 of 1873
Exhibition Buildings, South Kensington despatch and papers relating to Colonial Court (Legislative Council)38 of 1873
Exhibitions Under Board of Education examiners' report, 1873 (Legislative Council)42 of 1873
Exhibitions Under Council of Education Examiners' report, 1873 (Legislative Council)41 of 1873
Exhibitions Under Road od Education Examiners' Report 1873 (House of Assembly)72 of 1873
Exhinitinons Under Council of Education Examiners' Report 1873 (House of Assembly)71 of 1873
Finance Comparative Statements of Revenue and Expenditure 1872 (House of Assembly)46 of 1873
Finance Statements: for the year 1872 (Legislative Council)45 of 1873
Financial Gold Fields Commissioner's Report (House of Assembly)81 of 1873
Fingal Gold-Fields Return of Duties of the Gold Commissioner and Mining Registrar (House of Assembly)62 of 1873
Frankiln District Return of Expenditure since November 27, 1871 (House of Assembly)73 of 1873
Furniture and Maintenance of Government House Despatch No. 5, 8 March 1872 from the Secretary of State (House of Assembly)85 of 1873
Furniture and Maintenance of Government House despatch No. 5, 8 March, 1872, from the Secretary of State (Legislative Council)55 of 1873
General Hospital Hobart Town Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)3 of 1873
General Hospital Launceston Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)4 of 1873
General Hospital, Hobart Town report for 1872 (Legislative Council)3 of 1873
General Hospital, Launceston report for 1872 (Legislative Council)4 of 1873
General Revenue Account Current and Assets and Liabilities 1872 (House of Assembly)50 of 1873
General Revenue account current, 1867 to 1871, and assets and liabilities, 1872 (Legislative Council)46 of 1873
General Revenue and Land Fund Accounts Current Showing Balances (House of Assembly)94 of 1873
General Revenue and Land Fund Estimated Deficiencies (House of Assembly)61 of 1873
George Town and Waterhouse Gold Fields Commissioner's Report (House of Assembly)57 of 1873
Government Laons (Legislative Council)43 of 1873
Hospital Campbell Town Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)5 of 1873
Hospital For Insane, New Norfolk report for 1872 (Legislative Council)6 of 1873
Hospital Pupils Correspondence (House of Assembly)99 of 1873
Hospital Pupils, &c. further correspondence (Legislative Council)63 of 1873
Hospital for Insane New Norfolk Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)6 of 1873
Hospital, Campbell Town report for 1872 (Legislative Council)5 of 1873
Income Tax Petition of John Murphy (House of Assembly)98 of 1873
Income Tax: Memorial of Colonists against (Legislative Council)79 of 1873
Inspector of Police Return of Duties (House of Assembly)90 of 1873
Intercolonial Conference Report of Proceedings (House of Assembly)2 of 1873
Intercolonial Conference report of proceedings (Legislative Council)2 of 1873
International Exhibition Papers Relating to the London International Exhibition of 1873 (House of Assembly)53 of 1873
Invalid Depot Launceston Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)8 of 1873
Invalid Depot, Launceston report for 1872 (Legislative Council)8 of 1873
Land Fund Account Current and Assets and Liabilities 1872 (House of Assembly)51 of 1873
Land Fund account current, &c. 1872 (Legislative Council)48 of 1873
Land Fund instalments and rent due; lands rented and sold, &c. (Legislative Council)47 of 1873
Land Revenue (House of Assembly)52 of 1873
Land to Immigrants petitions (Legislative Council)52 of 1873
Launceston Loans Bill Petition of Ratepayers of Launceston Against (House of Assembly)87 of 1873
Launceston Municipal Council Laons Bill, (No. 27): petition from Launceston against (Legislative Council)81 of 1873
Launceston Municipal Council Loans Bill, (No. 27): petition against passing (Legislative Council)78 of 1873
Launceston and Western Railway Rate: Petition from inhabitants of Deloraine against (Legislative Council)72 of 1873
Launceston and Western Railway Rate: petition from inhabitants of Launceston against (Legislative Council)71 of 1873
Launceston and Western Railway report from date of transfer to April 30, 1873 (Legislative Council)35 of 1873
Launceston and Western Railways Rate: petition from Evandale for exemption (Legislative Council)75 of 1873
Launceston and Western Railways Rate: petition from Westbury (Legislative Council)77 of 1873
Launceston and Western and Railway Report by the Minister of Lands and Works (House of Assembly)38 of 1873
Launceston and Wetern Railway Rate: petition from inhabitants of Longford against (Legislative Council)74 of 1873
Life Assurance Act Correspondence with New South Wales (House of Assembly)103 of 1873
Light Houses Report of Conference of Representatives of Marine Depatments of Australian Colonies (House of Assembly)111 of 1873
Light Houses: report of conference of Representatives of Marine Departments of Australasian Colonies (Legislative Council)80 of 1873
Loans of the Government (House of Assembly)47 of 1873
Main Line Railway Additional Correspondence (House of Assembly)91 of 1873
Main Line Railway Further Report from the Select Committee with Minutes and Evidence (House of Assembly)112 of 1873
Main Line Railway Interest Payable During Construction (House of Assembly)44 of 1873
Main Line Railway Land Reserved on Each Side (House of Assembly)107 of 1873
Main Line Railway Letter Mr. Audley Coote (House of Assembly)43 of 1873
Main Line Railway Petition from Oatlands for Change of Route (House of Assembly)106 of 1873
Main Line Railway Progress Report from the Select Committee with Minutes and Evidence (House of Assembly)86 of 1873
Main Line Railway Route: petition from inhabitants of Oatlands, Green Ponds, and Hamilton (Legislative Council)73 of 1873
Main Line Railway additional correspondence (Legislative Council)58 of 1873
Main Line Railway correspondence (Legislative Council)25 of 1873
Main Line Railway: petition from Bothwell as to route (Legislative Council)69 of 1873
Main Line Railway: petition from Oatlands , Green Ponds, Bothwell and Hamilton for change of route (Legislative Council)76 of 1873
Main line Railway Contract Letter from Mr. Higinbotham Engineer-in-Chief to Victorian Railways (House of Assembly)41 of 1873
Mainline Railway Correspondence (House of Assembly)25 of 1873
Marine Boards Accounts for 1872 (House of Assembly)28 of 1873
Marine Boards Accounts for 1872 (Legislative Council)28 of 1873
Mersey and Deloraine Tramway Correspondence (House of Assembly)36 of 1873
Mersey and Deloraine Tramway Mr. Tidy's Report (House of Assembly)37 of 1873
Military Barracks Tenders Accepted for Rental (House of Assembly)70 of 1873
Ministerial Memorandum, of 6th September, 1866 (Legislative Council)56 of 1873
Miss Bishton Correspondence with the Lands and Works Department (House of Assembly)105 of 1873
Municipal Council, Launceston revenue, 1870-2 (Legislative Council)50 of 1873
Municipalities Grants in Aid in 1872 (House of Assembly)27 of 1873
Municipalities: Grants in Aid in 1872 (Legislative Council)27 of 1873
Oatlands Petition for the Enforcement of the Main Line Railway Contract (House of Assembly)39 of 1873
Orders in Council Superannuations (House of Assembly)42 of 1873
Parliamentary Library Librarian's Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)26 of 1873
Parliamentary Library Librarian's report for 1872 (Legislative Council)26 of 1873
Pensions to which Officers in the Public service would be Entitled on December 31, 1872 (House of Assembly)104 of 1873
Pensions: return of approximate amount, on December 31, 1872 (Legislative Council)67 of 1873
Police Municipal Inspector's Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)20 of 1873
Police Territorial Inspector's Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)19 of 1873
Police, Municipal Inspector's Report for 1872 (Legislative Council)20 of 1873
Police, Territorial Inspector's report for 1872 (Legislative Council)19 of 1873
Port Arthur Correspondence and Papers Relating to Repairs to Buildings (House of Assembly)96 of 1873
Port Arthur Mr. Cheverton's Report on the State of the Buildings (House of Assembly)77 of 1873
Port Arthur Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)11 of 1873
Port Arthur Returns Relating to Removal of Prisoners (House of Assembly)76 of 1873
Port Arthur report for 1872 (Legislative Council)11 of 1873
Post Office Stamps Sold 1870-2 and Money Order Returns 1871-2 (House of Assembly)29 of 1873
Post Office stamps sold, 1870-2; and money order returns, 1871-2 (Legislative Council)29 of 1873
Public Education Petition from Right Rev. Bishop Murphy (House of Assembly)79 of 1873
Public Education Petition from Roman Catholics of Kingston and Port Cygnet (House of Assembly)59 of 1873
Queen's Asylum Correspondence Relating to Apprenticing Children and Powers of Guardians (House of Assembly)34 of 1873
Queen's Asylum correspondence relating to apprenticing children and powers of guardians (Legislative Council)34 of 1873
Queen's Asylum for Destitute Children Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)9 of 1873
Queen's Asylum for Destitute Children report for 1872 (Legislative Council)9 of 1873
Ragged Schools Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)17 of 1873
Ragged Schools report for 1872 (Legislative Council)17 of 1873
Railway Rate Petition from Launceston fro Relief from Payment (House of Assembly)89 of 1873
Refreshmen Rooms Report from the Select Committee (House of Assembly)88 of 1873
Return in Reference to the Collection of the Launceston and Western Railway Rate (House of Assembly)109 of 1873
Return of Lots Sold in Devon, Wellington and Westmoreland (House of Assembly)55 of 1873
Road Policy Petition from East and West Devon and Wellington (House of Assembly)60 of 1873
Road Trusts Grants in Aid (House of Assembly)95 of 1873
Road Trusts: Grants in Aid, 1871-2 (Legislative Council)62 of 1873
Roads and Bridges Amount Expended 1871-73 (House of Assembly)64 of 1873
Roads and Bridges Report of Select Committee on Bonuses in Land (House of Assembly)84 of 1873
Royal Society of Tasmania Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)21 of 1873
Royal Society of Tasmania report for 1872 (Legislative Council)21 of 1873
Salmon History of It's Introduction and Distribution of Ova 1869-1872 (House of Assembly)80 of 1873
Scab in Sheep Chief Inspector's Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)23 of 1873
Scab in Sheep Chief Inspector's report for 1872 (Legislative Council)23 of 1873
Sheep Return of to 1st February 1873 (House of Assembly)24 of 1873
Sheep return of, to 1st February, 1873 (Legislative Council)24 of 1873
Sorell Causeway Correspondence Between Commissioners, Contractors and the Government (House of Assembly)110 of 1873
Sorell Causeway correspondence between commissioners, contractors, and the Government (Legislative Council)57 of 1873
Special Public Works Report of the Hon. The Minister of Lands and Works and Director of Public Works (House of Assembly)35 of 1873
Statistics for Tasmania for 1872 (Legislative Council)1 of 1873
Statistics of Tasmania for 1872 (House of Assembly)1 of 1873
Supplementary Estimates on the General and Land Fund for 1871 (House of Assembly)68 of 1873
Tasman's Peninsula Mr. Surveyor Blackwood's Report (House of Assembly)66 of 1873
Tasmania and Victoria Submarine Telegraph Transfer to Another Company (House of Assembly)83 of 1873
Tasmanian Council of Education Report for 1872-3 (House of Assembly)15 of 1873
Tasmanian Council of Education report for 1872-3 (Legislative Council)15 of 1873
Tasmanian Public Library Report for 1872 (House of Assembly)22 of 1873
Tasmanian Public Library report for 1872 (Legislative Council)22 of 1873
Tasmanian Scholarships Examiners' Report for 1873 (House of Assembly)100 of 1873
Tasmanian Scholarships: examiners' report for 1873 (Legislative Council)64 of 1873
Transit of Venus Correspondence as to making Hobart Town a Post of Observation (House of Assembly)92 of 1873
Transit of Venus Further Correspondence (House of Assembly)102 of 1873
Transit of Venus despatch and correspondence respecting station of observation for united states Government in Tasmania (Legislative Council)66 of 1873
Transit of Venus, 1874 correspondence as to making Hobart Town a post of observation (Legislative Council)60 of 1873
Tuition at General Hospital, Hobart Town return (Legislative Council)40 of 1873
Ulverstone petition that it may be made port of entry (Legislative Council)37 of 1873
Vaccination Bill Petition from Medical Practitioners (House of Assembly)78 of 1873
Waste Lands Act Petition for Revision of the Regulations of the Waste Lands Act (House of Assembly)58 of 1873
Ways and Means 1874 (House of Assembly)49 of 1873
Ways and Means 1874 (House of Assembly)93 of 1873
Ways and Means estimates for 1874 (Legislative Council)49 of 1873